Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Other forums I’ve participated in have an "ignore list" feature. You can add a member’s name to the list, and their posts will not be visible when you are viewing threads. You can see that they posted, but the text of their post is hidden. You have the option of making a particular post visible again, if you want to see it.

It's a great feature, and I really wish audiogon would implement it.

"The use of the word "Troll" 4 x in one post, must be a record, and it’s directed at the more tech savvy members on the forums who only try to keep things honest and technically informative."

barbappa was not talking about Al there, Georgie. He was clearly talking about you and the three other riders of the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse, thus the use of the word Troll four times.


Mentioning Wes Montgomery made me think of another wonderful jazz guitarist Kenny Burrell.  "Midnight Blue " this is another gem early 1960s Blue Note recording. I believe that you'd like it a lot. 
I’ve suspected that the Audio Magic Beeswax fuse is a very good one. I may try one in my DAC or Line Stage at some future point. Admittedly I’m not in a rush to do so as I’ve been content with the SR  Black fuses. I feel that the Audio Horizon fuses are likely terrific fuses  as well.

Thanks for the Milt Jackson recording recommendation, I am yet to come across a disappointing recording from this brilliant  vibraphonist .
Here’s one for you, "Bags Meets Wes" Bags was Milt’s nickname.
This is a quintet featuring Milt and Wes Montgomery. This is an early 1960s Riverside recording and it is a gem , just beautiful playing by these giants of jazz.
"Did my ex wife start posting here?"

THAT is funny.

As for the fuses I have 2 types of aftermaket in my system : SR Blacks and Beeswax SHD. I like both but I find the Audio Magic better for my taste in my system. A bit less spectacular but more globally musical with a more refined sound.
Awfully long to burn in. The good thing with aftermarket fuses is the investment is cheap relative to the increase in SQ.
The relatively bad thing is we are at the beginning of exploring with with little things and we can expect every year or 2 there will be a new model with better SQ that will came as a temptation.
Is that a bad thing ? We can say the same for lots of technical gear.

This thread has been great for a long time. Partly because Oregon papa was kind and clever enough for keeping calm and and answer with humour on the 2 or 3 that never listenned to aftermarket fuses but try to turn the ones who listen and want to share ridiculous.
But now it is becoming complteley useless and stupid.

Unlike the trolls when I disagree I quit but my goal is to learn or share about music reproduction, not to suscribe to all the discussions Where opinions differs to mine.

The trolls don't bring anything positive or interesting on the discussion. Never ever, but htere is always someone for answering them. They don't care what we can argue, they only try to exist using maîly the threads speaking of tweaks and expressing opinions based on listening impressions.

They never quit the thread, hidden behind their screens scruting new posts and answering things we don't asl'them to, trying to turn ridiculous the ones that speaks about what they heard.
Many years now I am on forums and it is always the same again and again.

So I think we should have a "Troll" switch to activate or not on every thread and when the Troll switch has been activated by, let's say, more than 10 or 20% of the forumers past the 20 posts they could be automatically put off the thread.

They think they are clever and humourous but they are useless, stupids and nocive.

Ain't that the truth?
George ...

I don't think Barbapapa was referring to the technically gifted ones who contributed to this thread. I believe he was referring to the very few who keep beating the drum of skepticism in a negative way. 

Tonight's spectacular during the listening session was Milt Jackson's recording on the old Savoy label called "Second Nature." This two record set puts the musicians right there in the room with you. Highly recommended. 

Here's a link to a mint, unopened promo album.  Please, someone buy it and share your thoughts here.
 The use of the word  "Troll" 4 x in one post, must be a record, and it's directed at the more tech savvy members on the forums who only try to keep things honest and technically informative. 
Where it should be rather directed at the "snake oil voodoo'ist" of the forums who prey on the gullible that aren't technically minded.

Just like the way some power cords can sound?
I have never been so impacted by these power cords. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control.

Cheers George
This thread has been great for a  long time. Partly because Oregon papa was kind and clever enough for keeping calm and and answer with humour on the 2 or 3 that never listenned to aftermarket fuses but try to turn the ones who listen and want to share ridiculous.
But now it is becoming complteley useless and stupid.
Unlike the trolls when I disagree I quit but my goal is to learn or share about music reproduction, not to suscribe to all the discussions Where opinions differs to mine.
The trolls don't bring anything positive or interesting on the discussion. Never ever, but htere is always someone for answering them. They don't care what we can argue, they only try to exist using maîly the threads speaking of tweaks and expressing opinions based on listening impressions.
They never quit the thread, hidden behind their screens scruting new posts and answering things we don't asl'them to, trying to turn ridiculous the ones that speaks about what they heard.
Many years now I am on forums and it is always the same again and again. 
So I think we should have a "Troll" switch to activate or not on every thread and when the Troll switch has been activated by, let's say, more than 10 or 20% of the forumers past the 20 posts they could be automatically put off the thread.
They think they are clever and humourous but they are useless, stupids and nocive.

