Has anybody else had problems with orders from Lounge Audio?

I ordered a Lounge LCR MK III phono preamp on January 22nd and have not received it or any word from Lounge about any delays. I've left two messages on their contact page without a response. I just left a third message tonight.


I also have placed an order with no response to date.

Personally I think he should remove the claim that orders will ship within a week when based on both my experience and multiple others, orders aren’t delivered anywhere near a week and worse, the owner apparently doesn’t care enough to even respond to reasonable emails simply asking for a date.

 If I was simply informed that it would take 2-3 months, then I could decide if I can wait for the order to be shipped.

 I intend to try to get a response over the next few weeks but then I will submit a request to PayPal to get my money back 

I don’t mind waiting for a product, but I do expect at least one response telling me if what I paid for will be delivered within any reasonable timeframe.

 I do not believe that to be unreasonable.

I wish you luck.

Don't wait to long before submitting a claim with PP or you might be out of luck. I learned the hard way. 😞

Rod, it took about four months. He does not answer emails, but when I called their number, it was Robert who answered the phone. Then, I tried to keep the conversation short, but he is quite ready to talk about his products. Robert & family members personally wire and assemble the preamps. HOWEVER, it was well worth waiting for. I ordered the Gold model and am simply stunned at the sound, which I think blows away even some master quality level CDs I have—Moody Blues, and I don’t think they are true masters. Of note, I ran into the same issue with ordering Odyssey monobloc amplifiers from Klaus. It took for or five months, but, again, the quality of sound is stunning. (I try to avoid buying products from Communist China, as I believe they are preparing for war with all those around them and the United States—I spent 32 of 41 yearsi n the Army and working for the Army as an intelligence officer.). On both products, it was worth the wait!

Does anyone have the Lounge Audio phone number? I can't fid it anywhere on their website.

I'm having trouble getting any response from them, after I paid for an LCR Gold via PayPal (Lounge Audio apparently only takes PayPal and Venmo).

Got the phone number (which I asked for in my previous post). Talked to him (it's a one-man shop) and the order is in process. I will be waiting several weeks for my unit to be built. He noted that the estimated timeframe for orders on the website is wildly optimistic and doesn't represent his current backorder list, but he hasn't been able to get his website person to come back and revise the website (not something he is confident fiddling with himself). 

He will ONLY process new orders after putting out the fires of previous customer orders with complaints. 

He Stated, PayPal locks his account with an active Dispute, so they get priority. After agonist 2 years, he's basically just stolen my 600.00 dollars and Ghosted me.

Unfortunately Stereophile will not answer E-Mails to their listed Editors' purgatory Account, and yet  Continue to endorse this Criminal in their Class B Products!

In a Sense it makes them Complicit. 

Lounge Audio and Sterephile team up to embezzle money from Consumers. 

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