Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.


Showing 17 responses by tablejockey

It Covid happened during Ted's time, 
Ted with his Gibson Brydland along with  cranked Fender Twins would have sent it back China.

I should have known better. It's just a geeky audio forum. Why anyone  chooses to look that deep into any of my dopey writing is beyond me.

"Geez we use to go see the Tubes every year too.. Go figure.. :-)"

White punks on dope, What do you want from life? Don't touch me there....
The Tubes had their moment.

"Turn me on" was used as the intro in a 70's low tech form of entertainment. Anyone in SoCal see Laserium at the Griffith Observatory? 

Loud,cranked up JBL's  I think?
"If this is such a geeky audio site why are you here."

If you have to ask....oh never mind. By your late 40's I would hope someone's  "get it" quotient has increased. 

I guess it's a skill to interpret forum posts sometimes? I don't consider it one, but in this case......?

" I was referring to MC!!!"

rpeluso- not for a moment did I think your comments were directed to anyone else.

I do find it amusing AND a reminder that posting anything online can get responses from many perspectives. Sometimes, with some almost weird sense of "ownership". Mondo Bizarro.  In the grand scheme of things, we just have to laugh and go back to listening to our expensive  boxes that attempt to create the  illusion.

I like to keep Ted in my memories as the 70's Ted Nugent- killer R&R guitar player, who I've seen front row, getting blasted by 8 or so Fender Twins! I still have some Ektachrome slides I took with my Canon AE-1(first high tech 35MM camera) Rolling Stone/Creem/Circus worthy.

"TheTubes. Have recently been on the hunt for their records."

oldheavy, I have the 1st two albums-"The Tubes: and "Young and Rich".
Tough to find decent condition LP's, but they're out there. Cheap too.

Their early stuff really tells a stories about the times. "White Punks on Dope" lyrics surprisingly hold up today. Toilet flush ending good check for speaker performance!

To the few who made references to the "Free for all" album- I really liked it when it came out, but I don't give it any play like Ted's debut. IMO, Ted "jumped the shark" after that album- I lost interest. Last album with Derek St Holmes, It was a full Ted show from then on. I have an Amboy Dukes"-Journey to the center of the mind" Good stuff.

Other posters responding to MC's remarks. Just ignore him. Pay no attention, it eventually goes away. 

I can understand his remarks striking a nerve with those directly affected. Lost loved ones, friend and MD's. I had 2 friends pass-both in their 50's. 
"But I believe the speakers were ESS."

Great memory jsd52756!
They are still in business too.

"Is that the one from James Dean movie?"

Yes, glupson, it is the observatory in "Rebel without a cause"
Laserium was just a bunch of lasers projected onto the ceiling operated by a "laser jockey" in synch with VERY loud rock.

You and a date could still sneak up to the Hollywood Sign nearby with a bottle of  booze that a random person adult purchased for you while standing in front of the liquor store.

"Nelson Pass worked at ESS in the late-60’s/early-70’s."

I was wondering if ESS had more to its history since it's been around for awhile. Interesting fact. Looks like the current ESS is very different from its roots.

"The Amboy Dukes had some great material,"


I just found a copy of "Migration" The cover has been thru the wringer, but surprisingly the LP cleaned up quite well!
This is interesting album.

Just because of one post(which I see has been deleted) by a polarizing member, it took a weird turn. The guy is now in my creepy category with his now deleted comments. He should start his own forum, his disciples will follow. Mondo Bizarro.
"This thread really needs better ties to audio (and levity)."


The "C word" is not something to include in a thread now.

It started as a comment on Ted's misfortune and how I was quite fond of his thing during his heyday. Within 4 post it brings in someone who by his now deleted post, wants to control how I post something, like some majordomo of Agon. 

I can understand the more knowledgeable/qualified becoming agitated by his posts. 

Weird audio forum dude. There is  always at least one of those  in any enthusiast forum. 

I'm on a Ted binge guys...

Picked up an Amboy Dukes-"Call of the Wild" first press naturally and CHEAP. Listened to my other Dukes LP-Journey, T.N. and Free for All.

My other score since I mentioned Alice in the opening post-Billiion Dollar Babies. Early press, with billion dollar  bill intact. I f-upped the perfect cover removing the price sticker.  What a great album! 

After the weekend, Ted and Alice probably wont see light for years.
" Nobody gets out alive, nobody."

after seeing your avatar, reminded me of Ted's connection. Like Uncle Ted or not, he's part of R&R history.

Imagine if he did...?

"Lead Singers Disease" 
buellrider97- It's  a condition the CDC has been ignoring unfortunately.

"musicians that suffer this condition condition are Sammy Hagar"
Let's just remember Sammy as the lead singer of Montrose.

"Add Bono to your list."
pesky_wabbit-Bono couldn't keep his mouth shut in the 80's. About when entertainers/sports figures started being listended to outside of what their "job" is.
"Love Montrose , saw them open for Slade at the Rainbow Ballroom Fresno. Their first album just came out"

Sammy was in his mid 20’s? in that video. I see a young Robert Plant vibe. The Montrose debut album is one of my 70’s American R&R keeper LP’s. I wasn’t a Sam Halen fan either. Saw REAL VH in 78 when the album came out. Lost interest in them after the album though.

As a guitar fan/player, always thought Ronnie Montrose was a good musician.

Great R&R concert memory buellrider97. I’ve got a handful. Just no epic Led Zep,RS, Who.... I was a few years too late-too young.
"who could expect logic from people who spend $1000.00 on power cords."

coachpoconnor-I've plugged $20K power cords into my meager $20K system....
That could be a subject thread which would last only a day or so, only to be hijacked and deleted! 
I do wonder how Ted is feeling these days? 

Glupson, I guess when one aligns with the orange guy, it's what you do-hook up with team players.

I'm glad I got to see Uncle Ted back when he was  the Motor City Madman(76). I'll just remember him by that.

Looks silly now, but when you're a teenage kid who just got an electric guitar, it's Beethoven's 5th! Ted was best having Derek St Holmes sing, and Ted just do the guitar gymnastics, and scream now and then like a mental patient.

That's a Jeopardy "daily double" fact. Bravo!
 Love reading R&R trivia.

Machine Head still gets a spin now and then. One of those albums that MUST be listened to LOUD.


This era of Ted might be his best outside of the Amboy Dukes.
Just before Ted decided he had to be even more Ted Nugent.