Wow fuses are really boring compared to that!

I would certainly disagree if I could.
I just went back to read your site information on the Teleportation tweak. Easily some of the best site prose I have ever read. I must remember to send my friends to your site. No, do not file for a patent as you will spill the beans on how you accomplish such a fantastic outcome. Keep it hidden and secret would be my professional advice. 

Another reason is a patent makes your idea and process visible to all including competitors. Competitors make a couple of changes and they can in fact "copy"your "patent" in large measure. Sometimes it is better to just keep it hidden.

eggs ackley! You beat me to it by 15 minutes. One can't help wondering if the Patent Office would have any difficulty approving my application for the Teleportation Tweak? Or would they reject it out of hand? Not that I would file an application. Loose lips sink ships.

You guys crack me up.

My patent office comment was made tongue in cheek.

Actually, I was referring to an old story that back in the 1800's there were those who thought the patent office should be abolished because everything that could be invented had already invented.  

"Everything that can be invented has been invented." ---  Charles Duell, Commissioner of US Patent Office, 1899.


Audio grade fuse holders are already in your gear. Remember, it's the fuse holder.
 reveal how it works in the patent.
Really!!! God forbid that might happen. 
Whatever they have, any patent office would laugh it off, unless they could find a corrupt one somewhere in the world.
Yes the patent office in Darkest Africa, 666 Voodoo Place, they've been known to take dirty money.

Cheers George 
Right. There is some question whether Audio Horizons, in such a competitive market, would be able to sell enough fuses to pay for the patent. There's also the sticky issue of whether it's actually better to keep the whole thing secret rather than reveal how it works in the patent.

Another reason is a patent makes your idea and process visible to all including competitors. Competitors make a couple of changes and they can in fact "copy"your "patent" in large measure. Sometimes it is better to just keep it hidden. I experienced both in my innovation career...that is filing and not filing and the consequences. 
Geoff, yes, I agree with your post just above. I’ll add that there are practical reasons why a manufacturer might choose not to seek a patent, such as the attorney costs that may be involved. And perhaps also the amount of time that is required to secure a patent, which may exceed the product’s anticipated life cycle.

In general, the usefulness a patent might provide to a prospective purchaser, if any, will result mainly from the information it provides about the product.

-- Al

For audiophile fuses one assumes patent approval does NOT depend on listening tests. Therefore, ironically, having a patent for an audiophile fuse does not in itself guarantee the fuse will improve the SQ, no? So the whole issue regrading patents for fuses is moot. A patent - if there is one - should not persuade an audiophile one way or the other.

No, I haven’t Geoff, although I haven’t ever looked very thoroughly.

BTW, an improvement of an existing invention can certainly be patentable in many cases. It just has to meet the basic requirements for any patent, namely being new (meaning the improvement has not been done previously); useful (pretty much anything will be considered as meeting this requirement, aside perhaps for something like a substance whose only functionality is causing cancer in humans); and non-obvious to one reasonably skilled in the particular art.

-- Al

Al, you’re welcome. Just curious, did you happen to run across ANY patents or patent applications for audiophile fuses? It seems to me these audiophile fuses are not really a new invention but an improvement of an existing invention. So, I doubt any of the fuses we've been talking about are actually patentable. There are only so many patents granted for paper clips, too, I would imagine.

It almost sounds like you're making some sort of comparison between aftermarket fuses and perpetual motion machines but maybe I'm reading too much into your post.
Yes, you are reading too much into my post.  But thanks for the award :-)   

-- Al
Al, I hereby award you the first Dick Tracy Award for detective work above and beyond the call of duty. It almost sounds like you're making some sort of comparison between aftermarket fuses and perpetual motion machines but maybe I'm reading too much into your post. 

Hi Frank,

As a point of information, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office does not verify that an invention that is the subject of a patent application works as claimed. Although they will refuse to grant a patent for an invention that is patently impossible, pun intended :-) A classic example being any form of a perpetual motion machine.

BTW and FWIW, regarding the indication at the AH website of a patent pending for their fuse technology, I had used the search features at to search for both granted patents and patent applications, using various terms relating to the name of the company and its proprietor. My search came up empty-handed.

