Transparent Audio power cords

I have a question for experienced users about certain Transparent cords. The application is on a McCormack Audio DNA-500 amp (w/ the SMC audio Silver Plus upgrade) driving Focal Sopra 2 speakers. The cord in use now is a Transparent Powerlink MM2 (mm2x serial number). This cord was the next step above the Reference in the mm2 generation. The name of the Powerlink MM2 cord was changed to XL for the Gen 5 and Gen 6 products.

I have tried both the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 cords on this amp which according to theory, they should sound better than the Powerlink MM2. Both are, in general, respectively, a step up in sound quality as would be expected. However, we now get to my issue, neither of the two Reference cords has enough "meat on the bones" compared to the Powerlink MM2. They are just lighter weight sounding. The likely thought is to try a Gen 5 or Gen 6 XL cord but, the price point for a new Gen 6 XL cord is getting uncomfortable.

So, will an XL cord give me that weight and solidity I'm after or might I want to be looking at another brand to get the sound where I want it to be while trying to rein in the cost.

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@devinplombier -

                   Forth paragraph, second link provided, offers this info:

A deposit equal to 5% of the selling price of the borrowed cables will be charged to the consumer´s credit card when the arrangements for the cable loan are made. This deposit is not refundable but will be applied in full against purchases (cable or non-cable products) from The Cable Company,, or our Ultra Systems affiliate.

       One note: the service is (unfortunately) only available to residents of the USA.

        Of course: "pittance" would be a relative term, dependent on the price of items of interest and the condition of one's wallet.

                                                    Happy listening!

I am willing to learn so I wanted to find out more about the cable lending library and perhaps put a number on the word "pittance", but I could not locate that information on their site.

I did learn though that a person can buy a set of four Royal Double Crown LS jumpers for $7,600. That's jumpers to connect the 2nd set of (unused) binding posts to the 1st set, in case one's speakers are not properly bi-amped.

     Don’t waste a microsecond, reading the blather from the deaf, delusional, and divergent (from fact).

     No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new cabling/wires.   There are simply too many variables.

     The only way you’ll know for certain, is try them for yourself.

     The least expensive way: contact the guys at The Cable Company and take advantage of their lending library.

     For a pittance, you can try a few of their offerings and the rental fees are applied to any purchase made.

                       Whether to explore/spend further: up to you!


"the Reference Gen 5 and Reference Gen 6 " or whatever they name their power cable we call them snake oil. The best power cord is the one that comes with the unit but if you care about aesthetics go buy a 10awg power cable on amazon. Don't get fooled and waste money.


I believe that Transparent MM2 Series (Reference, Reference XL and OPUS) still holds up well in 2024. As above, the newer GEN5 and GEN6 is a more balanced Power Cord(PC) from top to bottom.  Keep me posted if you choose a different brand PC for your McCormack amp.


Happy Listening!

@jji666 -

       BTW, it’s science that says the earth is round, and the science deniers who say when you come up with the flat-earther trope, that really refers to the cable believer camp, not the science and engineering camp.

    Is that an example of willful ignorance, or- just ignorance of the truth/facts/science, gleaned since the 1800's, regarding electricity?

I would burn in 200 hours first. In my experience gravitas comes in last especially with Transparent Audio. 

I honestly don’t understand why these threads always have to devolve into nonsense.

I’d say they start with nonsense and resist evolving into useful dialog. But that doesn’t mean cable believers can’t discuss what they want. Just don’t get upset with contrary opinions. And IIRC some tests have shown marginal differences between some analog cables...whether audible is a different question.

BTW, it’s science that says the earth is round, and the science deniers who say when you come up with the flat-earther trope, that really refers to the cable believer camp, not the science and engineering camp.\

PS:  it would be really cool if power cables were truly transparent.  I would probably buy those for the look alone! 


 Does Nelson Pass recommend "special" AC cables?

         Things may have changed, but: as of not very long ago, Frank Dickens, the owner of Silent Source cables, was basically on staff with Pass and: they voiced their equipment with his cables and power cords, made largely with Ohno CC metals.

                                              Happy listening!

