Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by wolf_garcia

Note that 42% of the posts on this thread have come from 4 individuals, with oregonpapa currently ahead of charles1dad 190 to 173. Come on charles, you're SO close!
Reading a review of a new Pass amp last night I noticed it has NO fuses…I suppose you can add one later...
Don’t do it…reversing a fuse can cause a warp in the time continuum that can plunge you and the rest us of into an irreversible black hole.

Also, am I the only one to doubt the claimed astonishing sonic effects of a half inch of potentially self destructing metal on everything electronic that comes after it? Is to do so simply a retreat into my self absorbed Luddite-like rebellious albeit tenuous world of logic based doubt? I refuse to re-fuse…unless somebody sends me a pile of "premium fuses" to test without the influence of having spent my money on the damn things…somehow that seems just as unlikely as the appearance of a "3D Holographic Soundstage" that could most likely just frighten me.
I think this entire thread is actually a well executed parody of "mystical" high end tweaking, and thusly applaud the efforts of all involved. Well done.
This thread is actually more entertaining than I previously thought…ranging from near platitudinous mysticism, to squirm worthy oddly florid quasi-paternal statements of the obvious…I'm tellin' ya…this stuff should be mined for material supporting a sort of "b team" mass psychosis or early Harvard Lampoon level esoteric parody. I any case, a wonderful thing.
Aren't fuse holders made from less exotic materials that can mitigate the benefits these fuses? The tiny bit of treated metal that comprises the alleged mojo of SR and other "fuse-exotica" runs right into less exotic wire also…this is a huge part of my head scratching about these fuses, as well as my wondering how much improvement they actually provide when reading claims that seem over the top even for this crowd. I don't own any of these fuses since they seem ridiculously over priced (they should cost about $1.83…maybe), and I'm not convinced they can really do anything "special" in spite of the unbridled enthusiasm…it simply looks like a cult of appreciation from those who spent the bucks and really really want to hear the mojo. 
Mapman…If you don't mind, when you're finished enjoying the astonishing transformation produced by the use of the half inch of directional hair thin fuse wire on your system, your wardrobe, the brightening of the sound room wallpaper, and your Mama, please send it to me as I would like to experience the same (maybe not the "your Mama" part)…plus I can assume it will be thoroughly broken in and please note which direction sounds best, as I don't want to waste 170 hours on tawdry electron confusion.
21 pages…man...The reason "results are always good" is very likely due to the fact that with subjective listening to something that cost you 10 times what it replaced, you're going to really try to hear a difference. Tossing out the skeptics as "outliers" is dangerous to the credibility of the otherwise enthusiastic supporters of any mysterious tweak, and promotes an atmosphere that makes any logical questioning of these fuses (like my utterly ignored "fuse holder" question from about 600 posts ago) an exercise in futility. Maybe this entire thread is an experiment in cult development as all the signs are there: Embrace mystery and magic, don't tolerate questioning of the positive opinions by the uninitiated, ridicule dissent, and comments by those who refuse to join the flock must be discredited as heretical…maybe I'm too rebellious as I tend to stick with my instincts, and my instinct still tells me to avoid herd mentality in all things especially those with suspicious or personally illogical underpinnings.
To sum up: I estimate the manufacturing cost of the fuses to be about 2 to 5 bucks, they're sold for $99 or so, and for my entire system (really the only way to realize your full enjoyment potential) is into $700 to $1000 territory. So much for "cheap" tweaks. If they don't break in by keeping them passing electrons for 170 hours (about a month of lots of hifi), you likely have them in backwards or they're not for you. The fuses work their mojo regardless of the standard fuse holders made from arguably less "special" and likely "non directional" metal…the description of why these do their job so well are obtuse and don't truly make much sense to "thee of lessor faith," and most of the faithful don't care since their systems were booted into the higher level "free flowing water" these fuses allow…notwithstanding the power supply, less precious metals and wires, and other gizmo designs causing some rapids downstream, and the ridiculous profit margins realized by a company that actually sells expensive painted aluminum bits for tonearms is the American Way. You go SR…please.
I'm one of the few that has asserted that a fuse can't make a difference approaching anything like described ad nauseum in this thread (as long as the fuse holder is clean and functioning as designed…letting unfettered electrons through until sensing a fault), and am still certain of this. Overpriced voodoo is still voodoo, and mass hysteria doesn't make it less so. 
To "take the plunge" for 30 days means hundreds of dollars sent to people I don't trust, a time period to test fuses that would be rendered useless if the fuse was in backwards, and a very expensive proposition  to replace all of the fuses in my rig…each supposedly requiring hundreds of hours of break-in time after which I'm supposed to remember what my system was doing before being festooned with the things.  Balderdash. Even if they sold these things for the $2 they may be worth (I simply don't believe that SR is actually bombing the things with magical tesla volts or runs them through some precious alleged quantum process) I wouldn't replace my normal fuses unless one blew. When a reasonable explanation of how a fuse overcomes its fuse holder's less precious metal, gets the mojo past the power supply, rectification circuits, and myriad other components, and results in actual improvements (not simply opinions from the faithful who drank the kool aid) noticed by sane people working in audio design who's opinions I actually do respect (Nelson Pass…please try these fuses!) I will firmly remain the (seemingly) lone skeptic. Another note for Oregonpapa…the higher frequencies in music have harmonic content that acts acoustically with harmonic content in lower (if isolated by testing more readily hearable) frequencies and makes music sound natural. The simple statement of "can't hear over 10KHZ" is irrelevant as regards musical events.
I utterly disagree with the assertion that my last post wasn't funny…there were plenty of funny parts in it. At least 3.

