Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 27 responses by barbapapa

Helo everybody
thanks OPFor that interesting thread. I replaced my HFT Supreme in the pre. First I tried a SR Red with great success before the new Black became available. I read all the posts of this thread and finally bought Audio Magic Beeswax that the Cable Co said to be more "organic" (this word seems to be always glues with the Beseswax). 
I am very satisfied with the AM but ask still ask me how does it compares to the Black SR. 
Not much on the web about users comment on the net. Does anybody here have compared both ?
I have a Beeswax fuse in the pre that replaced Audio tuning Supreme with fantastic results. Only trouble it needs a very long burn in.
I also ordered a Schuko Furutech NCF wall outlet still to be delivered. Big hopes on it and no SR Schuko wall outlet in Europe I think. It will replace a Oyaide SWO 

I haven't compared both as I only have a Beeswax in the pre. I choose AM  vs SR Black and here's what  the cable company wrote to me after I choosed : 

"In regards to the Premier Bees Wax Super Fuse, it has richer harmonics when compared to the very popular Synergistic Research Black fuses".

unfortunately I never heard about someone who compared both side by side except maybe the Cable Co ?
after installing a Audio Magic Besswax with great success in the pre, I installed yesterday 2 SR Black fuses in the mono amps (all tubes electronics). Only a few hours but already good things from the start : more purity and cleaness, more "you are there" effect.
I have big hopes on mixing the presumably best fuse's quality on the market at that time.
The pre fuse (Beeswax) replaced a SR Red and the Black in the amps replaced HF Tuning Supreme. 
Burning in is a pain. Do someone knoxs if a kind of a fuse burner does exist ?

Hello Music Lovers
just a little out of the discussion but can be interesting to know I tried Townshend speaker bars yesterday on my Analysys Audio Epsilon panels. A big surprise at a reasonable cost. You should have a look at the videos and order some. They have a try and buy commercial strategy it seems.
Much more music , all very neat realistic without changing the balance of the sound in any way and oh that bass !!! So nice and easy. I think especially to jazz lovers : you should know that.
I stop here it was just an info I wanted to share with the gentlemen music lovers of this nice thread.
I burned in my Besswax fuse in the pre (260 hours).
 There is very notable musical enhancement. Of all the sound parameters the most noticable is an organic music that is at the same time shoking and relaxing as if you were assured that this is like the music should be. 
Organic is the word that comes to mind. Lots of details but all in a coherent and realistic way. 
There is now a new version of the Beeswax (the SHD) that is said by Peter Hansen (Cable Co) to be a significative step beyond.
I will try it soon in my pre. (If someone is interested in a classic little ued Beeswax 6x32 mm 1,5A slow blow at good price please let me know).
I also have SR Black in my amps that are near 60 hours now. They are great also. Maybe more spectacular in bass boom and spectacular scene and many other things that have descibed at long in this thread. They still need to burn in until at least 100 hours before judging them definitely.
Both products are great and I made the choice of mixing both but it is an arbitrary choice only empirical. An hypothesis that both could combine.
Please forgive my english as it is not my native language.
Fuse amps are SR Black  6x32 mm 10A.  AM Beeswax 1,6 A for the Pre, that will be replaced soon by the new AM Beeswax SHD ordered with another SHD to come for the TT's PSU
SR Black in the DAC.
If I haven't compared directly in the same products the SR Black vs the Besswax I compared the SR Red vs the Beeswax (1st generation) in my preamp and the AM is a very clear winner in my system.
The Black is another animal.
Maybe you could try the AM Beeswax. I have one in the pre (and SR Blacks in the amps that are now 110 hours burn in), and it is very very good, maybe less demonstrative but more nuanced with more subtlety in the rendering of feeling the "music" in the way you described it. You should try it in the Pre as a kind of rebalancing the sound of your system.
it is just a guess

I just read that on the PS Audio forum. It is a comparo of different fuses. It is interesting : 
"capt mark said
I just finished testing some fuses I my DS. I had SR Reds in my DS and amps, and wanted to try the ones Odd had been discussing. I first tried the SR Black, and it was quite a bit better in my system. It had more detail and was smoother overall, a nice upgrade from the Red. Next came the Audio Horizon Platinum. It was very much like the Black, and I had to switch back and forth to pick out the differences in these two. The AH had just a tad more detail, and the bass was a little tighter. I liked both fuses and could live with either one. Then came the Audio Magic SHD with it’s magic beeswax. This one is something special. More detail and smoother than the other two, but the main thing is the amount of space and air around the instruments and vocals. It presents a more lifelike sound stage with more width and especially depth. I will leave the AM fuse in my DS, and I have ordered 2 more for my amps. These results are, of course, in my system, and YMMV. I just wanted to pass along the info for those who are interested.

