Audiophile Speakers for Rock, HipHop and Techno

I love many genres of music. Having a hard time finding a speaker that sounds great with hip hop, techno and rock. Suppose I should mention I've auditioned the Dynaudios Hertiage Specials and Sonus Faber Oylmpia Nova 1s. They sound fantastic with classical, acustic guitar, female voices etc... But what audiophile speaker ..especially at the 7-8k price point doesn't. Idk..  Im starting to think I need two sets of speakers. Sonus Faber Olympica Novas sound beautiful...then maybe a pair for other genres of music. Any suggestions for speakers that sound great for hip hop rock and tecno? I'm only able to do bookshelves...and I do have a pair of RELs already.

My pwr amp is a coda no.8 v2 @ 250w


I'm assuming you're interested in bookshelves ... in this case, please check out Fritz Carrera BE speakers. They are phenomenal for all genres but especially excel at rock and techno. You'd be surprised the amount of taut bass these speakers can produce. The build quality and the fit and finish are excellent. They are easy to drive and play well with even low powered amps. To make it even better, Fritz offers a 30-day return policy, so basically you've got nothing to lose. The only downside I can think of is that they take quite a bit to fully open up -- for me it was around 200 hours. 



Oh god……..I’m sorry everyone BUT I’m going to say it, I don’t usually recommend these because of the crazy owners who do more harm than anything else but……



I really don’t know of a better manufacturer for speakers for this type of music. DIs and Moab’s are perfect for your needs. Don’t even need sub. 


some EDM/Electronic mixes are massive / "big console" type mixes that are very fun to experience with extended bass and a not overly compressed mix. Your senses are sometimes overwhelmed (in a good way) by these huge mixes played back at decent levels on a big system in a big, well treated room.

Can i recommend ’Oto’ by case you aren’t already familiar with it?

It’s truly astonishing, one magnificent soundscape after another. And the mastering is sublime, you can really crank the volume because it sounds so restrained and natural. The bass is extended and perfectly controlled, the sub bass is percussive at times, or swelling naturally at others. My favourite track gives one the impression of floating downstream, being carried by the current towards two rock giants hurling thunderbolts at each other....another ends with you floating in space, as warp beasts of mind boggling size gently drift by, and below you.

You’re just not going to get that with bookshelf speakers or, perhaps controversially, valve power amps. While i adore a valve pre, It takes solid state power to bring the fear factor to the pit of your stomach and quicken your pulse.

That monitor in the video is pro version of the SCM40V2 for home.  The key in pro is it must be small and portable.   The 40 is in many ways BETTER than the pro version, the 40 has the new ATC tweeter and has a sealed low end cabinets so they go lower.  


JBL, L-100’s can crank out Rock n Roll, I see no reason they can’t play Hip Hop and your Coda will do them proud!


Having a hard time finding a speaker that sounds great with hip hop, techno and rock

There isn't a way to design a speaker, amp, preamp or source to favor a certain genre of music. What makes a speaker good (or bad) for a certain genre does exactly the same for any other genre.

If someone could figure out how to favor a certain genre of music with audio equipment they could be rich overnight!

I will put in a vote for the JBL 4349 speakers mentioned earlier in this thread. I have a pair with JBL subs and the impact those have with rock and electronic music is very enjoyable.

The powered JBL 4305P monitors mentioned by @m-db are a little brother to the 4349 and 4309 cabinets.


I really agree with @gavman ’s summary about reproducing electronic / EDM music and the "fear factor" / "big rig in a big room" that is needed to immerse yourself in what the artist intended for some of these tracks. While few and far between, some EDM/Electronic mixes are massive / "big console" type mixes that are very fun to experience with extended bass and a not overly compressed mix. Your senses are sometimes overwhelmed (in a good way) by these huge mixes played back at decent levels on a big system in a big, well treated room.

I’m a fan of using a very good pro audio sub bass driver in a properly designed cabinet. Having the attack of an 18, 15 or 12 inch pro driver (again, a GOOD JBL / Beyma / etc. driver, not cheap junk) backed up by a solid class A/B amplifier really adds to the experience without the slop or one note sub stigma one may associate with pro sound speakers. But, that’s expensive and can involve custom built cabinets.  There are no shortcuts to getting to that live or good car audio experience in your listening room.

Not sure about optimizing speaker for music genres. My focus has been about how it performs in imaging, detail and dynamics based on music I personally enjoy. 

Every speaker has a compromise or character- the trick is finding a pleasant one. I love my Sonus fabers and I’ve auditioned Maggie’s, Wilson’s and Devore with the same music list.  I’ve been shocked by Maggie’s and enjoyed DeVore but Sonus faber is my favorite. I appreciate Wilson but the lack of air movement/ pressurization isn’t my cup of tea. 

