Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.


Showing 23 responses by glupson


"Looks silly now, but when you're a teenage kid who just got an electric guitar, it's Beethoven's 5th!"

Apparently, Smoke on the Water (you know by whom) was based on Beethoven's 5th symphony.

"Blackmore later claimed that the main power chord riff is an interpretation of inversion of Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van Beethoven, and that "I owe him a lot of money"."

Smoke on the Water - Wikipedia
"Fly your defiant We the People American flag proud! ~ TED"

And then it asks you if you want to pay in Euros, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds.

(Ok, there is a US Dollar option, too.)
"I got rid of my Ted records."

I never had one. The cover of Cat Scratch Fever (did he have any other?) has always been inducing some discomfort so I could not have it around.

It’s for my own peace of mind.

What a sad end to one's wild image rock career when the man starts selling pillows on his website.
That is one big little grocery store. In a silly twist of things, the TV guy standing in an empty parking lot is wearing a mask while the woman in a studio is not. Go figure. All three of them.

dletch2 made a good point.

As unexpected as the claim that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines and that they are "therapy" (vaccines are not therapy, when you need therapy vaccines obviously did not work), I realize that simplification omitted "attenuated live", "inactivated", and whatever else. To start, mRNA is not rDNA. If for nothing else then because RNA and DNA are not the same thing. They work in concorde at some point, but they are not the same. Much less is there a sign of gene therapy in this story. Simply, gene therapy does not involve mRNA.

These things can get confusing, but many smart people, group as diverse as you may ever imagine, have been working on it for decades and coming up with wonderful discoveries and inventions. Some of them admire Bose, some darTZeel, some never wear black, some always wear black, some like orchestral works, some like Polynesian wedding songs. Some are afraid of dark, some dread the bright Sun. Not to even mention their political leanings. They all come together and make things that will make you, some day, be able to enjoy your grandchildren. If they were reading this thread, they would be puzzled why their hard work is so misunderstood.

Vaccine Types | Vaccines

Did it take long to make sure everything you wrote is incorrect?
"Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory?"

Is that the one from James Dean movie?
"The funny part, MC pushes the button and is in pure monitor mode.."

There is not much that is funny in some scared mouse hiding under the rock and verbally spitting on those who risked their lives to try to save his.
"Other posters responding to MC’s remarks. Just ignore him. Pay no attention, it eventually goes away."

It is true that millercarbon has an excuse. He speaks from inexperience. While other radiology technicians were risking their lives to help other people, he was hiding in his listening room trying new tweaks. His biggest published (here) achievement of 2020 was to courageously suspend speaker cables on rubber bands from the parsley bunches.

( Millercarbon's System - Virtual Systems ( middle picture, third row from the bottom, heroic achievement of 2020)

Calling people who tried hard to help someone "liars" is above any level of tolerable.


"glupson, That would be money, $, you know, CASH"

In that case, I rest my case.
....comes out of it, recovers fully and can then speak to what a crappy experience it was and how grateful he is to the healthcare workers..."
Yeah, right!

Here is one example of how it really goes...

millercarbon 04-09-2021 11:13pm

............So all I will do is reiterate to never set foot in a hospital unless you absolutely must, and then beat tracks out of there as fast as you can, all the while telling yourself the whole time the doctor is talking, "This guy is lying, he is lying, lying, lying to me. Oh God there he goes again lying. Liar liar healthcare’s on fire."

Our chief know-it-all likes to mention that he works in healthcare. He does posses much-needed skills that not many have.

So he wisely spent last spring bunkered at home while his peers were falling from exhaustion and more...

In Memoriam: Healthcare Workers Who Have Died of COVID-19 (

As for Ted Nugent, I hope for the best.
"Save for old people who tragically have no choice, COVID mainly infects the unintelligent."

We all hope you recover quickly.
" Believe what you will but MC is right on the money....just have to do research as he has done."

Thanks, I’d rather skip the kind of research he has done and believe his words that it was bad...

10-17-2020 2:48pm

Its not dead, but I almost was. Nine days in hospital, multi-focal pneumonia bad enough they nearly had me on a vent. Kind of lost interest in the blather. Not the news, like your sub experience. But the blather. Which unfortunately the only thing seems capable of getting the blatherers to move along please is to leave them to their own devices. Sad. But true.
10-17-2020 9:34pm

I was at one point on 10 liters 02, which is a lot of oxygen, and even at that out of breath and feeling like I was about 10 feet underwater. That’s just lying there. Just to roll over, adjust blankets, was an effort it took a while to recover from. How close I was to being on a vent, I don’t want to know. Too close for comfort.

"MC is misrepresenting the data."
Data? What data? He did not present, or misrepresent, any data. Just some fluffy words.

"I got the shot’s. Wore a mask and got the COVID Twice!"

Got infected before or after the vaccine? Or before and after?

Assuming it was all confirmed, do you know if it was reported to your health department and vaccine manufacturer? In fact, this could pass as a case report in any journal. Your story may hold some clues that many people around the world are searching for.

"So does the regular old seasonal flu. Which all the statistics tell us this is no worse than."

Why do you embarass yourself with statements that are sadly laughable to anyone with the tinniest bit of observational skills?

One thing is to try to be a joker, the other is to make a fool of yourself.