Thanks to the Moderators

Many of us have had small issues with the moderators here at times, but I want to call them out in a positive way for monitoring new threads and closing ones that are meant to cause conflict and are not really related to audio.


Post removed 

Yeah, earlier, before account address verification a lot of nasty comments were rampant. Now reduced, still offensive comment are sneaking in here and there.



We need more people making decisions for us on what is good or bad in our adult life. 🙄

I think the mods here do an excellent job. I’ve never had an issue with them. Most of those who complain about them aren't really here to talk about audio or music, but have another agenda.

@roxy54 - I agree.

You are what you tolerate. It is your site Audiogon, so nice work keeping it as a place where people want to be.


10,738 posts


If there was only some way to set the internet on fire, like books


I love the sound of a cracking fire, burning knowledge to the ground.

What did I miss (been binge-reading old Tana French novels)?




I once made a very mild joke related to a product many of us have seen and would understand and it was removed. Are the moderators based in the South?

They do a pretty good job overall. I like discussions to at least stay relevant to whatever the OP asked.

 I got a life coach they make all the decisions for me.i highly recommend  them.i have no problems now.enjoy the music  my life coach said I should listen to more elvis.

By the way, I have no idea what was posted but the responses tickle me since they're always the same people with the same responses. 

All the best,

@nonoise +10

The problem with burning down the 'net (much like the house) is they tend to come after you.

Worse outcome: Grey Bar Hotel (typical)

Best outcome: You get offered a job (unlikely)

It's a thankless but necessary job, I served on another site for several years. You can't please everyone, you can only do your best to cater to the majority. To the Mods; thank you for the time you spend on here and keep up the good work.

Tammy, great job on the moderating! Happy someone recognized your efforts, I agree! 

Hope your weekend is good!

We need more people making decisions for us on what is good or bad in our adult life. 

wwwrecords, is it really you?

We need more people making decisions for us on what is good or bad in our adult life.

When an audio thread becomes a soapbox for personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic, I'm thankful for a moderator.  I don't view it as a "threat to free speech". All too often, these days, the term "free speech" is incorrectly utilized to describe what is actually "license". 


We need more people making decisions for us on what is good or bad in our adult life.

When an audio thread becomes a soapbox for personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic, I'm thankful for a moderator.  I don't view it as a "threat to free speech". All too often, these days, the term "free speech" is incorrectly utilized to describe what is actually "license". 

That poster sounds more and more like the member known as wwwrecords from AA where the moderator basically let him do whatever he wanted to.  



I got a life coach they make all the decisions for me.i highly recommend them.i have no problems now.enjoy the music my life coach said I should listen to more elvis.


God Bless The King.

have not noticed any spam  tho i see someone said one of my posts was spam -hardly !  someone did not like one and asked it be deleted i did not see why but did delete it .  it was certainly was strongly related to the topic but i guess the tribe has spoken there is a narrow interpretation here unlike other places ! so i deleted and apologised in a PM to OP 
WWJD  just turn the other cheek ! some just not very nice people here troublemakers who will falsely accuse you .
sad one of the 10 things you should not do ( bear false witness ! ) 
I admin a dozen pages on FB and no bullying issue on them 
spam is obvious IME like a Bitcoin pitch in an exotic car page !
( I guess they think all Ferrari owners have $ )  
prob there is scams people, selling parts they do not have our good rules help prevent that  picture w/ name/ date so they cannot photoshop someone else's part photo 

what type of spam has there been here ? 


It's good for you that the moderators don't delete posts for bad spelling, grammar and punctuation.

X  SEE BULLYING ! lol  I USE GRAMERLY IT FIXES MOST OF THAT FRANKLY NOONE CARES ABOUT THAT NONSENSE ANYMORE   i type fast do not worry about a few errors this is not an English class ! my vocab is above 90 % of users as per Grammarly ! 
you are being far too picayune , regards 

I think the mods here do an excellent job. I’ve never had an issue with them. Most of those who complain about them aren't really here to talk about audio or music, but have another agenda.

I couldn't disagree more. I had a lot of issues with moderating, deleting my civilized comments and leaving disgusting, spiteful comments in the thread and quoting non-existing rules or rules that absolutely did not apply, ignoring my questions, deleting comments about moderating, etc. and I DO NOT have an agenda. You can't have your cake and it too. You either moderate in the most controversial manner and just call it what it is, or you moderate fairly and APPLY THE RULES you created.


You proved my point. The way you write gives people a good idea of who you are.I know that I have a pretty good idea.


I had a lot of issues with moderating, deleting my civilized comments ... quoting non-existing rules or rules that absolutely did not apply, ignoring my questions ...

I am very surprised to see this. I've always found the moderators here to be thoughtful and responsive. Who have you dealt with here at A'gon? What "non-existent riles" have they quoted?

... and leaving disgusting, spiteful comments in the thread ...

That shouldn't happen. You can flag those for deletion.


On several occasion, they wrote me that my comments were off topic and hence they deleted it. 

Along with it they sent me the list of rules. None of which were relevant to being on or off topic.

I also found some of their answers smug. But that's subjective


Captivating resurgence of a two month dormant thread - thanks for the revelation!

Carry on...

Maybe I've just drifted off but this is most boring 2-3 years this site has ever seen. Maybe I' prefer a little entertainment. The spending part comes without sense.

On several occasion, they wrote me that my comments were off topic and hence they deleted it. Along with it they sent me the list of rules.

That sure seems reasonable to me.


it would be if it was a posted rule AND my comments were actually off topic. Let alone if all off topic comments were treated equally.

In my case, it was a lame, made up rule. 

If there was such a rule, I would still be confused though because there are so many productive, long-running conversations here where a comment could be relevant, educational, helpful and still strictly speaking off topic for the OP.

Of course if someone was talking about hair loss treatment product or selling bitcoin, in thinly veiled ads, that would be annoying. But how many times are people talking about fast cars or memories from their youth with vintage gear when the topic has nothing to do with those.

But I can move on, there are way bigger problems to worry about...