My suggestion is create an audition list and sample everything you can. There’s lots of great speakers!

Don't forget....Bookshelf speakers sound like bookshelf speakers. You need Big Floorstanders. Tekton Pendragon will get you right where you want to be.

Actually Fritz told me that I wouldnt want his BE speakers for Rock. He recommended the CARBON Series

Verity speakers are an example of a speaker  line that will perform extremely well on all genres of music. 

I’ve had great success with hip hop and electronica with verity speakers. Those sun bass cabinets are really well made and tuned. Verity midrange is second to none very punchy especially in the newer models. 

Another speaker that looks like it was built for rock: Bryston "A" and "T" series.

I just purchased a pair of Dynaudio Emit 50 speakers that fit what you are looking for without breaking the bank account. I also use Transparent speaker cables.

A speaker that succeeds with bass-driven electronica requires greater dynamic range, sub bass extension and mid bass slam than a design intended for music made exclusively by acoustic instruments. Many speakers that are perfectly adequate for other genres are incapable of playing hip hop or electronica in a way that is as satisfying as a well implemented car audio installation. Klipsch la Scala are a prime example of a fundamentally flawed design that censors any sub bass. Such a speaker may meet the audiophile definition of dynamic, but this fails to capture the need for fast, weighty and extended bass capable speakers that can do justice to bass-driven electronica and hip hop. For me dynamic is also a descriptor of whether a speaker can energise a room into the sub 20hz zone without ’one note’ colourations.

My personal system goal is to recreate the effect of a powerful dance pa of the Richard Long variety, playing in a large warehouse to a thousand plus people.

That’s why i use Focal speakers and Boulder power amps. Ime no valve power amp can achieve the necessary ’fear factor’ you get from plumbing the depths with a big rig in a big room.

If you strictly adhere to a definition of dynamics that excludes this, i submit that most punters would disagree.

@gavman, loudness is endemic in this type of music. I listen to both regularly. Are you perhaps mistaking the meaning of dynamics? A lot of this stuff is mastered for cars and ear buds. Look at the waveforms and you will see there is compression with not much difference in the max/min values. I actually like techno and EDM, dynamic it is not, in the sense that there are great differences between the quietest and loudest passages in the music. I’m sure there are exceptions but in general my statement stands.


Hip hop and techno are usually compressed and not super dynamic

I could not disagree more

A number of decent reviewers also have ATC active in their homes. Neil Gader of The Absolute Sound comes to mind; ATC SCM50ASLT in his home music room.

Sir Paul & Rick Rubin

Perhaps these guys would want a very dynamic and accurate monitor in the studio.

Note: ATC active monitors in the background (scroll down to first image).

+ Lost Count for ATC, especially the active ones.

Looks like the majority opinion.

BTW, I own SCM100ASLT for my main listening room, SCM20ASL Pro Mk II in my recording studio and am taking delivery on a rosewood pair of SCM50ASLT for a secondary listening room.

No one does dynamics like ATC active (ie. nothing rocks like ATC active).

Maybe these folks know something about good sound:

ATC Client List

You could try other active speakers than ATC, like Cabasse Pearl. The middle version is around $4.5k with something like 2000w amps. Kii Three are even better but costs 3 times as much. They don't need an amp, though. Dutch  & Dutch are also good.

For stand mounts I can recommend Canton or Totem.

If you want volume and dynamics then horns would be a good choice. However I am of the firm belief that the best speaker on classical/jazz is also the best speaker for rock/metal. Genre of music doesnt diminish the problems of a speaker that would make this speaker only appropriate for one type of music. 

I had the same problem, modern speakers lack punch, I ended going vintage. Got some JBL4343 B's from Price was very reasonable.

The owner (Greg) is a collector / dealer of JBL speakers he has virtually new speakers from the 70's to today. He operates out his house that is packed full of speakers.

Mine are currently powered by my original "hi end" (1973) system: McIntosh C28 / MC2505. 

Its underpowered but a starting point for a new system. (Looking for a MC2300 in silver)

I should also add that I am vintage (71) and prefer vintage JBL sound. 

Very satisfied, sound stage is not as expansive as modern speakers, but they can rock, reminds me of the Grateful Dead wall of sound


In my opinion, My Modified JBL 4312 MKII with properly dialed in sub are my choice for really loud rock. And yes, I'll hook them up when I'm in the mood. Otherwise, Dunlavy...

Care to share your mods?


