The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


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You would be much better off if you weren’t supported by some dude who uses for his avatar a computer that’s on the blink.

Isn’t it about time for that long cold shower, spaceman? 👨‍🚀 If that doesn’t work consult your physician. 
We have seen such multiple deleted posts within a single simple thread posted on many occasions and such deletions are most commonly the logical result of the groups' experienced moderators shutting down the nonsense responses which are ordinarily marked with repeated demands that others perform blind tests while at the same time pretending to don the white cloak of objective scientists working within their realm of facts and data when in fact such self-proclaimed "objectivists" actually have a near total lacking in the most basic scientific disciplines. Such numerous posts by the groups few "nay-sayers" or "debbie-downers" as some call them repeatedly and continually disrupt the ready flow of legitimate information within the thread disrupting those who seek to share via the forum they're actual, first-hand real world experience with the devices, methods or protocols under discussion. 
I think they are the best I've heard including the SR Blacks. I really don't think EE's have a clue about what sounds best. They have forsaken science and the quest for 'valid' measures. Also the reality that people buy what sounds best. Our ears are better than invalid measures.
Still flipping vinyl, not sure as hearing much more change since inserting Blue fuse in phono stage Sat night.
But it was a pretty impressive change to start with so.....
Well worth $150 to me and that is ALL that matters really at the end of the day.

If others of a different opinion are content with their $2 fuse change then so be it.
I think you might be missing out but it is your money and your choice for sure and that I respect.

So please respect my choice even if you cannot get a fact laden scientific explanation for it.
Geez, can you guys please try to be a little more convincing. That last one was kinda weak. You’re starting to lose them. Put your backs into it, lads! 🏋️‍♂️
That is not what this thread is about , IMHO at least, I could not care less if anybody believes me or not and whether they can hear a difference or not.
Read Franks thread post....

"PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers. "

And that is ALL I have ever tried to
You need to pay a little closer attention, spaceman. 👨‍🚀  You’re starting to lose it.
Only in certain members minds are there "ranks".
This thread is supposed to be about sharing experience about the SR Blue fuses.

Only certain members decided to turn it into a battlefield instead.....
I just asked for fact rather than opinion. Sorry if that couldn't be answered and started a war. I feel like I am telling one-liners on stage and having tomatoes thrown at you by the mob. The factual people much really be getting under the skin of the "it sounds better" people.
^^^  Exactly, uberwaltz ..

My only intent in starting the fuse threads was to share my positive results with others who enjoy the hobby and those who are open minded enough to try the suggestions. Same thing for Tim's TC as well.

There are those among us who in spite of the overwhelming number of positive posts just cannot face the fact that they are wrong.  I suspect that they are this way with everything, even that which is non-audio related. Its just a certain personality type that fears criticism above all else. .   

amg56 sez:

  • I just asked for fact rather than opinion. Sorry if that couldn’t be answered and started a war. I feel like I am telling one-liners on stage and having tomatoes thrown at you by the mob. The factual people much really be getting under the skin of the "it sounds better" people.

No one’s getting under my skin at all. Impossible, because my skin is two feet thick. :-)

You keep asking for "facts." What kind of facts would satisfy you? I’ve asked several times what electronic devises could be used to measure an improvement (or degradation) in sound-field depth, width, correct tonality of instruments, etc., and yet, no answers have come forth. I’ve asked that question several times of Georgehifi and get nothing but "crickets." Perhaps you’d like to take a stab at it. I’d welcome the information.


I certainly was not referring to your self and apologize if you took it to mean that.
I was referencing certain more obtuse members who have been around a long time.
oregonpapa OP
My only intent in starting the fuse threads was to share my positive results

Well you’ve done that with absolutely no personal cred from SR themselves backing your claims of massive sound improvements and directionalability. Now you can stop trying to sell them to the non technical here, who don’t know better.
Who would be far better off re-directing the >$150 x 4 for all pieces if they listen to you, into something else.

Here is a post from if you can believe it, from a "user" on a SR distributors web site.

THIS WEEK I INSTALLED 1 QUANTUM BLUE FUSE as an experiment UPSTREAM in the main plug which provides power to the whole system. My system is hyper sensitive to any change however small, be that good or bad. I can report with no exageration I AM IN TOTAL SHOCK. The entire system has more speed, energy and precision IN EVERY AREA. I immediately contacted a well known reviewer (UK) friend of mine to explain. Its virtually impossible to convey the magnitude unless you experience it first hand. I will be replacing all the fuses in my entire system with QUANTUM BLUE. £130 Per fuse is expensive but not expensive in the context of was it delivers.

And another one, you've got to ask yourself, REALLY!!!!!

