Responses from retiredfarmer
Speakers sound too bright. My personal opinion is you have a very open and telling speaker system now. I think you are hearing a problem somewhere else in your system Break in will help but basically for me it is rare to go from ugly to great. Certainly new speakers soun... | |
How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase Lol personally I like to drop off a gift certificate for Starbucks or something like that. Lol when they like you they will tell you more information you should know. Likely you will gets at least 20 times your money out of what you paid for a few... | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Ls35a,neat, Sonus Faber, nandw silver signature s. That would be where I would start looking. | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead Lol I have four sets of mono blocks and one stereo amp. They are all good but I find the mono blocks just a bit better more costly in many ways to setup but toe it is worth it. Regards | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? I think the question is there such a thing as a good sounding DAC? | |
Vacuum Tube Preamp for Solid State Power Amp Pairing My advice would be first and foremost you have a high quality amplifier. Stay in the same league or higher. Don't buy a piece of shiit. Don't be afraid of an older high end unit the Hovland was considered one of the best preamplifier s made at the... | |
Western Electric 300B problem I would pay attention to what @ghdprentice said as I would bet he has tried almost all of them. | |
Will Accuphase E-800 be enough to power Klipsch La Scala speakers? Plus 1 to every comment above | |
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords? @thecarpathian tiny! | |
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords? @thecarpathian lol short quote written like a person who loves to skew the facts for there feelings of self worth. | |
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords? Anytime one of these wire threads come up I am always amazed at the non believing responses as they are derived from ignorance and or financial jealousy. It seems like many are afraid that anything that might be better is a reflection of the size ... | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up @61falcon yes you are correct thar makes big difference more than just ground loops. I would also suggest 12 3 wire not just 14 3 wire. As long as it is being rewired heavy wire is a good thing. Make the wires in the wall identical length ... | |
Are new Mark Levinson Preamps better than old? I have a pair of 33h amps and personally I liked the Ayre k1xe better than the levinson pre. I have a tube front end and I have been thinking about a pathos synapse preamplifier. But just thinking as I am happy where I am at currently. | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp @snookhaus I will go with his recommendation of a set of neat speakers. I have a set up the line a bit in a home theater that is a 50wpc nad receiver I am sure your 20 watt tube amp would run hard against a 50 watt solid state amp. Also mor... | |
300B Tube Amps with 15/16 Watts Per Channel? I have a pair of triode labs parallel 300b amps. Made in Japan. I love each system I have for different reasons. The voice is to die for. It is quick and musical base is there but I have other systems that are better in that department |