Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 33 responses by marqmike

Be careful Charles 1dad you could hurt yourself moving that much. And those things they call bobble head dolls are real people that just can't quit bobbing their head. People think its cute so they put you on a desk or shelf or something. You never know where you'll end up.

I swallowed the koolaid. I guess nobody has passed away yet. I ordered 2 SR reds.

 I e-mailed Synergestic Research about which of my components they would recommend starting with. They recommended starting with my cd transport and my amp.
I will see how these reds turn out first and probably change out my dac with maybe a audio magic or audio horizons fuse. I would like to try these others sometime also. I really like most everything Jerry at Audio Magic does.  

I was thinking. If us 'not EE' guys are really improving a weaker link in our systems why didn't the 'pro's-don't do this at home' guys get to it before us shclupies?

 Anyway oreganpapa, I am waiting for my candy cane tomorrow. Has anybody noticed if having any spares kicks your system up a little? If so where do you store them for the best sound. So many things to think about.

 If you do anything else for, or with your fuses, let us all know, don't be shy now, you won't hear us laughing.

I am not laughing. Eh eh eh eh Ha ha ha ha. oreganpapa I was just kidding about spares, unless..... .

Some are using the quantum chip. That does sound like a ....., well interesting. I seriously will be interested to hear how that does for you.

I think amazon has drones delivering. I don't think the drones would mind bringing you your groceries and other needs, Lp's, scotch, ect.  


Have the quantum chips been installed?

I put in one of the SR reds in my amp. There is a noticeable change in sound. I will wait a week before I give it a critical listen. 

Davidpritchard and others

I asked synergestic research where they would recommend I first start putting fuses in my equipment. The man replied in the amp and then the cd transport, at audio horizons he said the dac. I didn't ask them why. So I thought I could follow both of their advice without problem. And maybe in those spots they recommend their fuse it would be better there. Who knows?  That really didn't matter since I would probably change all for a small improvement.  

I have had the amp fuse in for 12 days. The sound was slightly coarse sounding in the first 20 hours. After that the system started to sound noticeably more open, natural, lively. Things I am really liking. I don't know if they will continue to effect a change in sound, but if the system stays like it is, I am giddy about that. That's 'giddy', not 'giddy up'. Now for the cd transport fuse to go in. If it goes as well I will get another for my dac. I would like to try a audio horizons or audio magic. I will see how the next 50 hours go.

I was wondering if anyone noticed when their fuses mostly quit forming/breaking in. I have had mine playing music for about 50 hrs and my system stays on 24/7 on weekends. It seems like it is still getting better.

I got two 'reds' and now want to get one for my dac. I guess I will get the black because the 'reds' work so well. I was thinking of audio horizons or audio magic, but probably not now. I will keep my 'reds' and not trade them in on the blacks. I probably could, I got them 3 wks ago from high end electronics. I am more than extremely happy with them.  Got to be content sometime right?


Nice report on the 'reds'. How long have you had them in? Mine went through noticeable about 50hr run in time before my system felt stabilized.

 At first 7-10hrs it had more perceived detail, next at the 10-30hrs it seemed the tonal balance moved all over quite often. At 30-50hrs it proceeded to move toward more tonally coherent sound, more natural sound, quieter background, can see into the sound stage farther. And in the end it sounds like I upgraded the whole system a significant amount.


The first fuse I replaced was in my Theta pearl. That was what Synergistic Research recommended. It made an easily noticeable improvement. 


Every parameter of the sound improved in my system.  I cannot imagine where it would bring even one negative to a system. I could be wrong though. To me upgrading the fuses has a different result than a power cord or a tweak of another kind. That seems to add something more than something else. The fuses though seems to me it would be like the result you may get upgrading all the all the critical circuit components and wire in your pieces. The balance of sound parameters stays the same relative to each other, it is just everything is improved.

My system uses a all solid state.

All your questions will be answered when you put one in. Except maybe the one that goes like this, How can a fuse do that?


For what it is worth. It was a roller coaster ride for a while until things settled down. My synergistic red fuse in my power amp seemed to take a hundred hours to settle in. In my cd transport it seemed to take about two hundred hours to settle in. And settle in they did, beautifully. I am going to get a black for my dac as soon as I have time to call when they are open.