The black fuse is a very good fuse, but the blue fuse is absolutely better in every way. It is very dynamic, bass is taught, defined, and extended. Resolution and detail increased by an easily discernible margin, yet while simultaneously being more relaxed sounding, which is really quite amazing. This is one of the best values in sonic upgrades in my opinion.

This is all you potential fusers need to know, forget the "snake oil’ being preached.
As this is what happens to any fuse (including the "snake oil" ones) that have seen too many turn on cycles, it’s called fuse ageing with "switch on surges", as there’s far more current goes through it at the moment of switch on than any other time, as it has to charge up empty power supply caps ect.
That’s why fuses and light globes can blow (if nothings wrong) at time of turn on surge, here are some pics of fuse ageing.

A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left

A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right

Just change your tired old fuse/s for the same quality $2 ones that were in there. Forget about the "snake oil fuses" for $600!!! + for 4

Cheers George

I thought you said you were going away.......
Yes, and I said I"LL BE BACK once the "snake oil" started to flow again from the "Awesome Foursome" and on queue, it did.

You keep asking for "facts." What kind of facts would satisfy you?
You don't have any facts, just subjective hearsay, and SR doesn't back you publicly, as I stated above.

Cheers George
Since when do you establish the rules, George? You make this up as you go along. First you claim it has to be "scientific" and then it's pointed out to you that something empirically observed is scientific. Any disproving is up to the naysayer, which you refuse to do.

Now you say SR has to join your fracas of a forum or it's not legit. 
When you run out of conditions and the fuses always sound better, what will you do?

All the best,
Hey all four stock answers in one post!
Perfect, maybe will not have to listen to any more whining for a while.
You are nothing if not

The Magnificent Seven ride again...

Allnoise, just gas oops, pardon me.

Refreshed and rejuvenated after some good waves, and back into the fuse "snake oil" fracas

Cheers George
When asked what these fuses do on other forums, Synergistic are only too quick to point others to this Audiogon "snake oil" thread with the posts of how great they are.
But when it comes to the backing up the ones they point to, their silence is deafening. They don’t personally back your claims here. You "Awesome Foursome" are the sacrificial ones, "collateral damage" if you like.

What they said on other forums:

Jay Albers Sure for the same reasons that folks will spend thousands of dollars on cabling. They look cool and you can brag to your friends about how much you spent on them.

" Synergistic Research There’s an interesting discussion among people who’ve actually heard our fuses in their systems over at Audiogon. Check it out."

Cheers George

Did you hit your head with the surfboard?

You found a person who doesn't believe in them. 

And, you found out that SR steers people to what they think is a sane discussion on their fuses. Boy, are they in for a big surprise.

All the best,
I sure love my SR Blacks and, more so, the Blues.  The only real proof is found in the art of listening, in knowing your system's sound and how it changes after you make alterations---cleaning connections, adding isolation schemes, moving speakers, changing fuses, power cords, etc.  You need the discernment in hearing to evaluate your work.  We have no proof from the naysayers and know-it-alls they possess any of these qualities.  

And, you found out that SR steers people to what they think is a sane discussion on their fuses.

  But when it comes to the backing up the user comments SR points to, their silence is deafening. As they never say themselves, not even close, what you fusers are saying these "snake oil" fuses can do. 

Cheers George
Their backers comments speak for themselves, like with all products that people are happy with. What need does SR have that they must rely and promote what others say? This is really quite a stretch, even for you.

I would say you can do better, but you seem to be running out of negative options to toss around.

All the best,

Highly respected designer Dennis Had director/founder of "Cary Audio", opinion on snake oil fuses ect.

This is all you potential fusers need to know, forget the "snake oil’ being preached.
As this is what happens to any fuse (including the "snake oil" ones) that have seen too many turn on cycles, it’s called fuse ageing with "switch on surges", as there’s far more current goes through it at the moment of switch on than any other time, as it has to charge up empty power supply caps ect.
That’s why fuses and light globes can blow (if nothings wrong) at time of turn on surge, here are some pics of fuse ageing.

A slow-blo fuse "ageing" right to left

A fast-blo fuse "ageing" left to right

Just change your tired old fuse/s for the same quality $2 ones that were in there. Forget about the "snake oil fuses" for $600!!! + for 4

Cheers George
Georgehifi ...

Have you checked your reading comprehension lately? I asked you what facts would satisfy you? ... That was the question, right? And you answered: 

  •  "You don't have any facts, just subjective hearsay, and SR doesn't back you publicly, as I stated above.
Georgehifi ...

The question wasn't about ME ... it was about YOU. Now then again ... what "facts" would satisfy you?? Is there a meter available that would measure sound field, depth, width or organic presentation of instruments? If so, name it. Come on ... give us the facts, George. 

I asked you what facts would satisfy you? ...

