Responses from thaluza
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading? I have been chasing more weight and scale for awhile. First, I went from belt drive to idler wheel and then to a good direct drive design. Then, I changed tonearms, which improved micro dynamics, but not weight and scale. Next, I experimented with... | |
What Speakers are Available Today Similar to the Von Schweikert DB99? The db99, as the name implies, is a high efficiency speaker which the manufacturer specifies at 98 to 99 db, with 8 ohm nominal impedance. It is a 2.5 way speaker with a built in powered subwoofer. I am unaware of any similar 2.5 way speakers with... | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 , Thank you for your thorough and informative efforts. I also compared 6 dacs, but it was 5 years ago. The Benchmark DAC3 was a contender but I ended up choosing the Mojo Mystique v.3. I later traded it in for my current dac, the Mojo EVO ... | |
pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3 Audio Advisor is listing the RS2T as available for sale. They also have a demo model for sale at a decent discount, but I would only buy it if it comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. My warranty repair went well with another dealer. No further i... | |
New Project RS2T transport I recently got mine back from repair under dealer warranty. It took 4 months. I am glad that my dealer stepped up and advocated for me. I ended up getting a new laser assembly. I was experiencing songs that stopped suddenly, and a few of my cd’s w... | |
Problems With Pro-Ject CDBox RS2 T Transport Playback With regard to CDRs, I have lots of them and have never experienced a problem playing them. The issue I experience that has me sending it in for repair has to do with the RS2 T stopping in the middle of a song on some CDs. This is an infrequent oc... | |
Problems With Pro-Ject CDBox RS2 T Transport Playback I was approved for a warranty repair on my RS2 T in April. I have not heard back from anyone since then. I am supposed to be getting a replacement laser mechanism. Hope your repair moves along faster than mine. | |
What was the most expensive record that you ever bought ? I paid $525 each for Led Zeppelin I and IV, Classic Records Clarity Vinyl one sided 45 rpm versions. Quite nice sounding. I have no regrets spending the dough. I bought them directly from Classic Records when they were still in business and when t... | |
The Horror Thanks OP for chiming in on Boenicke. I listened to the Boenicke W8 speakers at Alma Audio last year and thought they sounded great with relatively inexpensive Moonriver amplification. The sound was very immersive and images were meatier than one ... | |
Live Vibe Audio I have a Star Sound Sistrum 4 shelf rack for my analog front end. As you might know, Star Sound changed its name to Live Vibe. You can see my rack in my virtual system. I also have Apprentice platforms under my other stuff and speakers. I have bee... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure The EcoFLow battery is an expensive solution that does not solve the underlying problem. The EcoFlow battery unit, though less than a Strombank, is still thousands of dollars. I am always pleased to see jea48 posting on this forum. He is usu... | |
Schroder Tonearms - where do I purchase? are there authorized sellers in US? XactAudio (Steve Dobbins) | |
Questions Regarding Installing a Wheaton Triplanar On A SOTA Cosmos Has anyone read this review of the Cosmos with TriPlanar arm? The reviewer did not seem to have any issues with the arm. I believe it is the 9.8” version with 250 mm effective length. I bought that Cosmos ... | |
What affects front to back depth in room/ system? With regard to southern California dealers, I thought Alma Audio in San Diego did a nice job of setting up their Boenicke W8 speakers to create a sense of depth. The sound was very enveloping. Nice looking speakers that sound excellent, imo. | |
Good measuring DACs vs. I also compared Mojo and Benchmark. Agree that Mojo is more emotionally engaging. Sold the Benchmark. I also had a Border Patrol dac and really liked it. I have 300B amps. One might conclude that I like distortion, but what I listen for is dimensi... |