The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


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Please note that I’m NOT saying the test has to be rigged. That’s kind of my whole point. Geez! The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.
amg56 ...

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That really sucks. 

For what its worth Adrian, I've never thought of you as anything other than a "normal" poster in these threads. There is absolutely nothing wrong in expressing an opinion no matter how many disagree with those opinions. Counter opinions are one thing, while personal attacks are another. I don't think I recall you ever attacking anyone here on a personal basis. If you have, I've missed it somehow. I actually enjoy your input. This is how we learn, no? 

I wish you the best ... and rest assured that medical advances over the past years have saved tens of thousands of lives of those suffering from a vast variety of afflictions ... including the "Big C."

Take care ...

Please note that I’m NOT saying the test has to be rigged
It’s obvious that’s there is such a thing as a valid listening test, isn’t it? That’s independent of the actual test results, or how the results are interpreted. Anyone with a genuine interest in blind testing of audio would want to ensure in advance that the efforts of conducting such a test would at least be rewarded with a meaningful result. There’s a lot of science about how to conduct a valid test, so there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel, or to call in lawyers in advance of the test to somehow "protect" the participants.

geoffkait “Please note that I’m NOT saying the test has to be rigged.”

It’s obvious that’s there is such a thing as a valid listening test, isn’t it?

>>>>I’m saying there isn’t such a thing as a valid listening test. I thought I made that clear. The reason is because pitfalls can sometimes be beyond anyone’s control.

That’s independent of the actual test results, or how the results are interpreted.

>>>>That’s what they would have you believe. Just because someone follows test procedures exactly doesn’t mean the test results are valid. Obviously positive results are more meaningful, though, since positive results can be obtained even when there are errors in the system, hearing issues, failure to follow instructions, etc. 

Sorry to hear of your condition, consider this though as Frank says.
Modern medicine is much better equipped to deal with this.
My 87 year old mother has had 2 different cancers and at present both in full remission and she is still going on vacations!
Best of luck.
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geoffkait - The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.
So to do the best posts/responses oft go awry. 

geoffkait - I’m saying there isn’t such a thing as a valid listening test.
This is incorrect and delusional. 
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It’s a shame the more appropriate and more comprehensive response is - apparently - against forum policy.
If you're not clear about the forum's rules, you might want to review them. They are here. In particular, you might want to note this condition, which would seem to apply to you:

" In addition, you may not use the Services in any way that violates applicable federal, state, or international law, or for any unlawful purpose."

If you don't like the forum rules, you're free to move on.

I’m saying there isn’t such a thing as a valid listening test. I thought I made that clear. The reason is because pitfalls can sometimes be beyond anyone’s control
Sorry, we'll have to disagree about that, Geoff. I absolutely think there is such a thing as a scientific, valid listening test. It is not as simple to conduct as some here would have us believe, however. And the results of any one single test are of limited value, especially to an audiophile who's comfortable and reasonably confident in what he hears.

Unlike many of the loud voices here, I've actually participated in a few listening tests. These were very much scientific: level-matched, double-blind, with training that preceded the actual test. The results were ... interesting.

To be clear, I think such tests have very limited value to most audiophiles and are mostly a waste their time. But if we are going to discuss listening tests, it should be done without hocus-pocus, and without the requirement to wager $25,000 and include the involvement of lawyers to "protect" us.

I think scientific blind listening tests have very real value to manufacturers, by the way. But I think it's interesting that the best manufacturers use them only as a guide - not an absolute measure of their work.

I embrace the idea of "lets reverse and *RELIABLY* hear a difference" 🤑

cleeds - To be clear....

Sorry, I *THINK* someone else beet you to it. 
I embrace the idea of "lets reverse and *RELIABLY* hear a difference"
That's just not true. If it were, you'd conduct such a test yourself. Instead, you demand others do it for you, ante up $25,000 first and work with your attorney to "protect" themselves. Those are the facts, and the reason your posts keep getting deleted.

Again, I direct your attention to this clause in the forum's rules:
" ... you may not use the Services in any way that violates applicable federal, state, or international law, or for any unlawful purpose."