You asked here it is again.
I think all of us, would like to hear from Synergistic Research themselves, personally saying the same as what is said here by the "Awesome Foursome" and others regarding the "massive increase in sound quality" that these mains fuses give, and the "directional ability" they have also, over a good quality standard $2 new fuse.

Cheers George  
I hate to keep correcting your mathematical ability but it is most definitely.....
The Magnificent Seven.

Oh btw, I have been practicing wearing my underpants on the outside of late just to help the image.

Nope, not helped the sq any though....
It's a shame that, out of respect for the OP and others loyal to the forum, there is no enforcement of rules of decorum here--mere deletions are not enough.  I would also expect repeat offenders to refrain from slanderous accusations toward manufacturers. 
Spot on!
I doubt certain members would be missed either on this thread or this forum in its entirety.

Truce guys, truce. Lets agree to disagree but lets not allow this fine forum AudioGon go to the dogs, where we are at each are either out insulting each other or disrespecting the products that, I am sure of, people have worked to make work.

Ok, at times we have conformational or expectation bias. Agreed. Lets call it at that. I can't disprove what you perceive, I can't prove it wrong, nor are there evidential proof one way or another.

This goes to all the other threads as well. I feel very uncomfortable knowing that I have contributed to the insults and personal and product putdowns. I feel uncomfortable posting something not knowing whether I'll get a thrashing for it. It's not a nice feeling to be excluded in a hobby I love as much as you all,

Can we just call a truce and be civil with each other. I am sure there will be other posters who will respect us more for it.


amg56 - I can’t disprove what you perceive, I can’t prove it wrong, nor are there evidential proof one way or another.
That is true. No one can disprove what someone else perceives. However, one can point out (repeatedly) that persons who perceive what should be impossible to perceive, haven’t been completely honest with themselves in-so-far as **how** they "perceived" it.

In the case of this thread, the perception was done with ears, eyes, fingers (touch), expectation bias (advanced knowledge), perhaps smell, etc. whereas realistically, the perception should occur *only* with ones ears.
... persons who perceive what should be impossible to receive, haven’t been completely honest with themselves in-so-far as **how** they "perceived" it.
It's rather odd how the one user here who has repeatedly promoted his $25K rigged "listening test" accuses others here of not being "completely honest."

A listener can be "completely honest," and still reject your repeated demands that they conduct some sort of listening test to satisfy you.

I think all of us, would like to hear from Synergistic Research themselves ...
Actually, no we wouldn't. Please don't pretend to speak for the entire group, George.

Those who have a genuine interest in Synergistic fuses buy one and try it. Those who don't have a genuine interest seem to want to just perpetuate the squabbling.

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I can't afford the blue (or black) fuses. Therefore I am not interested in purchasing any. However, if I am honest, I cannot say that those who have them find them to their liking. Its the prerogative of the owner to opine on the product. If I or others are not persuaded to purchasing them for what ever reason, so be it.
Appreciate the sentiments.
However we all know full well the main protagonists here who just cannot let it go.
Yes the rest of us should be able to ignore those barbs and rise above the nonsense.
But you know how human nature goes.
Actually it’s not true that carefully agreed terms of the test procedure ensure a valid test. As I’ve oft explained, the reasons why a blind test OR ANY TEST can go wrong are sometimes BEYOND the control of either party or any lawyers that might be involved. Especially when they are not test experts. It’s completely naive to believe that a negative result of a blind test, even one that is very thorough and agreed to, proves anything. In fact I’d go so far as to say anyone who suggests a blind test for an audio tweak is either naive or scheming.

The threat of a blind test is simply a ruse, a ploy, a rather obvious one, used by naysayers to browbeat people into doubting what they believe or hear or to subject a controversial product to doubt and ridicule. Putting up money on the test only adds to the absurdity of the whole thing. The test hasn’t even taken place and the naysayer already knows the result? Come on, people! Wise up!

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
The difficult we do rapidly, the impossible takes a little longer

Sorry, I just have enough facing me at the moment to allow these threads get me down. I found out I had the big "C" 6 weeks ago and I have an op on the 1st. Previous to this I was more than likely angry, but let it out here.

I have bigger things to peck about. A.

The threat of a blind test is simply a ruse, a ploy, a rather obvious one, used by naysayers to browbeat people into doubting what they believe or hear or to subject a controversial product to doubt and ridicule. Putting up money on the testvonly adds to the absurdity of the whole thing. The test hasn’t even taken place and the naysayer already knows the result?
Yes, he knew what the "test" result would be advance because it was rigged, like three-card monte. That’s why he was willing to wager $25K on it, and why he continues to promote it on this forum.

Of course, gdhal will respond by saying he’s not promoting the $25K challenge but only "offering" it. No matter. It’s a ruse.
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