     "Newsflash: power cords won't change the sound."      (squared80, Naysayer Church member)

     "Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction."  (Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse , 1872) 

     "The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon,"  (Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873)

      "The super computer is technologically impossible.  It would take all of the water that flows over Niagara Falls to cool the heat generated by the number of vacuum tubes required." (Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University)                        

      "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."  (Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923)

      "Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances." (Dr. Lee DeForest, Father of Radio & Grandfather of Television)

      "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible!" (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895) 

      "The bomb will never go off.  I speak as an expert in explosives."  (Admiral William Leahy, re: US Atomic Bomb Project) 

     When the steam locomotive came on the scene; the best (scientific) minds proclaimed, "The human body cannot survive speeds in excess of 35MPH."

      Until recently (21st Century); and the advent of the relatively new science of Fluid Dynamics, the best (scientific) minds involved in Aerodynamics, could not fathom how a bumblebee stays aloft. 

     Often; Science has to catch up with the facts/phenomena of Nature and/or, "reality" (our universe). 

     I haven't been in school since the 60's, but- at Case Institute of Technology; the Physics Prof always emphasized what we were studying was, "Electrical THEORY."         He strongly made a point of the fact that no one had yet actually observed electrons (how they behave on the quantum level) and that only some things can really be called, "LAWS." (ie: Ohm, Kirchoff, Faraday)   

                           PERHAPS: that's changed in recent years and I missed it?


     No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new addition.   There are simply too many variables.

     LIKEWISE: no one can possibly know whether a new addition (ie: some kind of disc, crystal, fuse, interconnect, speaker cable, etc)  will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without trying them for themselves.   

     Some companies offer a 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, so- those that are actually interested, have absolutely nothing to lose by trying (experimenting with) such.     

     Anyone that knows anything about the sciences, realizes that something like 96% of what makes up this universe, remains a mystery.       

     For centuries; humanity’s seen, heard, felt and otherwise witnessed phenomena that none of the best minds could explain, UNTIL they developed a science or measurement that could explain it.     

     The Naysayer Church wants you to trust their antiquated science (1800’s electrical theory) and faith-based, religious doctrine, BLINDLY (their credo: "Trust ME!"). 

     Theories have never proven or disproven anything.  It’s INVARIABLY testing and experimentation that proves or disproves theories/hypotheses.   

     IF you’re interested in the possibility of improving your system’s presentation, have a shred of confidence in your capacity for perceiving reality and trust your own senses: actually TRY whatever whets your aural appetite, or- piques the curiosity, FOR YOURSELF.         

                      The Naysayer Church HATES it, when THAT happens!  

@cleeds not sure what is your point.. pl be specific

I asked for comment proof, which I cannot replicate/measure/etc 

I honestly don't understand why these threads always have to devolve into nonsense.

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I have a old GE telechron table clock now that was pretty brilliant invention as some electrical engineer in  early 1920's / figured out we could use the USA A/C current @ 60 cycles per sec to keep time ! 
they made these until the 1960's ! quality kit ! i tore mine apart and rebuilt it ( the lubricant of the 70 year old motor gets solidified! ( let's try a synthetic ! ) 

any way i figured i would get more accurate timekeeping using an old computer UPS! just plug the clock into it.
the current is better regulated and the battery means a power outage the clock keeps running ! It works!  errors down to +/- 15 sec per diem 
i struggle to understand such vague terms i see here which can not be ,and have not, been operationally defined ! = defined according to how they are measured 
IF you will not submit your wonderful "better" cables for testing then sorry you can't say they are better . 
"more blackness" ?   quantify how much more "blackness" gee how do you measure "blackness" i thought that was a vision perception term LOL do blind audiophiles hear more or less "blackness" laughASK THEM ! 
people get triggered when they read BS it's human nature 
and as i belong to SAE and dream, design & even make some pretty trick parts of exotic metals ( ever heard of "clear aluminum " ? YES there really is such a thing ! ) It  has been used in fighter pilot 'glass " panels AKA bulletproof glass! 
So , nothing personal, iF WE SCOFF AT YOUR TALKING ABOUT, BUYING , ADVOCATING snake oil cables . 

I cannot propose, make &  sell parts that do not work ( and for big $  too! ) 
sorry , NO,  i doubt you CAN tell the difference and unless you do blind A-B-C etc testing you can prove nothing . save your breath . I did send a e mail to trans parent audio asked if they had any research results , data proving the cables work . 

I always have a fear of being robbed and tied up with electrical cords. So I bought transparent cables because they are a lot thicker and you really can’t bend them easily so they aren’t very good for tying me up.