I do enjoy this entire thread as a prime example of Audio Mysticism, and can further describe what I think is happening here (other than the relentless hard sell promotion by some, which I find unexplainable unless it's a scam promoted by SR). One reads about a supposed affordable tweak (although bathed in nonsense like "quantum tunneling" and fuse direction "absolutes"…which are absolute silliness, and using a "cost benefit" claim that ignores the "20 times more expensive than what you're using" part), sends for the tweak, and listens patiently for 70 hours (I fixed my timing error) of break in (!) after which one decides if the damn thing is in the right direction. If you don't hear the immense improvement claimed by the improvement claimers, there's something wrong with you…you lack listening skills along with your hundred and twenty bucks, so hey…you really want to cop the buzz…you want a miracle and maybe less hair loss…you want IN. Well Fundamentalist Fuse True Believers, you're in…
There are millions of Mormans and I remain a committed atheist. If somebody sent me a pile of these fuses without a ransom fee, I'd try them and then report that they don't work just to continue to make my point…I have no wiggle room. So now I have to go through all 60,000 Facebook views to see what percentage are from oregonpapa charles1dad…this is gonna take a while.
I do have faith in tweaks that have worked for me, but in order for me even try something It has to pass a logic test with a basis in reality…there's a hyper promotion vibe in this thread that seems purchased, and that permeates and taints the whole thing…the "don't think about it, just send in your MONEY" just ain't enough to get me to part with 20 times what I think fuses should cost so I can join a club. Think about it…FUSES…come on now…think about it….
Rave on fuse heads! Mass hysteria aside, I suppose I'll simply wait for a reasonable explanation as to WHY a fuse would make what ardent promotors feel is such a huge improvement…somehow, based on the artful (or not so much) dodging of any basic technical question along these lines, I think I'll be waiting a long time. So far the primary response has been to utterly ignore such questions and gesture wildly in the direction of astonishingly fabulous subjective results with seeming hyperbole like "the Black fuse can double the performance of a well tuned system"…well, a decent ear cleaning may do the same, and the reason is at least explainable.
Since somebody asked, my recent listening includes the Vijay Ayer Trio's "Break Stuff," Ingrid Laubrock Anti-House's "Roulette of the Cradle" (get yer modern music hat on for that one), and a new album from the Julian Lage trio I worked with last year as the live sound mixer (Scott Colley bass, Kenny Wollesen drums) called "Arclight."  

A reason to defy reason and read the posts on this thread is to see what Almarg has to say. Always rewarding.

