Showing 10 responses by mapman

$2844 is not enough. My mapman funky fuse will be coming out soon for $4823 and it will be 4X as good. Just don’t open up or warranty voided. ALso if it blows properly when it should no free replacements on a costly-to-make 5K fuse.  THere is expensive stuff inside though so a local scrap metal yard might offer a good price for a blown funky fuse.
Price reduced to $28.50 folks!

So is this a $28 fuse that was listed for $2844 or vice versa?   Pretty important to know wouldn't you say?   It can't be nearly as good if only $28.50, lol!
They are on sale today! Big discount!  Below cost?   $28.50 is still an expensive fuse. Do the research.
If you buy these fuses you now have to upgrade all the rest of the parts in there to the same general cost range also to keep up and not bottleneck the performance you are sure to achieve. Right? Also better start paying your electric company more for better juice upstream.  This means war!
The thing is, to do things right, you have to address fundamentals first.

The issue I have is when people focus on things like this incessantly.....and never advise to address fundamentals first. Or oversimplify the fundamentals in order to get by all the real hard stuff and just focus on their esoteric tweak of the day that is advertised to deliver sonic bliss all the time no matter what. I guess there is money to be made and bills to pay and suckers are the easiest people to convince to buy whatever band aid someone happens to be selling today, often with a very high price tag in order to work its miracles.

It’s all a bunch of nonsense. But what can you do? There is a sucker born every day and at this price you need only find 1 to do quite well.

Jumps off soapbox...carry on!
The job of a fuse is to blow when needed to prevent damage to the gear. So your fuse $$$s may well go up in smoke as designed at some point.
Also fuses are delicate devices that age and wear over time and require replacement at some point to function properly. So often when one hears a difference replacing any fuse a with a new fuse b that is the most likely reason for hearing a difference. That and the fact that merely reseating an existing fuse can improve the contact and make a difference. Saw this all the time even on cheaper gear in years passed replacing fuses for customers at Radio Shack and Lafayette Radio. Replacing old fuses with new was a standard maintenance thing in that fuses typically are not expensive and easy to replace like a pair of worn windshield wipers on a car. 
Not if you must own the worlds most expensive fuse. Impress your friends! Nobody, no skeptic can deny THAT! They probably have purses and screwdrivers that people think cost too much.
But is it really the most expensive? There might be one more expensive very soon. In which case you failed. Now that fuse is maybe just maybe ok as a spare. That’s just how the cookie crumbles. It happens all the time.