A good example of why physiatrists consider audiophilia an obsessive compulsive neurosis...

This is what is wrong with our hobby: Con men are taking advantage of our irrational behavior.

"Voodoo dose work if you believe in it. But science works whether you believe in it or not."

"By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also."

But isn't that the same clever psychological tactic that those traveling shill salesmen have been using for centuries? 

"Here we have this genuine silver plated cutlery set that would normally retail at Harrods for £2000 a set. How much am I asking? 

A grand (£1000)? nah, do me a favour! Not even a monkey (£500), nope for this one time only this royal set, the same as her majesty uses I'm told, can be yours for a only a ton (£100). I'm practically giving them away. Quick take them off my hands before I'm arrested for robbing myself!" etc etc

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum until the customer begins to believe that paying anything more than a few pence for a mere fuse MUST be good value for money.
  • "By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also." 

Tell an engineer that he's wrong and he will hound you for the rest of your life in an attempt to convince you that he's right. It's the nature of the beast. They just cannot take criticism. 

Not if you must own the worlds most expensive fuse. Impress your friends! Nobody, no skeptic can deny THAT! They probably have purses and screwdrivers that people think cost too much.
But is it really the most expensive? There might be one more expensive very soon. In which case you failed. Now that fuse is maybe just maybe ok as a spare. That’s just how the cookie crumbles. It happens all the time.

By even starting a stupid post like this, make those that have even paid as much as $150!!! for a 10c fuse look just as gullible and been shafted big time also.

Cheers George
YES , Is it made of pure gold ? If you want to blow your money on it , go ahead . Even if I was a billionaire I wouldn`t .
You fuse; then you accuse other audiophile crews.
You lose screws musing looking for clues.
Pay your dues.
Your views? Some refuse. 
These overused fuse views give me the blues.
Confusion ensues.
Time for brews. You choose. 
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?"
Yup here
  • He didn’t say one fuse sounded better but that it sounded "different" in their Aventage line of AV receivers
  • He didn’t say anything about $100 or $3,000 fuses sounding better than $2 fuses
  • He basically said they were trying different fuses so they would have multiple sources for production, so they were probably all $2 fuses
Not sure that I learned anything except that some people believe different fuses can change the sound of a Yamaha AV receiver based on what could arguably be called a blind listening test.

And that would include the engineers at Yamaha.

All the best,

Why would anyone put boutique fuses in an inexpensive Yamaha receiver?  Send the money to me instead. I will make better use of it. 
Where should these fuses and all other special fuses be used? Only in amplifiers on in any audio equipment?
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?" 
Yup here
  • He didn't say one fuse sounded better but that it sounded "different" in their Aventage line of AV receivers
  • He didn't say anything about $100 or $3,000 fuses sounding better than $2 fuses
  • He basically said they were trying different fuses so they would have multiple sources for production, so they were probably all $2 fuses
Not sure that I learned anything except that some people believe different fuses can change the sound of a Yamaha AV receiver based on what could arguably be called a blind listening test.
So if those fuses are $2800, I wonder how much StereoTimes got paid for that ludicrous review.  There is no voracity or credibility left in the audio review arena.
com·mon sense/ˌkämən ˈsens/noun
  1. good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.

log·ic/ˈläjik/See definitions in:AllTechnologyPhilosophynoun
  1. 1.reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Dazed and confused. 
Confuseous says.....
Nuclear fusion discovered.
Jazz fusion.
The Fast and the Fusious. 

Have to do better with the thread titles. 

Post removed 
Yes too much for me by a long way. I've bought and used a fair few SR ones though.
If I were considering such a purchase, I'd simply ask the sales person to hook up an audio analyzer, and show me the difference in output empirically. It's hard to admit, I know, but a $200 student/enthusiast grade oscilloscope is more sensitive to signal nuances than the most discerning ears, by several orders of magnitude. Odd how ads for $800 cables NEVER include any data. No numbers, no graphs, no oscilloscope screens, nothing. There's always testimony about how drastic the sound improved. If I built a component that was that noticeable, I'd commission a 3rd party lab to do double-blind testing to verify, and put that data in my advertising. 
Can you imagine the mental state of the **** wit that's trying to sells these.
SR is bad enough, but this takes it to another level of being a shyster.

Cheers George
Hey George,
Did you have any hand in those Ted threads being removed? Just wondering...
In regard to a fuse, yes $2,844 is more than I’m willing to pay.

If you mean my constant posts saying this "snake oil" fuse BS is only doing harm to Audiogon’s reputation, and ripping off the gullible, then yes I’m guilty.

I wonder what idiot has actually bought one of these fuses, the SR ones if purchased are certifiably already

Cheers George
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?" 

Count me in.  As far as top of the line QSA fuse and receptacle goes, nope. I rather spend $5944 elsewhere in my system.  
I wish I had the resources to investigate this company and see what their fuse is made of, their costs and profits, and from those data, ascertain their morality.
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?"

Me three. 
"So, it's official. We've found an outer limit where even MC agrees, this is Bull$$$$"

And lo and behold, yet another prophecy given to the Children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, has been fulfilled.  And there was much Rejoicing (yaaaaaaaay).

"^^^ My cell phone keeps perfect time. Do I need this?


Why not check it for yourself? It is returnable. What do you have to lose?
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?"

It seems I am the second one.
"...a ridiculously priced fuse to throw shade at the reasonably priced ones..."

A shade? That is a full blackout. In order of 1:1000.
I do not know who removed whose thread here, but I did remove two Stein Blue Sun Signatures from my shopping cart. I accidentally placed them there. Brrrrrr....

Stein Blue Sun Signature (tweekgeek.com)

Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?
....raised hand...lol

So, it's official.  We've found an outer limit where even MC agrees, this is Bull$$$$
This is all the romper room brigade needed: a ridiculously priced fuse to throw shade at the reasonably priced ones that can change the sound of one's system for the better.

Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?

All the best,
Totally worth it!

Oh wait, it's just a fuse? I thought it was some magical device that dispensed espresso and hand jobs. 
Could be remembering incorrectly, but I think the Marantz 2230 I just restored has 5 fuses in total.

Decisions, decisions...
It is interesting that the three special order fuses are priced at $711, $1422 and $2844.  
Boy is the nut factor getting front and center around here lately. I am in awe of the number of audiolusional, SAY I JUST MADE UP A NEW DESCRIPTIVE AGON AUDIOPHILE ADJECTIVE, anyway as I was saying the audiolusionals are beating up reality lately. I never knew these alternative worlds of physics existed right next to the one planet Earth operates by.
 On a serious note now I would like to contribute to the arcana of alternative physics. I have found that if I use a high grade power cord for my PC and my Monitor the legibility of the fonts on the screen are dramatically improved. The joy of superior definition and sharper colors is not subtle in it's dramatic improvement. I am going to add a fuse in there too and can hardly wait for mine to get here.
Hey George,
Did you have any hand in those Ted threads being removed? Just wondering...

In regard to a fuse, yes $2,844 is more than I'm willing to pay. 
Uhm...yeah? Unless you make 1 million or more a year....its a freakin’ fuse! A fuse is a fuse, they all blow!😁
In this case I'd suggest if you want to hear an improvement, you will. All it really does is empty the pocket and sharpen the mind so you can hear things that were always there.

As the saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted.

Perhaps they are shielded so there is no Electromagnetic Interference although I'm not seeing an earthing connection so it wouldn't work.