I don't consider the opinions about the SR fuses benefits as "evidence" of anything as they are simply subjective opinions by those clearly wanting to see if their investment paid off after 70 hours or of looking for those same benefits. Based on the opinions contained in this thread, my system should sound mediocre…but it sounds astonishingly good without Quantum Tunneled Graphene Cryoed Sand Filled Magic fuses. It just does.
You may want to stay away from the term "rhetoric" unless you're happy with the misuse of the term due to a lack of understanding of its actual meaning. 
So to sum up, the clarity, texture, sound staging, coherence, scent, otherworldliness, mojo, mass appeal, appeal to those in MA (where I live), bass profundity, basso gonzo delecto, air around instruments, air around your socks, heir apparent, apparent hair loss, and ear wax viscosity can be improved with SRs "fabulous half inch" of zapped wire irrespective of where the electrons came from or where they go after the fuse holder lets go of 'em. And if none of this happens, the fuse could be  backwards or not burned in. If any of this is true, I am absolutely not worthy of such wonderfulness and shall remain unrefused until my sense of self worth deems me ready to deal with this avalanche of sonic boost as, currently, I just don't think I could take it.
Interestingly my Adcom 515 doesn't impart anything to my system other than its sequential power up abilities and has earned its place there until it dies…I've tried directly bypassing it to see if anything sounds better or worse, and it appears to be sonically transparent. I might replace it with something that has more inputs some day, but that's my only criticism of the thing.
I was thinking about this silly thread when I bought some tubes recently…great tubes, matched by thetubestore, about 60 bucks each. Each tube contains cathodes, anodes, grids, in a vacuum of glass essentially handmade buy people with skill. 60 bucks. Fuses, notwithstanding acceptance of Magical Quantum Exposed Mojo Festooned items popular among the faithful who themselves ("I spent over a hundred bucks, and these guys SWEAR it's worth it!") are willing to try anything out there regardless of facts or logic (or have a propensity to believe hard sell hype from agenda based "highly resolved" audio system owners), are astonishingly simple and effective little circuit protection devices containing ONLY a tiny wire designed to melt before your gear explodes. Get a "special" one for 100 bucks or a little more for an "extra special" version. I get that people seem to need others to gather around and nod approvingly at their Finely Tuned sensibility (!), but when I see a shill backed with claimed absolutes like fuse directionality being an actual thing, I see fraud.  SR is laughing itself to the bank on the backs of both well meaning gear heads looking for more light in their self imposed audio tunnel, and relentless Ron Popeil Award worthy "send it back if not satisfied" hucksterism. Reality indeed.
Seriously, I've never seen a more substantial boatload of nonsense on any thread. Now outlets are supplying a sort of passive tone manipulation? Outlets with good grip on plugs make sense…hospital grade or whatever ( I use PS Audio power ports because of that) but they simply have zero effect on any aspect of tone. To think otherwise is really strange. Does anybody think about this stuff rationally as it applies to AC or is rationality simply swept aside when discussing imaginary fuse direction symptoms or dynamic tone changes from magical sources? Overpriced fuses pushed hard by smarmy agenda driven "experts" can ensnare the gullible into thinking they see clothing on the emperor (overused cliche' but valid in this case)…and encouraging others to waste their cash on placebos installed well outside of the active circuitry of power supplies and complex tone shaping components is sketchy behavior at best, unethical at worst.
In Oregonpapa's response to my last post all the analogies he noted were irrelevant, and he likely knows this as clearly it's not in his interest  to let reality interrupt his mysterious shill for SR (kickbacks galore I reckon).  Almarg makes his usual elegant case which does allow some fresh air into the room…albeit prompting a rush to close that window. 
Yeah…since I question this nonsense and the motivation behind the "over the top" promotion of SR’s technically unexplainable and likely useless products in a room full of believers, I do row against the tide. If some of the uber sensitive among us can’t simply answer technical queries with anything other than a "try it and send it back" reflexive dismissal or fanboy obfuscation, I don’t mind, and frankly expect nothing less. I only assume there’s a commercial connection to the promotors of this stuff because that’s the only thing that makes sense…and the defensive stance feigning insult is exactly what makes that seem more likely. If you read Almarg’s extremely well informed, elegantly written, and technically accurate posts you could learn something about fuse directionality or audio mythology, but these fall into the category of "pearls before swine" when laid at the feet of the oddly motivated faithful.
Goldencutt…not knowing things like grammar and punctuation and how your Tesla works (no mystery to any of that by the way) might work for you, but my position on this over hyped baloney has been clear. SR uses terms in its production description that are nonsense (Quantum Tunneling? really?), produces products that, at least in the case of the fuses, have cashed in on the naiveté of possibly well meaning audio "seekers", and through the hard selling minions endlessly repeating their supposed astonishment at the magic in these things while rarely missing a chance to hard sell 'em like a Vegematic (which actually might work as described…no mystery there), SR sells the panting tweakers a fuse for around 4000% profit. Ka-ching! Allegedly bombing a fuse with 2,000,000 volts doesn't change the fact that it's a $2  fuse that has nothing to do with the circuitry of what it's stuck into except that it should blow if necessary, regardless of which direction (AC…goes both ways…look it up) it might be installed. Has all the supposed tonal improvement that the electrons buzzing through the "magic half inch" provide caused any brilliant gear designers to sign on to this stuff? Not the ones I know…but then they aren't on the SR payroll.
The intense promotion of a specific product here seems unprecedented, and my previous post was deleted as I suggested Audiogon, who has accepted advertising money from SR, is simply looking the other way regarding the shilling "buy it and get yer money back if reversing after 100 hours doesn’t work" approach. Very interesting...
I utterly understand the promotion of suspicious tweaks using this forum if only from a purely business point of view. If a forum exists to hard sell a relatively expensive product with no rational explanation of how it works, using made-up technological terms like "quantum tunneling" (this is a thing that exists, but not in any audio fuse related sense) and claim a preposterous "2,000,000 volt" treatment with, again, no explanation of why or how this is accomplished, you may unsurprisingly (!) get some raised eyebrows. Users claims of subjective "major improvements" to a system by using a component that exists out of the signal path and isn't there to do anything but fail if need be (a fuse) with zero…and I mean zero…actual reasoned technical explanations of why this is, is pretty much unprecedented (except with regards to other "left field" unexplainable techno-fringe tweaks) and requires suspension of rational belief which I, obviously, won't suspend. If a former high end audio salesman and CES show worker makes fantastic claims that appear to be exaggerated  (see almarg's 2nd paragraph above) to other equally (or more) experienced audiophiles, the expected response to any critic of the thing should be to vilify the critic…hey…it's business after all. 
I don't order anything from a company that I feel makes up ethically questionable technobabble ad copy, and I think questioning the technology SR used to design things, including the fuses that blow due to incorrect ratings (using a $6 Littlefuse this doesn't happen in my rig…ever) is reasonable. The basis of my argument is simply logic and sanity, and astonishment at the hubris of the hucksters. Here's almarg's seemingly ignored second paragraph that deserves repeating:                                  