People like us who stupidly evaluate sounding machines by ear without much care for measuring are kind of a therapy for this kind of Trolls.
 As many of us do, when I read a forum discussion that makes me nervous I stop reading and search another.
The Troll looks only for discussions where opinions dislike him and enter it. He is sure to be right against the world and will show to people all around the world who he is.  So he forces us to take his opinion and so his person in consideration. He is often outrageous and definitive in his opinions for provoking reactions of some of us.
So endly, he exists.
when hunters want to hunt some birds they use whispers imitating their voice. The birds come and bang bang...
If you want to make trolls appear there are some magic words. Some of them are : 
"Does someone know Acoustic System Resonnators ?"
Just write "TW-Acustic makes great TTs" and Syntax will suddenly appear in the discussion. 
There are many others we could list but we are serious people that judge music machines by ear first. 
Wolfie Cotton ears can write as often he wants I just don't read his posts and I am happy to part of his therapy for free.


Ok with all you say much better than I do. I just ised an image that came to  Mind and is valid in my system in my room with my own musical preferences
My system is all connected to a Furutech gtx ncf (hese it is SWS NCF) outlet with a Torus transfo. In Europe there is no SR Schuko I think. 
Sometimes I ask myself where we will be in say 5 years with fuses that seems to be better and better with each new serious version...
As odd as it seems it is impressive what a 100€ can do for our system that costs thousands.

In my opinion Audio Magic Beeswax SHD fuses are better than the blacks. I know they are very pricy (for fuses) but they worth the money.
I have AM SHD in my pre and Blacks in the amps (also in the DAC).. I think the improvement in the Pre superior to the one in the mas and much to my gusto and system.
The Blacks could be Beethoven, Mahler or Bruckner, the AM could be Mozart. 🤒

I like the accesory "Fuse" because it is :
1- inexpensive (as an accessory)
2- Very efficient (in many systems, be it SR, AM, AH, Furutech' etc.)
3- unexpected : when the first audiophile fuses appeared, who could believe it could make such a difference ? No one I net.4- there is several manufacturers that made their fuse sound all slightly different one each others. So with the help of the audiophile community you can have a first valiable approach to expected results in your system.
With the help of good return policy you can test "in real conditions", in your system and balance the sound by putting a SR Black here, and an AM'or AH there.
It's a kind of cooking we all make and that is part of the fun when we buy an X pre to mate with an Y amp etc, or am I wrong ?

Last year I tested several expensive speaker cables (5ooo to 6500€ for a 2,5 m stereo). I kept none. Yes several were audibly superior to mine but not enough for the difference in price.
When I discovered the difference an SR Red did in my pre : wow !  For a mighty 79€ it was great. After that I heard of the SR Blacks thanks to Oregon Papa and this thread.
I looked at all the fuses and all what be said around, I installed a AM Beeswax that made me happy  in the pre and sometimes later, SR Blacks in the amps and the DAC.
 Very happy too.
When The Beeswax SHD appeared I replaced the pre fuse with it. Not fully broken in (about 40 hours only) and it is soooo musical and airy. The musicians and singers seem so happy to play together, I consider it now superior (in my system, room, tastes etc) to the Black.
I believe in Fuses because I tested them with my ears and brain. No need to substitute machines to tell me what is good or bad.
In a way of being a bit provocative if we speak of faith, so yes I have the Faith in  Fuse. To my delight I heard his Word'and it has lighted my audiophile path.
Being serious anew a think a kind of competition is beginning and maybe in a few weeks SR will biuld a new one still better and so on. As for bank cards there will be the Gold, the Platinum etc 🤑.  A new territory is being explored by the builders and who knows where it will stop...
As my girlfriend discovered recently (we are together for a few months) : "Mais mon Cheri, your Hi Fi... It is endless?". 