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cleeds - That's just not true. If it were, you'd conduct such a test yourself. Instead, you demand others do it for you, ante up $25,000 first and work with your attorney to "protect" themselves. Those are the facts, and the reason your posts keep getting deleted.

Again, I direct your attention to this clause in the forum's rules:
" ... you may not use the Services in any way that violates applicable federal, state, or international law, or for any unlawful purpose."

There are no "demands"; at least not coming from me. To your point about the forum rules, perhaps you should be reminded I asked (rather politely too I might add) that any testing and associated procedures would be conducted FILL IN THE BLANK. That ends that argument.
There are no "demands"; at least not coming from me.
I guess you use an odd definition of the word "demand." Here’s one good definition:

"an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right."

... any testing and associated procedures would be conducted FILL IN THE BLANK.
That makes no sense to me at all. But because you’ve agreed to end your demands, we can allow the matter to end here.

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and best of luck on your surgery. 
I can see how it would make anyone out of sorts. This fuse matter should be the least challenging matter to deal with for the time being.
Keep up the positive thinking.

All the best,
geoffkait “I’m saying there isn’t such a thing as a valid listening test. I thought I made that clear. The reason is because pitfalls can sometimes be beyond anyone’s control.”

Sorry, we’ll have to disagree about that, Geoff. I absolutely think there is such a thing as a scientific, valid listening test. It is not as simple to conduct as some here would have us believe, however. And the results of any one single test are of limited value, especially to an audiophile who’s comfortable and reasonably confident in what he hears.

Hey, no problem. You sound a little bit like the spiritually minded scientist, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, who replies in the movie Prometheus when asked why she thinks heaven would be beautiful, “Cause that’s what I choose to believe.” You seem to have much more confidence in the abilities of audiophiles than I do. I also happen to think you’re not really following my logic. 

Heh....   I am out of the battlefield and will watch from the sidelines. It will make for good viewing anyway.

Thanks for the best wishes.

I'll be in good care, and I'll have this crappy notebook with the keyboard that has a mind of its own (I swear it's possessed sometimes) to keep in touch while in hospital.

@geoffkait Geoff, take a Valium mate. Life is to short. So forget the competition and let it go. Listen to some good music and enjoy what you hear.

I hate to judge too harshly but you’re the one who should be taking Valium. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Be nice, relax, enjoy the ride. 

amg56 - I’ll be in good care, and I’ll have this crappy notebook with the keyboard that has a mind of its own (I swear it’s possessed sometimes) to keep in touch while in hospital.

Geoff, take a Valium mate. Life is to short. So forget the competition and let it go. Listen to some good music and enjoy what you hear.

My sincere well wishes during - and after - your hospital stay. @amg56

As to your suggestion to Geoff, didn’t you know that he doesn’t really LISTEN to music? His enjoyment is derived herein the forum.

Reminder.. withdrawal can be painful....😌

cleeds - But because you’ve agreed to end your demands, we can allow the matter to end here.

Nothing to end. From my perspective, it never started. That said, I remain ready, willing and able.
As to your suggestion to Geoff, didn’t you know that he doesn’t really LISTEN to music?

We all know that, you just have look at his avatar to see what he’s into.

And this is his!

Cheers George

Geez, to think someone recently had the audacity to say I took pleasure in shooting fish in a barrel.  🐟 🐠 🐟 🐠🐠
amg56 - I'm being nice and you still have to have a barbed comeback.

amg56's quoted statement is heart felt. To me, anyway. How often have I stated herein the forum not enough folks listen to the heart-of-gold-band.

@amg56, I would like to offer you some music. Free of course. Available to you via download link I shall send via PM. Format flac or shn. Your choice. Something to listen to while in the hospital.Just ask.... here, PM on audiogon, my private email, whatever. 🙂

@gdhal Thanks. The list you have is all my era and likes. I would be happy playing any of them. I have a lot of the artists myself on vinyl, tape (old), CD and digital, but there are always holes in the collection. :)
I have an AK-240 I take with me. I'll be taking in my HD-800s and adapter with me. It has all my fav's on it; you know, if you're stuck on an island which music would you take...
amg56 - gdhal, Thanks. The list you have is all my era and likes. I would be happy playing any of them. I have a lot of the artists myself on vinyl, tape (old), CD and digital, but there are always holes in the collection. :)