Best regards,
-- Al
(Licensed but non-practicing patent attorney)
At what point will the naysayers promote the abolition of the patent department? :-)
Some things are taken for granted.
It's always been there so why investigate it?
It's always worked so why improve upon it?
It's not appreciated since it might lessen my contribution.
Using that logic, we could have all stopped improving things eons ago.

Another consideration that's overlooked is if there'd been serious R&D into something considered so insignificant that there's no real standardization of it's implementation, and advances made beyond "good enough" were achieved, other components downstream needn't have had such development to overcome the problems that came along from that something, considered so insignificant.....

All the best,
In the spirit of innovation and "what can be" the fuse holder is important for several well understood reasons which include; 

Quote from DIY audio site that is remarkably forward thinking;

"On other equipment, I went through the trouble of making a few fuse holders to experiment with. My experiments revealed the importance of contact surface area, material, plating, contact pressure, wire termination mechanics, attachment of fuse holder to chassis, with best results achieved with high contact pressure, copper-plated brass, cylindrical fuse holder with crimp fitting for wiring, and teflon outer dialectric.
Somebody once mentioned that perhaps Furutech or some other company should manufacture an audio-grade fuse holder one day, since the existing options for these are really unimpressive from anything else but a safety perspective. Does anyone know of any audio-grade fuse holder for 5 x 20m fuses?"

In 5 years perhaps all of our gear will benefit from better fuses, fuse holders, and a slew of other improvements coming from the minds of those who are intentionally curious and innovative today.  All you detractors, as humorous and fun to read as you are, also benefit from these very ideas, past and present. Hope you realize this. Today you joke about fuses or fuse holders and tomorrow they will be better designed and enjoyed by all. Today we benefit from advances that were ridiculed in the past. Innovators and early adopters should be thanked. Wether graphene, power transfer technology, or whatever, those who are opened minded and open to learning at least stand a chance of improving technology for the rest of us. 

Sure, you guys owe us in the fuse crowd a big thank you😊
Wolf, that is exactly what I do with some parts. Vibration of parts is something smart designers try to solve for wether it be tube sockets, caps, fuse holders, or other sensitive areas. 
If the vibrating fuse and holder alleged "issue" is keeping anyone up at night, just squirt some silicone caulk on it and call it a day. In fact, fill all your gear with silicone caulk…messy, but hey…you can't be too careful when it comes to developing your True Audiophile cred.
Grannyring -- do you mean the fuse holder;;; or the very sensitive soul holding the fuse??
Good points. More attention should be given to the fuse holder. This is an area for innovation for sure!
Shadrach wrote,


Pick up any of hundreds of books on audio amplifier or speaker design. You will find ample proof that equipment is designed to minimize extraneous noise from the power supply (that is where you will find the fuse). You will find a low output impedance and a high input impedance is recommended in order to minimize interconnection effects."

Please provide one, just one, statement in any of those hundreds of audio amplifier or speaker design books regarding fuses in either amplifiers or speakers. I trust you aren’t now claiming fuses are interconnectors.

Shadrach wrote,

"I dont know why any of you would think well designed audio equipment should magnify things that we definitely do not want to hear. If this is not self apparent then you are in the wrong hobby because listening to music means a focus on the music (source signal) and not the fuse in the power supply."

Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said audio equipment should magnify things we do not want to hear. Do you actually believe fuses are NOT a weak point for EMI/RFI, vibration and conductivity? Have you been nodding out during this discussion?


Pick up any of hundreds of books on audio amplifier or speaker design. You will find ample proof that equipment is designed to minimize extraneous noise from the power supply (that is where you will find the fuse). You will find a low output impedance and a high input impedance is recommended in order to minimize interconnection effects. 

I dont know know why any of you would think well designed audio equipment should magnify things that we definitely do not want to hear. If this is not self apparent then you are in the wrong hobby because listening to music means a focus on the music (source signal) and not the fuse in the power supply.

Small silk bags containing multi-color quartz aquarium rocks, with a minimum of two audiophile fuses per bag, are incredibly effective in taming runaway hi-fi systems, especially after being frozen for at least 48 hours. Bags should be placed atop speakers and electronic components. The optimum number of bags is system-dependent. Drawstrings on the bags should be woven from hemp for best performance. YMMV

Lots of yuks, but seriously, folks, there are many ways to improve the performance of any fuse, even super duper aftermarket fuses. To whit,

1. Cryo the fuse or use the trusty home freezer.

2. Apply a contact enhancer such as Quicksilver Gold to the fuse end caps prior to installation.

3. Apply a teeny weeny WA Quantum Chip for Fuses to the fuse in situ.

4. Apply some sort of anti vibration material to the fuse holder.

5. Surround the fuse with a mu metal "tent" to shield it from magnetic fields, especially if there happens to be a large transformer anywhere nearby. As mu metal is conductive ensure mu metal doesn’t contact the fuse end caps.