From experience with all the brands mentioned, Klipsch or JBL would be the best choice.  FYI, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s are the sweet spot of the bunch for cost/benefit ratio….they excell at dynamics and contrast, which benefits all musical genres. What you get out of them is dependent on the upstream components.

Sorry. I meant the Volti Audio Razz. Rivals are even better but more than twice the cost..

Check out Volti Audio Rivals. Not stand mount but relatively small foot print. Sound very good on all types of music & will play louder w/ ease then any other speaker mentioned. Hand built in TN by Greg Roberts using pro drivers in a beautiful cabinet for about $6K. Big, open, dynamic sound but nicely detailed as well. I’ve heard them with 20 watts & sounded excellent. Stereophile really likes them, see their review. 

Being biased beyond rationality, I like my Walsh's with their mated sub.  To my ears they do well with anything I throw at them....

As for the ATC's (which I've never heard, nor likely to), I'm positive they're fantastic at it as well.  As well as a number of individual or combinations of that would perform well....

*G*  I rather relate it to 'how do you like your eggs cooked?'
Or any other preferential or aesthetic inclination...;)

Run what you brung, J

Having owned and heard ATCs of all sizes in various rooms, while it is an awesome speaker, it is not exactly a speaker for rock, pop, disco "enjoyment".

It is a very revealing speaker. It will tell you everything about your walls, floor, ceiling, doors, electricity, cables and of course the recording. It is quite tricky to set an ATC and just immerse in musical enjoyment, especially for genres which are recorded for mass audience.

What you need is a bit forgiving, silky sounding speaker without compromising too much on fidelity. Check out a Tannoy Stirling, Proac Response series or a nice Bookshelf speaker like Harbeth P3es with dual subs

@tmac1700, to answer your question. Yes ATC perform well at low volume. The way I would describe their house sound is clean, clear and effortless. If you can swing towers the scm40 is an awesome speaker. They sound nothing like Sonus Faber by the way and closer to Focal in sonics. 

Klipsch Heritage with those two subs. Speakers and subs isolated from the floor.  Crossover 80-100 Hz. Room treated.  Nice bass

@soix it makes sense why u would suggest the 19s. The two speakers I mentioned in my post are bookshelf speakers. :)

listening space is the living room and the room isn't very big. Unfortunately I bought my house before I got into this hobby.  :/

Space has been a killer for me. My partner at work feels my house isn't set up for high end audio. I don't think hes right... i just have to compromise more than most.

Sounds like ATC are bit more forgiving with placement.  As with Sonus Faber and some Focals. 

Contrary to popular belief in this thread, when Klipsch Heritage speakers are set up and powered appropriately they excel at all genres of music. Care must be taken, but when you get it right, the payoff is worth it.

+3 on the B&W 804D3s. I owned a pair for about 18 months, but had to move to a smaller listening room. I didn't find them "bright", but almost any speaker can sound not their best in the wrong system.

I currently run Dynaudio Contour 20i speakers. Like most rear ported speakers, some room treatment/bass traps will make a huge difference on bass boominess... at least it did for my room/system. Placement in the room takes some time to dial in the best sound, of course. The Contours sound even better when you give them some volume, and I imagine the larger models would excel with your music selections if you have the room.

For what its worth, my Klipsch Forte IV's paired with an SVS 4000 sub excel at these genres.

I goofed by recommending the ATC SCM19 — the SCM40 v2 is in your price range and will add much deeper bass and even better dynamics.  Just do it — you’ll be absolutely blown away.

Post removed 

@tmac1700  - I use B&W 804D3 in my ultimate (i.e. retirement) system. Many deride these as "bright", but they suite me just fine. I’ve heard about ATC for years but only heard them (first time) at this year’s AXPONA. I love their forward, detailed, lively sound that leaves little to the imagination. And, due to their pro-monitor heritage, I wouldn’t be afraid to crank them up when the urge hits me. I know that if I blow out a $1000+ diamond tweeter (B&W), I’d be "singing the blues".

Good luck with your hunt!

In my opinion, My Modified JBL 4312 MKII with properly dialed in sub are my choice for really loud rock. And yes, I'll hook them up when I'm in the mood. Otherwise, Dunlavy...

I’d go with Klipsch, as it seems their intent is to provide the listener something that resembles a live concert. They are very efficient too. Me, I prefer a warmer speaker, as I listen to all kinds of music.

If money were no object, I'd buy a pair of big klipsch  for when I want to rock out to some AC/DC, Led Zep, or the Who...then I'd put them away. 

@mrteeves thanks. how do they perform at low level listening?

I'm excited to check these out. I assume do just as well with orchestra,  piano, acoustic guitar etc. as well.