You're most welcome. By all means, feel free to pick one or two shows you don’t have. My list is rather extensive, so I’d recommend using your browsers "find" function 😎

Alternatively, if you let me know your band preference, I can/will package an "artist sampler". 😎
@amg56 - You can't forget to take Little Feat, Waiting for Columbus.  A Desert Island album for sure!  Best wishes for your speedy recovery :-)
@amg56 Tommylion told me you are facing a large personal health issue,
and that you had mentioned it here. I wish you the best! You obviously have a strong fighting spirit!  If you would kindly PM your shipping info,
I will send you a kit. 
@perfectpathtech I very much appreciate the kind words and offer. I also am not one to take gratuity, not because I am too proud, it's the way I was brought up. I will purchase a kit after I am over this episode and I know my future. Hopefully I will out live TC! But seriously, it is a generous offer but I can't accept. But please take my thanks genuinely. You to Tommylion.
@amg56  Or Adrian if I may, I respect that, I was raised the same way.
Please watch for a PM in the next day. Nothing about TC, just would like to share some words of encouragement with you!

I found out I had the big "C" 6 weeks ago and I have an op on the 1st. Previous to this I was more than likely angry, but let it out here.
Nothing but well wishes for you on the 1st mate, you’ve got some great docs up there in Qld. If you want I’ll look after the AMG for for you while you recover. Best sound ever, next to an old Ducati bevel drive with Conti’s at full tilt.

Cheers George

@perfectpathtech Thank you. I appreciate that.

@georgehifi I wish I had an AMG but my initials are as close as I'll get. I had a Duc 900SD ducktail and conti's. Was temperamental in winter and the oil was thick the electric start couldn't do it. If you got the kickstart wrong it'd boot you over the handlebars, or bark your shin raw. That was before the new 750 motor came out. Should have taken warning when I bought in Sydney and rode home to Canberra in the dark, rain and Winter. Took days to thaw out.

If you got the kickstart wrong it'd boot you over the handlebars, or bark your shin raw. That was before the new 750 motor came out. Should have taken warning when I bought in Sydney and rode home to Canberra in the dark, rain and Winter. Took days to thaw out.
Been there done that and got the stuffed up knee to prove it.

Cheers George
gdhal"That said, I remain ready, willing and able."
If you are referring hear to a valid reliable repeatable scientific double-blind listening test that would be conducted in public and would not require the advance submission of personal information or agreement in full to terms established by your attorney I remain ready willing and able to prove in a double-blind test the clear, obvious and demonstrable differences in things such as cables and fuses that you have previously insisted do not exist in fact I have a business trip scheduled to the US this summer so this would be a very easy straightforward and manageable matter to arrange so just let us know if your serious or perhaps otherwise simply engaging in repeated concerted deliberate efforts to stir the pot.
Here I go again. 🙄

clearthink - .....I remain ready willing and able to prove in a double-blind test the clear, obvious and demonstrable differences in things such as cables and fuses that you have previously insisted do not exist....

Be reminded that the previous back-and-forth we had concerning this subject matter is specific to you - as in you personally - being able to detect an audible difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed. It didn’t include the much broader category of differences between one particular brand and another, etc. I suspect you know that, but are choosing to "stir the pot" as you so eloquently wrote.

clearthink - ....I have a business trip scheduled to the US this summer so this would be a very easy straightforward and manageable matter to arrange so just let us know if your serious ....

No need to let **US** know. I’m letting **YOU** know. 🤑


I'll work around your schedule. 🤑

I’m reminded of the Aretha Franklin hit song, Who’s Zoomin Who?

Take another look, tell me baby
(Who's zoomin' who) who's zoomin' who?
(Who's zoomin' who?) now the fish jumped off the hook
Didn't I baby (who's zoomin' who?)

gdhal"No need to let **US** know. I’m letting **YOU** know.  🤑"

I have specifically been clearly requested by a confirmed bona fide Moderator of this forum group to refrain from providing you the private personal information your require in advance to conduct this test and I note for all the USD signs in your little smiley that continue to promote your listening challenge which I must respectfully decline to accept again at the specific request of the forums moderator.