6. Paint the end caps violet/purple using permanent marker. This can be accomplished in situ.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats, no glory

The thing I really like about the fuses, is I can forget about them. After investing the time to determine the best sounding direction (didn't take long at all, in my case), and get through the break in period, I don't have to fiddle with, readjust, tune, or reapply anything. I can just just sit back and enjoy the music.

I did my research, and decided to go with higher values than the stock fuses, so no worries about them blowing; unless something happens where they should blow.

They say all these SR fuses sound even better if you freeze them overnight, trouble is you only get 15mins of even more blissful music before they thaw out.
To counter this, one should have a stash of them in the freezer that way you have it covered for a couple of hours.
Then use them for the second time in the opposite direction to counter them getting polarised.

Cheers George
I was going to try out a whole compliment of the Bees Wax fuses, but I was afraid they would buzz. And of course, I didn't want to get stung by a snake oil bee. 
Small silk bags containing multi-color quartz aquarium rocks, with a minimum of two audiophile fuses per bag, are incredibly effective in taming runaway hi-fi systems,  especially after being frozen for at least 48 hours.  Bags should be placed atop speakers and electronic components.  The optimum number of bags is system-dependent. Drawstrings on the bags should be woven from hemp for best performance.

+5 again Dlcockrum. 
Does anybody here know why a 1987 Saab 900 was my favorite car to drive around in? I doubt it. I can't say for sure. I doubt it could be measured, if it could it would not be easily I'm thinking. But it is. Now here is the tale, should anybody care?
Dlcockrum. I thought an honorable Lawer in southern speak means 'lower'. So George being a 'lower' means he is as you imply is in the humble service of others. I think most will agree we can attest to George being just like that. I think he deserves a pre paid magazine subscription to 'good manners' and 'how to make friends' to help him keep his cheery personality.  This thread would be worse off if he ever loses that.
I will say the Audio Magic stuff sounds like a bunch of jargon filled marketing crap, but at least they have the honesty to say their beeswax fuse has a very organic "flavor" :P

Take it from someone who's owned an Audio Magic fuse, it's a honey of a fuse. Sweet!

I will say the Audio Magic stuff sounds like a bunch of jargon filled marketing crap, but at least they have the honesty to say their beeswax fuse has a very organic "flavor"  :P

Post removed 
George Jetter,
I have a dedicated music room 25’ X 23’ X 12.6’ high with too many records on the floor but mostly in custom wall shelving. Also about 5,000 of the 7,000 CDs are in metal drawer cases. The records and CDs which are put away on walls and cases are filed in my computer; unfortunately, I’m too busy to list about 8,000 of them (arrivals in the past 10 years). I will attempt to post photos in the future.maybe through a URL?  I had no damage from the 1994 earthquake due to the shelving, 6" concrete floor with tied 1/2" rebar and 8" to 12" thick exterior walls. 
Shadorne is of course correct. Hearing sonic differences, especially improvement, from aftermarket fuses and power cords is the best way to identify inferior equipment. I had it backwards all this time, thinking that the best equipment would be revealing of improvements in the quality of power they are fed. Wrong thinking!

Based on his superbly-vetted advice, I have decided to finally accept reality and sell off my Ayre, Krell, Classe’, and ModWright equipment as soon as possible. I am still testing my VPI turntable to see if it sounds different or better with an aftermarket power cord attached to the SDS controller. If so, it’s outta here too.

I plan to keep my aftermarket power cords and fuses temporarily for use when carefully auditioning the replacement equipment to ensure that I can hear no differences between the perfectly good cords and fuses that come with the new equipment and these aftermarket voodoo products.

I could use some help from those following this thread and elsewhere identifying equipment to avoid as I move forward. Please post the makes of your equipment if you hear any differences when using aftermarket cords and fuses in order to help me avoid these products. For this assistance I will be forever grateful, but not nearly as much so as to shadorne for making me see the light.

I also plan to test my car to see if it performs better with expensive non-OEM tires. If so, it’s outta here too. The factory knows what works best. Cost is never a consideration. The nonsense saying that better constructed tires make a car handle better is also marketing hype to deceive the weak minded into giving the fraudulent high-performance tire makers money. Don’t believe it!