@acman3 , I've tried that, doesn't help. The more fanatical types see that as a challenge and an open invitation to continue to try to intervene in other people's lives to "save" them from themselves. Yet, I don't see the federal or state governments trying to put any of these "snake oil" companies out of business. They are entitled to their opinion and ought to just be happy with the type of audio equipment and type of sound that works for them and stop wasting their time and mental energy pestering the rest of us.

Mwh777,  next time you ask a cable question, you may want to ask the deniers not to comment.  The actual question gets lost, and it ends up being "Are cables snake oil" again. We have to listen to the same bs again. We are being  saved from our mass delusion. Anyway, up to you.

I have different cables so I can't help you with you're question. Only had a bottom  of the line Transparent digital cable 10 years ago. Good Luck!

Consumers are getting ripped off is the point .
but apparently it escapes some of you .;and the "flat earthers" are the fools who deny science some of whom are even scientists who should know better!
a scam is a scam no different than bitcoin scam ( billions of $ in USA ) ad homenin arguments attacking me or Gene who could clearly Bury most of the deluded w/ knowledge and credibility and honesty ! is intellectually dishonest !
better you are just honest and admit it when something does not work and say "yes , i like to waste $ " As to supporting , enriching a scam artist who sells the scam ? it stands to reason some of the + reviews for things that do NOT work MUST be paid shills of the scammer. so shame on you !
I belong to SAE do serious auto part engineering and do not suffer fools gladly !
you cannot get away w/ bs ing car parts ( or spacecraft ! ask Boeing ! ) but you sure can w/ audio gear this is proof !
some of the scammers who can’ t rip people off w/ Bit coin or other clever schemes have found a safe niche hawking bogus audio gear ! they can actually GET AWAY W / IT !
gee i’d like new Ferrari too ! but i earn my $ honestly .. HOW DARE YOU ! LOL smiley

Audiophiles are not taking money out of the naysayers pocket to spend on audio cables and equally, the naysayers are also not spending their own money on the "snake oil" products.

^ this

This is your choice. Really do not care what Nelson or the boys at Schiit say. Go buy a guitar and let me spend my money how I see fit. Power Cords, or guns, or  feeding the poor. 

 I’d rather spend big bucks adding another guitar to my collection than on a $4K AC cable, but go right ahead. Does Nelson Pass recommend "special" AC cables?


I use some upscale (older PS Audio, Pangea, Audioquest, fat rubber thing supplied with my Pass amp) but not too extreme AC cables and my system sounds great...the cable supplied with my recently added Audioquest 707 conditioner has a flat plug on one end that is convenient (and they recommend using it which retired a very inconvenient, too stiff, wrestling match provoking garden hose-ish AC cable in my previous conditioner), and the extreme "premium" AC outlets I've used for years are so grippy I think the wall might come detached when I unplug something. Otherwise stock wire is in the wall. Lots of redundancy with bespoke power supplies for my phono preamp and one of my DACs...all of this results in a very quiet system without my losing sleep over some modest wiring here and there. I’d rather spend big bucks adding another guitar to my collection than on a $4K AC cable, but go right ahead. Does Nelson Pass recommend "special" AC cables?

Well, my fellow audiophiles, we may be doomed. We are again condemned for failing to pray at the alter of the oscilloscope. The wrath of the oscilloscopians is upon us. Are we to be smitten by the gods of the cult of the lead and leather eared for failing to embrace their sacred utterance that "If they can't hear it, then nobody else can or will be allowed to hear it"?

Yes, I agree about the entertainment value that the Flat Earthers provide but, I don't understand what they have to be so unhappy about. Audiophiles are not taking money out of the naysayers pocket to spend on audio cables and equally, the naysayers are also not spending their own money on the "snake oil" products. Of course there is the possibility that the cable deniers are actually just very good at chain yanking for their own entertainment .


I see this post brought out the Flat Earth Trolls in force.  This is more fun than any of the political forums for sure. @quickjack1234 you are very funny and entertaining. 

... being decades long analog design engineer I would love to ask you to actually measure noise floor for different power cables ...

If you're such an experienced engineer, why would you ask someone else to undertake measurements for your benefit?

comments !
cables yes you are delusional you spent the $ you have an expectation of results bias you actually think you can hear things that cannot be measured ? Did you do double blind A-B tests ? NO clearly not so pseudo science ! no one would dare try to publish such pablum in a scientific journal the peer review would skewer you ! 