"But speaking of reasonableness, I can't help but feel that what seems to me to be the utterly unimaginable and technically inexplicable DEGREE of the positive effects that have been reported for not only these fuses, but for SEVERAL OTHER products that are ALSO made by SR, that have recently been reported on by many of these same posters in other threads, reflects negatively on the credibility of the degree of the reported benefits, if not their existence. And personally I find that to be a net negative with respect to the encouragement it provides for investment of the **time** that would be required to properly assess these tweaks in my own system. Return privileges notwithstanding."

Again, well said.
Here's a well reasoned thread I found for those interested in some background on this stuff: An Audiogon discussions from 2013 titled "Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ"…check it out if you dare!
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."
Mark Twain.
Note to Oregonpapa regarding Taj Mahal's mystery guitar player…Jesse Ed Davis became a friend of mine when he was hanging out in Honolulu in the early 80s, borrowed a 60s Vibrolux from me and produced some stuff for a band I knew...a true guitar genius and cool dude who had more soul and technique than nearly anyone I've heard perform anywhere (he used to sit in here and there in Honolulu clubs)...left us way before his time…look him up.

I have a friend who is an owner of a well regarded hifi "salon" who had a pile of SR Black fuses hanging around from some show or something, and after noting my suspicion about SR's inexplicable technology, he leant me a half dozen or so of the things about a month ago (he refuses to use them as he says they "blow too easily"…his words). I stuck them in my tube amp, my preamp, and the power supplies for my dac and phono preamp, reversed them after a couple of weeks per mythological theory (2 blew in my amp…I guess you actually do need to ignore SRs ratings). I even had them switched out by a friend without my knowing for sure that they were in or out so I could sort of "double blind" them. During this exercise I tried hard to be as objective as my previously described "Bully and Coward" demeanor will allow, and the results were as follows: These things don't provide any audible improvement over whatever fuses I had in my gear (my original Littlefuses and other nameless fuses are all back in their former places), and they're sort of dangerous (they blow, literally). I even recorded my system with my digital recording stuff using a great mic, to see if the same recording at the same level with and without the SR mojo in play could reveal anything (asked some well regarded audio pro friends to suffer through these recordings with similar head scratching non-results…many thanks)…I tried man…I gave the things a shot…my conclusion is SR fuses are fooling many into paying 500% of what non "quantum" fuses cost for a placebo that provides membership in the I Think I Can Hear Things Club, which may actually be worth it to the SR fanboy base. Sorry kids…I tried.
Jaffreeman…your concern with my informal writing style seems to be clouding your ability to absorb information…I, being the mensch I am, accept those who lack humor and am as compassionate toward them as any devout practicing athiest can be…you're welcome.

