Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

Well stereo5, I'm with you on the political crap.. Shutting down businesses, no clear policy anywhere other than, we do it one way and  you do it another..

Almost like a reason to s l o w d o w n!  It cost EVERYONE a ton of money, OR DID IT... I don't see any soup line, just a bunch of FAT HOMELESS PEOPLE.. Fattest homeless population in the world.

Right here in America FAT FAT FAT FAT. Now if the homeless are FAT what about the rest of the population...Jynormus comes to mind..

Holler out haul ass, most folks would have to make 3 trips...FAT....

Might as well get it all out in the open...

Look, the "mask thingy" is simply about respect. If you are wearing a mask to try and protect me from getting CV19, then it’s only right for me to reciprocate. Don't get bent out of shape about it.

As I said in an earlier post, CV19 is real, dangerous, and deadly. It almost killed me, and it did kill my elderly mother last year. So, y’all can go on posturing about hoaxes and politics to your heart’s content; however, at some point your conspiracy theories may prove fatal and then it will be too late. Time for a whole bunch of folks to wake up and acknowledge the new, sad reality.
Since this is a BS post & doesn't belong here, I will try to deflect.

"Turn me on" was used as the intro in a 70's low tech form of entertainment. Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory?

Loud,cranked up JBL's I think?

Yup saw the show a few times.  It was awesome!  But I believe the speakers were ESS.  16 of them.  4ea in a group, on 4 sides.  Sounded great, looked great & a great place to take a first date.
"Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory?"

Is that the one from James Dean movie?
Testing positive and having the ronna are two different subjects. You want to step into the politicians arena? Here you go. So far other countries have submitted tests to goats, sheep, fruit, and a can of coke that have all come back positive. It is still to be determined if the glass of coke survived. The so called shot is not a vaccine. It is a rdna synthetic gene therapy. You want the shot go get it and stfu those who don’t it is within there right not to. I won’t go into the rest but this will sum it up.
”You are subjecting your self to a life changing shot and wearing a mask based only on the fact your government told you to. Good thing they did not tell you to eat a dog turd”! If this pandemic is “so deadly” then why is there no spike in the global death rate average over the last 20 years? Why has not one politician died? Why are the people who have all the access to information we don’t always seen in public with no mask and going on with their lives as usual?
what’s next you going to say Black Lives Matter and I am racist because my system is all silver with no black components!!

Did it take long to make sure everything you wrote is incorrect?
"But I believe the speakers were ESS."

Great memory jsd52756!
They are still in business too.

"Is that the one from James Dean movie?"

Yes, glupson, it is the observatory in "Rebel without a cause"
Laserium was just a bunch of lasers projected onto the ceiling operated by a "laser jockey" in synch with VERY loud rock.

You and a date could still sneak up to the Hollywood Sign nearby with a bottle of  booze that a random person adult purchased for you while standing in front of the liquor store.

Fisher, we are all adults. It may not be obvious, but we appear to be. I think we can decide what we want to read or not. The best disinfectant is sunlight.

The so called shot is not a vaccine. It is a rdna synthetic gene therapy. You want the shot go get it and stfu those who don’t it is within there right not to. I won’t go into the rest but this will sum it up.

”You are subjecting your self to a life changing shot and wearing a mask based only on the fact your government told you to.

And the best cure for making statements like this is education. 

1) MRNA vaccines are absolutely vaccines. They do not make you immune by modifying your DNA, no matter what you may read on the web. A "normal" vaccine uses dead viral particles, or parts of dead virus to stimulate an immune response. MRNA vaccines tell cells in your body to generate spike proteins the same as Covid19 spike proteins, but not the whole virus obviously. Then, your body, in the normal course of fighting disease, develops the ability to deal with the spike proteins, which allows it subsequently to fight a real infection. 

2) Masks work. Period.  Getting infected is a statistical event. Not every viral particle makes someone sick. It gets stuck in mucus, your bodies immune systems kills it, etc.  The more viral particles you are exposed to, the greater odds you will end up with an infection. That is how diseases in general and respiratory aerosol infections transmit. We know, with absolute certainty, that wearing a mask reduces the particles you emit, and we know that wearing ones reduces the viral particles you inhale. The better the mask on each end, the better the protection. It is not perfect, and it does not need to be. The critical goal is to get reduce the infection rate which stops spread. Whether you believe that to be true or not, does not matter.

Now if you want to talk about rights, there is a common saying, I think most agree with it. YOUR rights END where MINE BEGIN.  If you don't want to wear a mask, or get vaccinated, that is your choice, your right. However,  you don't have a right to, through willful negligence put me, my kids, my parents, my family, or my friends at risk. Don't wear a mask. Don't get a shot. Fine. Just stay away from other people. Don't go shopping. Don't go to the mall. Work from home. Be a hermit. However, if you want to participate in society, and have the benefits of society, then you need to make personal sacrifices. My grandparents took up arms and defended the country with their lives. All you have to do is wear a mask and get a shot that is going to do nothing but greatly increase your chances of not dying.