3 weeks ago

@garykarczewski6678 So you’re telling me power that traveled hundreds of miles through antiquated power lines, then reached your 40 year old panel, with 40 year old breakers, then traveled a few more feet through your 40 year old wiring to your equipment is magically going to get fixed by an expensive power cable? Do people really believe this garbage?


3 years ago

I can see how people without any knowledge of electrical systems could believe power cables make a difference but to anyone with even the most basic knowledge (most audiophiles i imagine) its just ridiculous they coukld believe a power cable could make any difference. Its insanity! These people need to be locked up in a padded room especially they audio reviews claiming " oh this cable really added volume to the mids!" wtf!


2 years ago

The only reason folks push obnoxiously priced power cords is simple - money. If you call them out and ask them to do a blind test, they won’t. They say it can’t be measured with equipment, you have to hear it to believe it. They’re pushing this junk because they’re getting a kickback or a commission. Thank you for the video!



@quickjack1234 this scientist and 55 year + audiophile did the experiment with the Audioquest DBS system on speaker cables and interconnects and found a significant difference in the “blackness “ of the background. Ie, the noise floor was reduced, allowing more detail and things to be heard that were not audible otherwise. The exceedingly sensitive instrumentation that I used were my ears.


Do not tell me otherwise what my own instrumentation didn’t tell me.

yea sounds like a lot of you have drunk the kool aid on cables i laugh heartily when i watch all the great you tube videos like audioholics who actually measure cables and can show it is all mostly malarky and psycho-somatic delusions !
but i laught even more when i read some of this drivel here! 
In this case you honestly believe you can detect differences that cannot be measured ! pretty funny ! you have a unique super sensitive perceptual ability so superior why you must be a superman! you are better than all other humans er , NO you are not sorry ! 
Audioholics said :
We've spent 20+ years debunking the snake oil claims in audiophile/esoteric cables. In this video I make a proposal to the audio industry to STOP abusing fully understood engineering claims to justify the sales of their products and I will stop calling them snake oil. I further offer audiophile cable companies to submit their products to Audioholics for 3rd party verification testing which they can then publish on their website to help consumers make more educated purchasing decisions. “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” - "Hitchens razor
it is proven beyond doubt the $18K AQ cables are pure rip off snake oil and i am not too afraid to say it ! they actually got WORSE when they added the BS batteries to them WORSE performance ! someone actually made some cables out of old coat hanger wires that tested better ! LOL smiley
science is great ! you all need to do more blind A-B -C testing w/ someone else swapping the cables !  watch and learn fr a real HONEST audio engineer w/ an impeccable reputation for over 25 years and stop deluding yourself ! ( LOLdevil but you won't ! ) 
PS you have all that crappy cheap wiring fr the power meter thru your circuit breaker panel thru the walls and you ACTUALLY believe a few feet of expensive wire fr the wall plug to your gear is THE solution! LOL ,smiley NO

@ghdprentice "Power cords make a very big difference, and especially on amps. Generally more than interconnects and on the order of speaker cables (on amps). Transparent Generation five and six further lower the noise floor, improve balance across the audio spectrum, and increase detail. 

being decades long analog design engineer I would love to ask you to actually measure noise floor for different power cables, specifically original high end ones, assuming fully functional, vs whatever you pick “better” ones. //regards

I used a DNA 500 amplifier for more than 8 years - it's a wonderful amp with effortless power.  The best results I had with power cords was with a Shunyata Research Sigma.

OP: Great system! I suspect that it already sounds pretty amazing.

My initial suggestion would be to experiment by removing one (or more) of the Add--Powr resonators. Wait several hours and re-evaluate.

In my experience, the Add-Powr ElectraClear resonator did not play nicely at all with the TA PIMM’s. The HF became unpleasantly fatiguing. Same problem with an Akiko Corelli conditioner. I tried for months to figure out where these tweaks would work best - plugged into different circuits. They never did. For some reason, the TA Power Isolators are particular with whom they play. It came down to which type of conditioner to use - but not both simultaneously.

On the other hand, the PIMM’s loved joining forces with balanced power - such as Balanced Power Technologies. For source components, the two togehter produce excellent SQ in my system. I moved the Add-Powr ElectraClear over to my HT system - which definitely improved the TV picture quality.