I have blacks in the mono amps and DAC. I have Beeswax SHD in the pre and the analog PSU. 
So I don't have direct comparisons but the gap'heard in the pre and PSU are superiors to the gap heard in the amps and DAC.  They all replaced hifi tuning supremes.
Less demonstrative, more fluidity, more musical is the way I like. These impressions are intended inmy system, my room and my Preferences.
I don't pretend that will be true for everyone. The first Beeswax was already better than the black in my opinion and the SHD is one or 2 steps beyond in SQ, but it is my own feeling. Less hifi, more Music. 
This thread has been great for a  long time. Partly because Oregon papa was kind and clever enough for keeping calm and and answer with humour on the 2 or 3 that never listenned to aftermarket fuses but try to turn the ones who listen and want to share ridiculous.
But now it is becoming complteley useless and stupid.
Unlike the trolls when I disagree I quit but my goal is to learn or share about music reproduction, not to suscribe to all the discussions Where opinions differs to mine.
The trolls don't bring anything positive or interesting on the discussion. Never ever, but htere is always someone for answering them. They don't care what we can argue, they only try to exist using maîly the threads speaking of tweaks and expressing opinions based on listening impressions.
They never quit the thread, hidden behind their screens scruting new posts and answering things we don't asl'them to, trying to turn ridiculous the ones that speaks about what they heard.
Many years now I am on forums and it is always the same again and again. 
So I think we should have a "Troll" switch to activate or not on every thread and when the Troll switch has been activated by, let's say, more than 10 or 20% of the forumers past the 20 posts they could be automatically put off the thread.
They think they are clever and humourous but they are useless, stupids and nocive.
"Did my ex wife start posting here?"

THAT is funny.

As for the fuses I have 2 types of aftermaket in my system : SR Blacks and Beeswax SHD. I like both but I find the Audio Magic better for my taste in my system. A bit less spectacular but more globally musical with a more refined sound.
Awfully long to burn in. The good thing with aftermarket fuses is the investment is cheap relative to the increase in SQ.
The relatively bad thing is we are at the beginning of exploring with with little things and we can expect every year or 2 there will be a new model with better SQ that will came as a temptation.
Is that a bad thing ? We can say the same for lots of technical gear.

+1 Jim. They are certain to be 'unknowns geniuses but we al know for sure they are stupid and useless.

I trust Wolf when he says he heard nothing. I don't have any doubts about his listening capability.

I like this thread when it speaks about fuses ( reds, blacks, Audio magic and all'of them) and what they do or don't on our systems, but I hate the debate : it can't work from people who never tried them but constantly comes back in this thread trying to turn the ones who heard differences ridicules and call them woodoed again and again and again. 
They can't be usefull part of a discussion speaking of something they never listen.
What is their goal  ?
 Hundreds of messages from people who heard benefits. One person didn't, but always coming back in the discussion discrediting the hundreds who heard for convincing them they can't have heard because Him didn't... Is that serious ?
what's the goal ?  Trying to exist ? Wolf and GearLofi vs the rest of the world ?
when Pasteur presented the discovery of microbes in the Medical Academy in Paris  150 years ago the whole audience was full of supposed eminent professors full of their self importance and was screaming accusing him as a charlatan, they said The little beast can't eat the big one and many other mockery.

I' like to hear more from people who listened the fuses in their systems or compared the different ones, and less from people who didn't listen any fuse. If someone tried them and heard no changes in his system : ok this is an interesting info too, but if this man comes in the thread again and again for convincing the whole world the fuse don't do anything  there is something nocive. He just can't imagine his finding is only valid for his ears in his system ???  Kack of humility !!!  Why should all the other people be wrong, stupids or uner influence ? 
The only way we can continue this thraed is to completely ignore the Trolls like Wolf (as I previously I believe him when he says he hears nothing...and georgebadfi who didn't tried the fuse). 
If we all stop answering them and completely ignore them they will stop exist in this thread.

I have tubes too and I appreciate Telefunken in the pre, but you have to be carefull and don't put them everywhere as the sound can become a bit harsh.
Especially when you don't install good aftermarket fuses.

Yes you can, (ha-hum...)
In the pre I have
  • 3 Ecc83 ,
  • 2 E188cc, 
  • 1 12bh7,
  • 1 Ef86  and in the amps I have :
  • 2 Ecc83,
  • 2 Ecc82 in each mono amp (and 12 El34)

if Iinstall Telef everywhere the sound is not good. when I was young and crazy audiophile I tried. Believe me.

Sorry  Franck for trolling a bit but I love tubes. These little things are fascinating.

I didn't want to hijack the thread, but just answer to Tommylion and make a parenthesis in the dispute" this can't work" "voodoo" "Synergistic salesman" for a while. Nothing more, and I'll stop here now.
But this not your thread.
I am happy with Synergistic fuses in my amps  and Dac and Beeswax in the pre and phono . I began with SR, but if I had to choose now I would buy all Beeswax I think superiors. That said SR are so good I can be happy as I am.
And what about you and the fuses ? You don't use them : good. Did you ever post something else than copy / paste an opinion and try to ridicule it's author ? You post in many many threads but why don't you make your own ? 
Audiogon forums are not the Geoffkait everyday show
Best wishes and prompt recovery from France. Hope to read from you very soon.