The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.

Showing 24 responses by nonoise

John Steed and Emma Peel! Boy that brought back some good memories. What a series. And that Lotus. You'll have better luck fitting in one than the Elan that Emma drove in the series.

My dad used to go to auto auctions and I'd go along just to test drive the cars as he looked around. Happened upon a Lotus Elan, just like the one Emma drove. It wasn't in running condition but when I sat in it, everything fell into place like it was made for me, but what a small car it was.

Well, the weather here has cooled a bit (the breeze is nice) but it's muggy and damp inside. Can't wait for fall and winter to come back around. And I don't think we're ever get back to typical weather. This new trend is gonna put the Farmer's Almanac outta business.

All the best,
Even better than billionaires in space (shades of Elysium?), Lee Kiefer just took gold in women's fencing! First time for any American.

All the best,
@asvjerry , Agreed. We have to get over this illusion of billionaires are going to save us. From what, exactly? 
They're masters of attention economics and nothing more. It's all part of our celebrity culture, which is way outta wack.

@rocray, That must have been one tough gig for your dad. Those LST were always in the line of fire and for the most crucial part, sitting ducks. 
Why is it Hollywood always glamorizes the tanks?

All the best,
@ianrodger, sorry you got caught up in this mess and that I came down hard on you. My intent was not to pound my chest but point out that a face to face wouldn't cure anything. 

It was when I read a thread where MC claimed that I, and others here, put his license in jeopardy with the Washington State Medical Board that set me off. A bridge too far. Anyone notice how quickly he went to radio silence and his retinue of boy toy back up dancers all jumped in? He likes to pull stunts and this was one of his worse. I say this just to clear the air with anyone who didn't know. 'nuff said.

Like you, I can pretty much listen to anything but have my limits when it comes to country (bluegrass is fine and an art all its own), and as for opera, there are certain arias that I love but as a whole......

I've spent a good part of the day listening to internet at, starting out in France, then Greece, Turkey, Kazakstan and ended up in Oslo, Norway for a long time. Interesting place, Oslo. I like hearing new things.

All the best,
@kob, My old apartment manager was a friend of my dad's from their association at the local American Legion Hall (great drinks, low cost) and he served on a PT boat in the Pacific, stationed on a island where the locals who worked with them would collect enemy heads. 

His "girlfriend" that he got to intimately know told him she'd cut off his head if he ever cheated on him and he believed it. She kept this huge machete with her at all times and slept next to it.

All the best,
Before checking out your suggestion I noticed a Favorite on my Mac that I had overlooked, due to it’s positioning, and it’s not bad, at all. It’s and it’s not as clunky as I remember from using it last.

You can zoom all over the world in a matter of seconds and select regions, like throwing darts on a map, or use their search engine. I’m now in France and I’ll think I’ll stay awhile.

All the best,
@tvad , bingo!
Or, close enough.

@secretguy, theres' no rhyme or reason to it.
And, you never get used to it.
I just wish I could get into a digital subscription. Call me old fashioned, but I still like radio and the fact that it's free. What I do miss is the Borders listening section they used to have. Music from all around the world with all those rows of CDs. 

All the best,
Your Father was in WWII so that makes you what 75?
With math skills like that, they allow you to fly?
Tell me you haven't been huffing the aviation fuel.

All the best,

And here's Capt. Fly by Night, late again to the party, trying to dog pile in on the action.
Going back over this thread brought up some real chuckles.

It was when rereading it that I noticed the term, Nazi, that I used and am surprised to have missed being called out for using it.
Allow me to clarify.
Any biker who has swastikas tattooed on his chest and accompanying SS tattoos on his neck qualifies as a Nazi, in my book.

As for the music, I completely forgot about Deep Purple. Even my old fashioned mom from the farm liked their music. I also knew a guy back in my strip club days who was a tunnel rat and like your friend, he could get pretty far out there. I don't know of anyone who'd go through something like that and not be adversely affected.

As for European jazz, the ones I like the most are Paris Combo (French), Quadro Nuevo (German) and various other acoustic artists (mostly French). I don't know what it is about French cafe music, but I find it so immersing even though I don't have a clue as to what they're singing.

And yes, those WWII vets are the best America has ever had. My dad got two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star for his work as a SeaBee. They went in before anyone, save for the landing party, and cleared the jungles, laid the airstrips, fought hand to hand, and kept on working as the bombers did their runs on them.

All the best,
After all that, those who attacked keep on deleting, creating their own narrative. A sorry bunch, indeed. Anyone who cared to lecture me have anything to say about what just happened?

Thought not. 

All the best,

I didn't miss anything and directly addressed you points, but so be it.

As for classic rock, I'm not that big a fan anymore. Used to love some of it ( The Doors, The Who, Rolling Stones) but I was into ELP before I liked the Beatles. ELP, Yes and King Crimson led to Walter Carlos and that soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange, which led to classical. 

That led to jazz like Weather Report (saw them at the Roxy, right up front, in Jaco Pastorios' face), and then back to stuff like Gentle Giant, Genesis and others. Next thing you know it's The Cure, The Clash, the Punk scene and then mostly nothing. 

For the past decade, or so, it's been European jazz, world music and strangely, pop music like Billie Eilish (who I find very amusing and talented). Oh, and I can't forget a favorite fallback, movie soundtracks. 

I feel better now. Thanks for the diversion.

All the best,

   Some people never learn. They even go so far as to think this site is their safe place, where they can say the most ugly and ridiculous things and not account for the offense they give.
   Trembling little snowflakes who want to censor everyone who'd dare disagree with them and project those shortcomings onto others.
   This is not your safe place. It's shared by all. Let that sink in.

All the best,
I'm waiting for that variation on a Twilight Zone episode where his doppelgänger comes back and he's the nicest, most generous person imaginable and the one we know is a working in a warehouse in some hellscape.

All the best,
Just because you're using a new handle doesn't absolve you of all your previous political rants which ran the same as devilboys under your old name so give us a break. 

But I see you're now down to the both sides do it argument which is the last resort of losers who are too ashamed to admit that they backed the wrong horse, so they're all bad. I guess you can call that progress. 

That, and this is not the end of some good tongue and cheek provided you're up to the task.

All the best,
@devilboy , Funny how you call me and others here who align with 75% of the country leftists, and see yourself as some part of the mainstream, when, in fact, you're an outlier of the most anti-democratic faction we have. 

Likewise, I enjoy your take on audio but when it comes to politics, and who's a real patriot, you're the farthest thing we have in that regards, if you truly believe the things you say. This may go a ways towards explaining why you think the way you do:
I truly hope you read it and let some of it sink in.

As for that other thread, I have no idea what you're talking about. All I can say is the last things nurses are hearing right now, before they intubate is, please give me that vaccine shot, only to be told it's too late.

All the best,
@devilboy , Of course you'd think you said it very well. Along with projection is that delusion you live under which was best said by Issac Asimov: 
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
 Tossing that word salad of accusations at me with no regard as to what they mean was a perfect example.

All the best,

No more "businessmen" for president.
We're not a company.
All the best,
Wow. Those photos brought back some memories. I remember even back then, as a kid, feeling sorry for her all cooped up in that capsule.

All the best,
Didn't a monkey do the same thing 72 years ago?
That, and he spent more time in space than Amazon gives their employees to pee.

All the best,