My discovery was that different brands and types of power conditioners may or may not play well together. A returnable trial period is a wonderful thing. YMMV

_ _ _ _

P.S. Just copy & paste your latest post, take a few pictures and your Virtual System is pretty much done. It’ll be available for future discussions after this thread fades away.

@mwh777 that’s a really nice system. 
so if I understand correctly, the new power cords result in your system sounding leaner but do not aggravate your hearing condition. There are also some qualities that you enjoy with the new sound. 
Are the cords new? I’m still wondering if you gave it all enough time to break in and get accustomed to new sound. It may take couple of days or even couple of weeks to let it all sink in. If you gave it some time and still don’t think it’s the kind of sound you like, then may be try few other cords?



Power cords make a very big difference, and especially on amps. Generally more than interconnects and on the order of speaker cables (on amps). Transparent Generation five and six further lower the noise floor, improve balance across the audio spectrum, and increase detail. 

Ok, I will address the requests for more info.

BTW, to those who contend that power cords or even all cables make no difference, I consider you and your wallet to be lucky since you have no need to spend lots of money on wire. The rest of us are just stuck with the audiophile burden of trying to satisfy our hearing perception.

Next, I need to preface by saying that I have a hearing condition that is called hyperacusis. For me, the main characteristics are having an extreme sensitivity to high pitched sounds, abrupt sharp sounds and abrupt volume changes. Examples: I have to use sound attenuator ear plugs just to unload the dishwasher, can't take the clanking together of the dishes, cant' take crying babies, screaming children, high pitched female voices/vocalists (some female vocalists sound like, to me, that they are yelling instead of singing), metal on metal screeches, squeaks, etc., etc.

So, please keep in mind that what sounds frequency balanced to most people will sound way too tilted toward the upper midrange and high frequencies to me.

Now on to the details.

Room - 14' x 23' x 8' dedicated listening room.

Acoustic treatment - Front corners have four, stacked two high in each corner, 16" round Tube Traps with Room Tunes corner triangles at the ceiling corners. Side walls have two each (4 total)  8" -  1/2 round x 5 ft. tall Tube Traps at the first and second reflection points. Rear corners have four stacked two high Acoustical Solutions corner bass traps, also with Room Tunes corner triangles at the ceiling.

Speaker placement - the front wall is the short wall - tweeters are 7' + from the front wall and 4 ' from the side walls.

The system from end to end -

Power is two dedicated 12 ga. lines on the same electrical phase feeding two 2 gang boxes or 4 plex boxes if you prefer. Each 4 plex box has one Maestro (un-plated) receptacle and one Oyaide R-0 receptacle (the R-0 is un-plated beryllium copper). The two different receptacles allows for more flexibility with tailoring the sound.

The two power cords feeding two power conditioners - DIY Acrolink 7N-P4030 II, 10 ga. wire with Oyaide 004 white body cord ends. These are the same base metal as the regular 004 but, are un-plated. You have to buy these from Japanese eBay vendors. As you can see, I mostly prefer un-plated receptacles and cord ends.

Power conditioners - Two Transparent Powerisolator PI-8. These are from the mm2 generation and have the benefit of being able to be stacked up unlike the newer versions with their curved tops.

Power cord to phono - same as the above Acrolink cords.

Power cord to preamp - Transparent Reference Gen 6 with Oyaide 004 ends in the regular plated version.

Power cord to amp is the cord originally discussed - Transparent Powerlink MM2 with Oyaide plated 004 ends.

I have tried using various Transparent cords from the wall to the power conditioners and have always preferred the Acrolink cords there.

Interconnects - phono to preamp Transparent Ultra Gen 6 RCA,

preamp to amp Transparent Ultra Gen 6 balanced.

Speaker cable - Transparent ultra Gen 5.

Turntable - highly upgraded Linn LP12 with Karosel bearing, the full Stack Audio Ultimate upgrade kit (no longer in production), Audio Origami tonearm, Sumiko Celebration 40 cartridge (brand new - 4 hours) and an old Sumiko PIB-1 phono interface box that is upgraded with Cardas Clear tonearm wire.

Phono stage - Manley Chinook with the Soviet era Reflector tubes.

Preamp - Aesthetix Calypso - Eclipse version (the top dog) with the French Mazda tubes and the Reflector tubes.

Amp - the afore mentioned DNA-500 (SMC silver plus upgrade).

Also the Sopra 2 speakers have the Stack Audio Auva feet.