"But I believe the speakers were ESS."

That period was what some of us who worked there sometimes refer to as the "old ESS" days. Some of the commercial and event implementations used the Professional Series line. Different design. More robust cabinet hardware, some with wave-guide type plastic horns in front of the air motion transformers, and pro series type woofers too for higher ppl levels IIRC. Not an in-home audiophile speaker, definitely more of a "loudspeaker". Would love to find a photo of the ones you are referring to, good old memories. :)
You say that I need to conform for the greater good? I say if you are so paranoid, YOU should stay home while the rest of us get on with life. 
Reality is not a narrative it's simply reality. Reality has a liberal bias but that's because it's reality. I hope Ted Nugent recovers and helps get others to get vaccinated and take Covid seriously.
Reality is assigned a liberal bias to avoid having to deal with reality. I am pretty right wing on many things, most don’t consider me very PC. But reality and respect don’t have a side.

dletch2 made a good point.

As unexpected as the claim that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines and that they are "therapy" (vaccines are not therapy, when you need therapy vaccines obviously did not work), I realize that simplification omitted "attenuated live", "inactivated", and whatever else. To start, mRNA is not rDNA. If for nothing else then because RNA and DNA are not the same thing. They work in concorde at some point, but they are not the same. Much less is there a sign of gene therapy in this story. Simply, gene therapy does not involve mRNA.

These things can get confusing, but many smart people, group as diverse as you may ever imagine, have been working on it for decades and coming up with wonderful discoveries and inventions. Some of them admire Bose, some darTZeel, some never wear black, some always wear black, some like orchestral works, some like Polynesian wedding songs. Some are afraid of dark, some dread the bright Sun. Not to even mention their political leanings. They all come together and make things that will make you, some day, be able to enjoy your grandchildren. If they were reading this thread, they would be puzzled why their hard work is so misunderstood.

Vaccine Types | Vaccines

One thing for sure, there is no vaccine for what ails you. Suspect there is no cure either.
Think you guts should go back to listening to music and just ignore wannabe Einstein's medical and political posts. Life is short go enjoy the music while you can
Dangerous misinformation. Please go have a chat with your doctor. What is it going to take? Another bubonic plague, where 90% of the infected have nasty boils the first day and dead the next? Naysayers such as yourself will be first in line for a vaccine. 
Ted Nugent is an idiot, though I do wish him a speedy recovery. Interesting how his health providers treat him impartially and helped him get better. Would have loved to have listened in their conversations with him. 
tunehead,  When was the last time we were scammed by the guvmint?  How many fingers and toes you have?
Nelson Pass worked at ESS in the late-60’s/early-70’s.

Their TranStatic 1 loudspeaker was the first high end one I heard (in 1970), and my first ESL’s (the three tweeters in it were RTR’s), before hearing the Infinity Servo-Static 1 in ’71. I didn’t have the $ for the ESS ($1200/pr), but picked up a used pair in ’81 (for $400). One of them had a non-stock replacement woofer for the legendary KEF B-139 used in the speaker, so I called ESS to get another. I got the last remaining woofer they had in stock! I still have the TranStatics.

The TranStatic had been discontinued when the Heil-fitted model became a huge seller, in ’73, wasn’t it?
"...and here's a story just in to the news desk..."

A short while ago, I viewed a movie trailer for a upcoming movie I don't think I want to see.

The premise is C23 has forced involuntary confinement for Everyone Everywhere because it effects your brain first.  If seen on the streets....

The folks in the hazmat suits kill you to stop it, because it IS Everywhere....A Lot.

Nothing like a good well timed paranoia flick to sell them seats....*s*

Had both shots...expect that we're going to have keep up the mask habit though since the variants are still varying on us.

Don't make me outlive y'all. ;)
"Nelson Pass worked at ESS in the late-60’s/early-70’s."

I was wondering if ESS had more to its history since it's been around for awhile. Interesting fact. Looks like the current ESS is very different from its roots.

Amboy Dukes is certainly Ted at his finest. I don't care if you don't like his politics, that's good stuff........

Who cares what celebs think about politics? Not most people. It only bothers me when they use their celebrity to push personal agendas under the pretense of superior knowledge somehow that matches their celebrity. They are celebrities not scholars. Two different things. Big heads like real politicians I guess. No party has this market cornered...the big head market that is. Just more celebs that are liberal I suppose. I suppose more people tend to like and listen to them because their job is to appeal to as many as possible the BIG celebs do. Think Michael Jackson, Beatles (love love love...people LOVE that!), Charlton HEston (Moses had a very progressive agenda and everyone still loves him)...whoever.... Liberals tend to do that well because they are....liberal maybe even progressive not regressive and can make more connections that way....not just a limited fan club. Unless you sell hyped up comfy pillows. People love a good pillow! Also fancy resorts. Big fan clubs rule! Little ones.....who cares?  Hifi audio is the exception of course.
What a ride this discussion has been!

