Who are your favorite A'gon posters?

I'll start with my top Two...


Eric Squires because the majority of his posts are intentionally thought provoking in a positive manner.  That and he's a strong advocate for class D ;-)
@big_greg although his screen name is creepy, he’s a very helpful guy
Thanks.  I think.
almarg, an island of sanity and manners

skyscraper, gentleman par excellence

Michael Green, hey, why not

geoffkait, just because he is a nice human being (and it is April 1st)
@kenjit - cause he’s nuts 

@millercarbon - cause he’s right 

@big_greg although his screen name is creepy, he’s a very helpful guy

@oregon_papa Because his name sounds like a pot dealing smurf, and he’s smart 
Technical: almarg & atmosphere
Humor/wit: wolf garci
soap opera emmy’s go to...
kenjit &
*G*  As of now, three easy gets my vote....👍

...but anyone would refer to moi' as 'pretty' needs to get out more....

But, Not Now!   Keep that feverish state to yourself....;)

Almarg - extraordinarily knowledgable and always the gentleman.

Elizabeth (when she was still around)
I respect any poster whose sole purpose on this board isn't to be validated.  Being a kind human being is underrated.
@yogiboy ,
I'll add:
Douglas Schroeder
Eric Squires.
Two come to mind right away. I'm sure there are others if I think about it for awhile.AlmargMofimadness
I feel there are many excellent posters on this forum.
But for all tech questions my "go to" poster is ALMARG!

I would say, even his "moniker" has a meaning:
"marg" in Sanskrit means "way" or "path"
"al", kind of short for all.

So almarg shows "direction/path for all" folks :-)
At some point after college there was this one young lady, she cooked the best meals and it made me want to learn to cook. This is kinda cliche but being a guy and all the first thing I decide to learn to cook is chili. Well its pathetic. Diced onion added to Dennison. Pathetic.

But I kept at it and in less than 5 years came up with my own from-scratch chili recipe. Shredded (not ground!) beef, fresh herbs and chili’s, it was to die for.

One year the office decides to have a chili cook-off. Right away I am trash-talking. Its not fair, amateur vs professional, like that, on and on. For weeks. Merciless cut-throat trash talk.

Finally, the big day. Of course my chili wins. Easily. Hands-down. Three different people came up to me and said basically, "I was determined not to vote for you. No matter what. But damn, that chili is good!"

If it helps, imagine me an 80 year old woman in a rocking chair rolling a joint and flipping you the finger. Might as well. Probably am.
My favorite poster is the one of the old lady in the rocking chair rolling a joint and flipping off the establishment. Enjiy the music
Speaking of Kenjit, why do people continue to respond to his post?  I could see the first two or three, but at some point the pattern becomes apparent.  He is not interested in anything approaching a conversation.
Post removed 
millercarbon.... the payment you offered me to put you on this list..... you're included in the "numerous others".
I thought Aprils Fool Day stopped at 12 midday.
Although I guess that does depend on your time zone...