So wolf, your are in the room! (me with a friendly smile))Wolf's in the room! How did that happen?(me with a friendly smile)  I thought you were vehemently confident this conversation about fuses was 110% BS. (me going to deep thought or confusion) Well being in the room is a good first step to come to the dark side. Welcome. Do you bring greetings. Or did you just get a subscription to Stereo Review.  Or, did you come in here to be our conscience, to trade ours in for yours? You keeping yours of course.  Hmmm? Or did you come to tells us we need to go back to kindergarten, that we just cannot draw reasonable conclusions on our own. Hmmm?(me still in deep thought or confusion) What did you come into this room for? Inquiring minds want to know. You haven't said anything different from your first post in this thread, just like some others commenting very often. Conversations such as most of this thread had been nice and friendly, whether agreeing or not. You have had a nice humorous moment or two. Thank you for that.(me with a friendly smile) Let us know why you are still here, and maybe we can be little more accommodating. When my alarm clock goes off in the morning I don't converse with it. You can probably guess what I do then and why.
Guys, I think Wolf gets lonely and doesn't know how to express himself about it. Why would the crabola come around these parts. Just think. Who would care about somebody else fuses or the companies that make fuses. Who? I say who really? Yes, the people that have enjoyed what a good fuse can do care. But if you haven't, what is going on in tarnation, remember, it   is   just   a   fuse. Whaaaaat!  It   is   just   a   fuse. You got to have a lot of open space in your life to rail about such things as fuses or cups or kitty litter or the color of your tire wrench, or the neighbor who takes his trash to the curb and puts a box of cookies on top for the workman. My goodness me!
I am starting to get the feeling Wolf got beat to the punch. He probably has drawings and blue prints on a super fuse that will only cost 25.00. If so he is just drumming up support for a lower priced fuse.  Yah, shilling. That what it is. Yeh, that is the only rational answer for his feelings about fuses.
McCoy Tyner New York Sessions.  I got. Think I will give it a listen. Thanks andynotodam. 
Ok Wolfe. It is nice to hear you have missed the praising of synergestic and Ted Denny. Me to.  I have been holding back. But here you go. The 2 synergistic reds I have put in made an improvement in my system on the order on living on Vermont place and moving to park place on the monopoly board.  And speaking of monopoly my experience with these fuses tells me synergistic must have the monopoly on all that.stuff we are calling hype. Anyway if the black fuses improve anything more, which has been verified by a margine of 25 to one on this thread, I  think we could trust synergestic to rule the audio world. You shoud have one of the musicians record something to that effect,  you writing the high praise for them to put the music to of course. Maybe the audio mags will make the black fuse not just the buget audio product of the year but the audio product of all time in the past into all the future. 

I replaced the stock fuse in my theta pearl cd transport with the 'red'. It was a very noticeable improvement for the good. Everything improved. Much like the upgrade of good a/c power and a better power cord for it. Maybe I am getting carried away but it was easily a noticeable improvement for the good.
I ordered a black for my excellent dac a couple of days ago. I really don'the know how my system could sounds much better. 
I put my black fuse in my sim audio moon 300d v2 dac. Already had a red in my power amplifier and cd transport. I put them in those first because I thought if the hi end fuse would help much it would the amp and cd transport. And it turned out to be right, not me, but synergistic recommended that. My system sounded great before but I  had played with straight silver wire in my fuse holders and noticed a improvement, not big, but noticable. Now I know from the reds it will change as they go through their fuse menopause, but right now I feel this, a black in the dac,  is the bigger change in my system. 
Oregonpapa thanks for the heads up on the hft's. Sounds like a good late fall/winter project. It will probably take that long for the fuse to fully settle in.
I will probably post again in a few weeks to gaga over what will surely happen. I know Wolfe will want to hear about it.
Mapman and Wolfie and Gorgelofi move me to sing this from the distinguished diplomat Bill Withers
'My friends feel it's their appointed duty
They keep trying to tell me
All you want to do is use me
But my answer, yeah to all that use me stuff
I want to spread the news
That if it feels this good getting used
You just keep on using me
Until you use me up
Until you use me up

My brother sit me right down and he talked to me
He told me that I ought not to let you just walk on me
And I'm sure he meant well
Yeah, but when our talk was through
I said, brother, if you only knew
You'd wish that you were in my shoes
You just keep on using me
Until you use me up
Until you use me up'
Feel the groove boyeees.  
Everybody else, hope you are enjoying your systems greatly.  I am.
Well I have about 30 hours on my black fuse in my dac. The red fuse's have been fantastic and the black fuse is better I think.  I did not compare them in each component. And I got to finish breaking them in.
Anyway the black fuse has put beautiful timbre in my tone, see through in my sound stage, vibrato in the voices, swinging pace with the bass, openness in the air, tension in the fret-tion of the viola, tam tam in the tom tom.  It has hidden my speakers and I can't find them.    
As far as knowing how something works. I don't know how my computer works but I am glad it does. I don't know how my flat screen tv works but dido. I grew up fixing my cars and I don't know how todays cars work but dido. I really don't know how electricity flows but dido. I am not sure how the black fuse does it's voodoo but dido.
I got to try some more voodoo after this fuse's unexplained behavior finishes changing.  
It was nice for me to see the 4 quarter of the Lion's game. Detroit was home when I was younger. Been following them since 1965. Matthew Stafford looked good.   

Now my black fuse is making my system sound sublime. About 30 hours on it. I can't believe that these fuses can do what they do. But I am listening with my own ears, so maybe I should believe it. They kind of do everything. Spooky black background, not really spooky more like amazing. Actually I was spooked a couple of times on a live album of Antonio Forcionne.  I hope I am not spooked again and get a heart attack or worse. If so I might have to see if covering medical bills are part of the satisfaction guarantee from Ted. Anyway I am getting richer tone saturation where everything sounds more real than before. And a very coherent musical tapestry, everything fits better like when we have live music at home. 