The Amboy Dukes had some great material, and Ted forged hi$ career playing to people he later relegated/editorialized to the garbage heap of society. So much for gratitude and compassion.

Never cared for the hammer-blow chords of his solo career, though many of my cohorts did.

I've never understood how so many "liars" and conspirators could carry out secret orders from the cabals, corrupt bureaucrats, you choose, and not one person has had a change of heart and spilled the beans.
Are these complex plots/lies passed down by word-of-mouth...secret codes...intermolecular osmosis?? 

"The Amboy Dukes had some great material,"


I just found a copy of "Migration" The cover has been thru the wringer, but surprisingly the LP cleaned up quite well!
This is interesting album.

Just because of one post(which I see has been deleted) by a polarizing member, it took a weird turn. The guy is now in my creepy category with his now deleted comments. He should start his own forum, his disciples will follow. Mondo Bizarro.
A John Hopkins University researcher posted those statistics on Twitter.
Which are?
In Australia and New Zealand people actually take this issue very seriously. You can see the outcomes.
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Sorry MC but I think you‘ve OD’d on Alan Watts. Try some Donald Hoffman and get a bit if rigour in your thinking there is a word that needs to be spread far and wide. Quit relying solely on  sources more interested in clicks, likes, and ratings. You can spend thousands on audio but no magazine subscriptions? My father was a classic Democrat but The National Review was always around. He would froth at the mouth while reading it. But he read it. Any updates on Nugent's condition? 
I did not know that Ted Nugent did Cat Scratch Fever.  Now, I have another reason to dislike him, besides seeing and hearing that horrible band, as he pranced around trying to look cooly gay with his makeup, heels, girly shirt, and purse, and way too much volume, not to mention his rabid political statements.
The Covid Cult seem to be a particularly nasty sort who on one hand insist that all sorts of intrusive measures must be taken to protect our fellow man from this deadly virus (albeit one with a less than 1% mortality rate) yet seem to relish the infection of any nonbeliever.
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IMHO, Nugent is a good guitarist, not great but good. I hated all his music, especially the song with Wango Tango in it. He can take all his guns and shove them where the sun don’t shine. I am a thousand percent against guns and at one time, I went hunting for sport but not anymore.
We will never, ever have gun control in this country until the NRA dies completely, and the Republican Party changes its ways. Otherwise, all this talk is just blowing smoke up our a**.

The virus is very real and all the Patriots that you claim to be should be the first ones in line to get the vaccine. But then, Republicans really care less as long as they can cry and claim their rights are violated and keep getting millions from the NRA. I will say this, I used to be a Republican but switched party’s when their party started down the path of conspiracy theories. The Republican Party is dead to me, and Please take your Trump signs down, the racist POS lost the election or haven’t you heard?
I honestly don't know if Trump is truly racist. Xenophobic highly likely. If you take out the racist in your sentence, the guaranteed accuracy goes way up. He did good things economically, and the tariffs were absolutely the right thing to do. He got people in the Middle East to talk, didn't start any new wars, and scared Kim enough to reduce the sabre rattling. But as a "wartime" President, he was a failure. People died due to his inaction. Period.
The stupid and loud are great entertainment. Especially when the rent comes due.
I interpret the lyrics to Stranglehold as being about a man whose woman left him and the man gets his revenge:

You remember the night that you left me
You put me in my place
Got you in a stranglehold baby
Last night I crushed your face

I never thought much about it as a teenager, but these lyrics are very disturbing!
This thread really needs better ties to audio (and levity).

I heard vaccines are more effective if the steel used for the needles is tested for directional properties first.  Anyone try a double-blind test on vaccine effectiveness by getting jabbed with needles where the steel was extruded in different directions to test this theory?

I also understand the J&J vaccine feels a little more analog due to the recent feedback, and Pfizer vaccine is a less forgiving/ feels more harsh when the muscle is poorly made.

And ventilators supposed have more 'air' when the cables are raised up off the ground.
"This thread really needs better ties to audio (and levity)."


The "C word" is not something to include in a thread now.

It started as a comment on Ted's misfortune and how I was quite fond of his thing during his heyday. Within 4 post it brings in someone who by his now deleted post, wants to control how I post something, like some majordomo of Agon. 

I can understand the more knowledgeable/qualified becoming agitated by his posts. 

Weird audio forum dude. There is  always at least one of those  in any enthusiast forum. 

i‘m really glad I live in a land where people take Covid and gun controls very seriuosly. The outcmes are there for all to see.