In addition, there are two Add-Powr harmonic resonators, one current version X4 and a first generation X2 (now replaced by the Apprentice). The power cords here are also the Acrolink with the plated Oyaide 004.

While there is a cd transport and DAC in that system, I'm not factoring them into this question since the playing time of them has diminished greatly.

Streamer? -  I have a node 2i in system #2 which is much more centrally located in the house and is probably about 95% casual listening usage.

Is there room for improvement? Sure. For one, the room treatment probably needs a few things added or replaced.

So, I think that's most of it. 

Thanks for everybody's input.






I’m amazed as to the ability to pick up sound differences comparing different power cords.

I use transparent Power cords and cables and very comfortable with all they do. I’m in the middle of their ranges, not too cheap not too expensive. And a longer power cord is something they advocate for whatever reason. Gives it enough time to do whatever it does while traveling through power cord.

as For generation five versus generation six, wow, who the heck would be able to figure this out. I gave up coloring books along time ago.

Could you try Shunyata Alpha or Sigmas? I’m using a mix of Sigma v1 and v2 with great results on CJ, Linn, dcs... great all around. I think The Cable Co is having a sale on these now. I suppose to make way for the more-expensive Alpha and Sigma X’s. John at thecableco is helpful in matching accessories to equipment. 

Why are the gen 5 and gen 6 a "step up" other than in price? By the way, power cords make no objective difference. 

Personally  I would start upstream of the powercord if you have not already. I would try a new plug. Get yourself the top end furutech plug wire that in and then decide  what you think of the system.  

Why not go with another brand ?  What awg gauge  are these ?

The AQ Tornado HC  would be very good , if you contact. Anthony at Perrotta Consultants  he gives very good deal on them , and for digital the Tornado -Source power cords.

I owned DNA-0.5 Deluxe, DNA-125 and DNA-225 stock and modified. These amps are very musical and engaging. You can make it work with the focals but you will need to find the right combination of components and cables. I used ARC LS-25 and Ref1 with DNA-225. Good synergy and the combo paired well with B&W N803. 

As @soix pointed out, providing more context about the rest of your system will help. Upgrading power cord on the amp will just highlight what the upstream components are doing. What’s the rest of your system, components and cables…any room acoustic treatments?

The amp you have is known to be very detailed, neutral and on the analytical side of the spectrum. This is why the older Transprent was appealing… it wasn’t as neutral. 

I actually don’t agree with this as a long-time owner of an SMcAudio amp, and the DNA 500 was the pinnacle of Steve’s stock creations and was not at all pegged as “analytical” sounding.  If anything it’s probably your Focals that are leaning more to the analytical side of things and necessitating some warmth.  That said, the only thing we know about your system is the amp and speakers so would be most helpful to know what pre and source you’re using because all of this contributes to what you’re hearing.  There could well be another source of what you’re hearing and trying to fix through cables when it could well be another component that could be the source of the issue.  More info is always better in these situations, so please share if you want better/more well-informed recommendations here. 

I have to agree with @audphile1 that the Gen 6 is more balanced. top to bottom, meaning you are probably hearing your amp more clearly.

I use Transparent almost exclusively. You can see my systems under my user ID. I have found Transparent to be… well exactly that. And Generation 6 is a significant improvement over 5 and earlier.

I spent over a year with my amp (ARC Reference 160) trying to find the right power cord. I felt the Reference Gen 6 power cord was very good, but hesitated for some reason (I felt I needed XL or better). I have Reference on all other components, and they are perfect. I tried all the higher level Cardas… and always too warm… but varied with cost… less warm the more expensive. My dealer finally brought over an Audioquest Hurricane (high current)… that was perfect and only $2+K. So, for me that was the perfect solution. Btw, 2 meters sounds notably better than one.

Considering what you have said, here is my opinion: The amp you have is known to be very detailed, neutral and on the analytical side of the spectrum. This is why the older Transprent was appealing… it wasn’t as neutral. So, I am thinking getting a better Transparent may not be what you want. I would recommend you try a Cardas Clear Beyond. I think it will balance your system… giving it a bit of fullness that you will not get otherwise. Find a dealer to lend you one.

@mwh777 it is possible that the better/newer power cords are better balanced top to bottom and you are used to the sound of your system with the older Transparent cords. How much time have you given yourself to adjust to new sound to be 100% sure you like it less?