Hope everybody is enjoying their music. 
New on sale the reds are about half the cost of the blacks at high end electronics.  
It have about a hundred fifty hours on my black fuse on my dac . I think it has stabilized now. But man, it changed continually.  
And then I couldn't believe what I  was hearing. So I go to my hearing doctor. He says put a little lime in your coconut and listen to what I have to tell you.  Your hearing does not lie. You really are hearing all that gloriously sounding music just the way you described it. The unbelievable dynamic contrasts, yes.  The full harmonic structure of all those musically instruments, yes. Telling a tight group of musicians from a sloppy group, yes. Hearing a bartender inviting you to drink along with the other listeners in your room, yes.hearing a popcorn kernel roll along the floor, yes. Music that is not confined to a sound system, yes. 
Then my doctor said go home and put some lime in your coconut and drink it all together. Enjoy yourself and don'the worry about how your system use to sound, just bath in the musical glory you have now. 
So like Tony the tiger says 'It sounds grrrrrrreeeaatt!'. In other words better than it ever has. I still cannot believe it is just a fuse. Pinch me.

Some on this thread keep worrying about us that are enjoying our elevated sounds systems for the price of a few tank fulls of gas, maybe they want us to invest mega dollars in other things. We keep saying our hearing is ok, we are not smoking the wacky weed, we haven't had any mental trauma's recently. Yet they still come on here a show a big concern for us. Oh how sweet it is! Maybe it is because they don't hear us very well. That could be it because they keep saying the same thing over and over and over. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and over. Well I guess it is nice they care for us. 
+5 again Dlcockrum. 
Does anybody here know why a 1987 Saab 900 was my favorite car to drive around in? I doubt it. I can't say for sure. I doubt it could be measured, if it could it would not be easily I'm thinking. But it is. Now here is the tale, should anybody care?
Dlcockrum. I thought an honorable Lawer in southern speak means 'lower'. So George being a 'lower' means he is as you imply is in the humble service of others. I think most will agree we can attest to George being just like that. I think he deserves a pre paid magazine subscription to 'good manners' and 'how to make friends' to help him keep his cheery personality.  This thread would be worse off if he ever loses that.
+1 charles1dad and rodman99999
We can easily ignore the egg throwing, the tantrums, the harping and sort out the reasonable inquiries, questions, concerns and the positive comments that are shared to enjoy our listening sessions and to encourage others to enjoy their music. I think it can be seen who enjoy's this hobby and wants to share it with others. So please keep that going.  Many have been very gracious in what they have shared which builds a fine respect for others thus adding to our enjoying this thread and our ongoing endeavors.  Thanks for all that share a positive comment here, lives are to short to do anything else.

Well wolf you asked soooo.
The black fuse I put on my nose when I listen and it makes everything sound supremely better. And I mean gloriously better, if you know what I mean. As I sit there I try to balance the fuse upright on it's end 4.21349486" from my ears. I got the idea from sound resonators and diffusors. The facts are that I cannot balance an littlefuse, bussman,acme or any other foreign made fuse on my nose. I know that's what I thought. I should be able to balance another fuse on my nose, but sorry parley farley for the life of me I cannot. And then I know these fuses are directional because I can balance them only on one of the ends. Those are the facts wolf nothing but the facts.
Because of the huuuge success I have had with these fuses I recommend them to everyone especially you. 
Pretty much anyone can say anything here, it is their choice. If we could remember when one chooses to ignore others comments it does not get much traction, it quickly becomes pretty much a non issue. That is a good thing mostly. And people have the choice instead of contributing a derogatory and contentious comment to have a  comment that contributes to the good of all here. It is a choice. And many here do choose well. Even if they are trying to correct someone,  as I think most here would agree Almarg and others have done so kindly and with dignity in the past. People like him raise our dignity for one another and our fun and enjoyment along with solving issues we may or may not have seen that we have.  

We all can't have it our exclusive way in any situation, we all need to fit in. And we can do so for our enjoyment, as has been done many times on this thread. I think most of us are here because we enjoy the hobby and the sharing of our joy. Sadly some enjoy bullying at times and some all the time. But ignoring them can help limit their comments or make them go away altogether.

Maybe other have mentioned this. A jazz vocal I really like is a 1963 recording of John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman on Desert Island Records reissued by Verve Records.
Nice to hear Wolf is having audiophile shrangrala (that's from 3 dog night for you Wolf) with the new amp and some very nice speakers. Enjoy
+1 nonoise. Also if your doc needs anything be sure to have him check with Ted D first. He may have a better version of it already.  I hope you found that funny.
I like my reds and one black. Really glad I got them. I have no big desire to change. Music is scintillating as of now. Not going to worry about a tiny bit better.  If I get a different component I will put a blue in it. These fuses are such a good value for performance to me. However if someone had the right used one for sale I might get it and would have fun trying it out.