The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.
Not sure he never actually left earth he was in low orbit, barely. Not in space as all the news seems to think.  
Didn't a monkey do the same thing 72 years ago?
That, and he spent more time in space than Amazon gives their employees to pee.

All the best,
" Didn't a monkey do the same thing 72 years ago?"

nonoise- perhaps you're referring to "Miss Baker?"
Remeber learning about her in junior high science class.

 Did more for science/technological advancement than Bezos ego exercise.
Wow. Those photos brought back some memories. I remember even back then, as a kid, feeling sorry for her all cooped up in that capsule.

All the best,
A hilarious & educational (didn't know monkeys lived that long) thread. Love it!
i would not have been too bent outta shape, if he went out for a space walk while the craft descended back down to earth.
Thought I read he may be selling this ride soon for $1.5M per minute—to consumers.  
Maybe we should go too. And never return. This planet is on unstoppable fire.
@dougsat  Thanks! The same absurdities so many Amazon employees feel now has been felt forever by others.

Not sure he never actually left earth he was in low orbit, barely. Not in space as all the news seems to think.

Earth ends and outer space starts at the Kármán line, 62 miles (100 kilometers) above earth’s surface. Bezos was at about 106 km above earth so technically did reach space.
Did he go further than Branson? Neil Degrasse Tyson broke it down to, Branson didn't go into space. 
He was in "space" for 4 minutes. ENOS the NASA Chimp already did this in 1952.
Well, at least Jeff had a return to earth plan.  That was not the case for Laika, the dog the Russians shot into orbit in 1957.  The group the Gorillaz took the title of an old Lassie movie--"Lassie Come Home" to create the title for one of their albums, which was titled "Laika Come Home."   
Post removed 
After a brief intermission we are now back to our regularly scheduled audio discussions.
Now that Bezos got his joyride out of his system, what’s next? A run for President as an independent? We need some fresh thinking in this world from people who have proven no task is too great for them to get done when needed. Or would he just pan out as another real life Bond Villian totally focused on merely dominating the world for his own benefit? That seems to be more the road he is on to-date though he did donate $200 million to charity after his big joyride, I heard. Would like to hear his hifi.  I bet he is a mbl guy. 
Post removed 
No more "businessmen" for president.
We're not a company.
All the best,
apparently nothing disqualifies anyone from becoming President anymore...or holding any public office. No party affiliation here, just am equally disgusted with all politicians.
Running the country as a company worked out pretty friggin well.
Now it’s run as a fascist, totalitarian, communist nightmare, censoring everything we say and telling us what we’re allowed to know and what we’re not allowed to know.

I’ll go with the former.
What's  with the hat? Did he find that in "outer space?"

Jumpsuit and cowboy hat...yup he's with the "in crowd."

Can we start a  GoFundme to  just send all these  billionaire  guys to space and place them permanent orbit?
Post removed 
Bezos is a wonderful person, just ask him.

As for the political tripe seems it’s the usual suspects.

As Chuck Yeager said “Spam in a can”
@nonoise  Don't EVER accuse a conservative of projecting. That's your  M.O.
If the Left didn't have double standards they would have no standards at all.

And I thought I said my piece very well, thank you.

@devilboy , Of course you'd think you said it very well. Along with projection is that delusion you live under which was best said by Issac Asimov: 
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
 Tossing that word salad of accusations at me with no regard as to what they mean was a perfect example.

All the best,

@nonoise LOL. here we go again with the back and forth.

Continue to disparage my beliefs all your want, but at the end of the day, you, and the majority of the community here on Audiogon frankly, are nothing but leftist sympathizers who support a regime that wants to censor and take away the liberties and freedoms of the American people. You, nonoise, are very knowledgeable in audio related matters, IMO and I actually take your comments regarding audio seriously. However, with your leftist rhetoric you are disgrace to your country. A country that was founded on the principles of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and freedom of speech, all of which go against this dictatorship nightmare we are currently going through.
So I say to you and anyone else who shares your beliefs, if you agree with this administration, you hate this country. Plain and simple.

I didn’t mention the words election f***d. Had I done so, this thread would have been deleted. But it’s okay for someone to wish, on another thread, that my family and I die from covid. To the best of my knowledge, that thread was still up this morning.

@devilboy , Funny how you call me and others here who align with 75% of the country leftists, and see yourself as some part of the mainstream, when, in fact, you're an outlier of the most anti-democratic faction we have. 

Likewise, I enjoy your take on audio but when it comes to politics, and who's a real patriot, you're the farthest thing we have in that regards, if you truly believe the things you say. This may go a ways towards explaining why you think the way you do:
I truly hope you read it and let some of it sink in.

As for that other thread, I have no idea what you're talking about. All I can say is the last things nurses are hearing right now, before they intubate is, please give me that vaccine shot, only to be told it's too late.

All the best,
@devilboy and @nonoise 

The 2 Party system sucks and you two need to stop with the talking points. 
All Noise all the time. The Devils in the details you all ruined a good tongue and cheek post.

Just because you're using a new handle doesn't absolve you of all your previous political rants which ran the same as devilboys under your old name so give us a break. 

But I see you're now down to the both sides do it argument which is the last resort of losers who are too ashamed to admit that they backed the wrong horse, so they're all bad. I guess you can call that progress. 

That, and this is not the end of some good tongue and cheek provided you're up to the task.

All the best,
Too bad....I was kinda hoping one of those oversize windows would blow out.  
Clearly, Jeff Bezos is too politicizing a figure to make a joke about. Then again, on this forum, I could start a thread called "Puppies are cute," and it would would go down faster than Stormy on Mario Kart's Toad.
now I know where my money oct.2019 bought 2.8oz tube of silicone on scamazon....checked not long ago - scamazon charges 14.82 for the same tube
if he had taken a space walk while his craft descended back down to earth, i would not have been bent outta shape.