Audiophile Speakers for Rock, HipHop and Techno

I love many genres of music. Having a hard time finding a speaker that sounds great with hip hop, techno and rock. Suppose I should mention I've auditioned the Dynaudios Hertiage Specials and Sonus Faber Oylmpia Nova 1s. They sound fantastic with classical, acustic guitar, female voices etc... But what audiophile speaker ..especially at the 7-8k price point doesn't. Idk..  Im starting to think I need two sets of speakers. Sonus Faber Olympica Novas sound beautiful...then maybe a pair for other genres of music. Any suggestions for speakers that sound great for hip hop rock and tecno? I'm only able to do bookshelves...and I do have a pair of RELs already.

My pwr amp is a coda no.8 v2 @ 250w


Showing 2 responses by overthemoon

Not sure about optimizing speaker for music genres. My focus has been about how it performs in imaging, detail and dynamics based on music I personally enjoy. 

Every speaker has a compromise or character- the trick is finding a pleasant one. I love my Sonus fabers and I’ve auditioned Maggie’s, Wilson’s and Devore with the same music list.  I’ve been shocked by Maggie’s and enjoyed DeVore but Sonus faber is my favorite. I appreciate Wilson but the lack of air movement/ pressurization isn’t my cup of tea. 

My suggestion is create an audition list and sample everything you can. There’s lots of great speakers!