I assumed describing my experience with the fuses would engender criticism in this forum as it always has, but previously I hadn't used the SR Blacks so although I found SR's claims silly and the users descriptions of the benefits somewhat "over the top," I decided to give myself a shot at these things instead of simply stating my distaste of "magical" audio products in general. Note I didn't pay for the fuses (which were returned, including the blown ones) so I did lack the "let's see what MY 125 bucks sounds like" point of view…this might be important because if you think SR is a relevant force in audio you're more likely than I am to percieve that these things make a difference after the requisite break-in time, which as noted previously here can often be the same as ACTUAL sonic improvement over whatever you remember your system sounded like 140 hours previous to the installation of the SR fuses (allowing for fuse direction changes). So there's that. I might have needed a comma in there…In any case my test was what it was…I forgot to mention I put SR blacks in my subs also which in one case at least did result in a difference noted…that was another fuse blow incident (the difference being "no sound") witch when added to my 50 year or so "lifetime gear fuse incident" total for audio, guitar amp, and pro sound fuse trauma really skews those stats…not many lifetime fuse issues at all…hence the SR FUSES CAN BLOW warning…hope that point is clearer. I'll end this post with a thought…Simply try to remember what things actually are designed for when trying to make things better with fuses…they're fuses…if you feel they can influence the complex active signal chain in audio gear (which they' re inherently not part of) in anything they inhabit because others simply say they can and really really want you to agree (30 day money back return…DO IT NOW), have fun with that…hell, it could be a life style!
Hey…why hasn't anybody posted anything in two days about SR's imaginary and unexplainable patently useless over hyped tweaks? Is the momentum gone? Has every naive Magic Tweak Seeker given up? Come on people, SR needs that money! Hype isn't free (except in this forum)! Maybe nonsense is on a summer break...
A $125 fuse is hardly budget (about 20 times as expensive as a normal fuse like those used by pretty much every amp designer), but I can agree that these fuses are exactly like living on a Monopoly board…the benefits are imaginary.  Cute little aluminum cupped dots called "transducers"…you can make those things for 50 cents with a hacksaw and a Dremmel, and they still make no sense. I’ll keep waiting for an explanation…Ted…help me out here man…Ted…talk to me...
Oregonpapa has conveniently forgotten the fact that I DID test the SR black fuses in my system and wrote about it here (posted on 7-13), finding that they delivered absolutely nothing to the sound of my system (this test was a monumental waste of time, but I felt it had to be done so I could continue my criticism of this nonsense). This result wasn't surprising since, hey, they're FUSES…and I am with mapman regarding the fact that SR doesn't provide ANY worthwhile rational explanation of why or how any of their products work. However, SR's business plan is fairly brilliant as charging big bucks for placebo-esque magic products that clearly cost a fraction of their retail cost to manufacture (maybe the drill press used to hollow out the tiny aluminum Electronic Circuit Transducers which should be re-labeled "Aluminum Profit Producers" was expensive, although the Chinese factory that makes 'em likely has plenty of tools around) seems to be working out well…as long as "seekers" have Oregonpapa and others to "tell them how to spend their money" (!) on incredibly vague ethically questionable products, SR will continue on. Graphene indeed.
Much has been made of the SR fuses being able to make ANY piece of gear sound better, and SR demonstrated this by using one in a little Bose radio thing and claimed to improve it, so asking me to open my private world with pics of my listening room is just another weak stab at my credibility and privacy which I tend to want to protect (maybe not my credibility as that is subjective, and likely too late for much of this crowd)…I can say that my system obviously uses components I like, tubes and otherwise, and works for my tastes, just like anybody else’s. In my test of the SR black fuses I used my well sorted home system to test the things as I wouldn’t risk my pro gear in a live sound situation since the SR fuses do seem to blow much more easily than other fuses I’ve used. Regarding the little "transducer" gizmos, I’m unlikely to borrow any of those or spend the time (and the $7) it would take to make some for myself, and my life long professional and personal experience of understanding acoustics to some degree informs my opinion (bias?) that these things are just silly. I will say again that the SR business model is brilliant: Simply design items whose technology regarding development and use is never explained in actual technical terms, place them in a market that accepts unproven or rationally and scientifically tested accessories, and charge a boatload of money for this stuff to give it perceived value. Damn…where’s my Dremmel tool...
To answer inquiring minds, I use Littlefuses. The send me 13 cents every time I mention that.

I have stacked 2 maple butcher blocks under my main Silverline Prelude speakers (just to raise 'em 5 inches) with vibrapods under the speakers where the spikes would have been…on a wood floor this effectively keeps the speaker box from vibing into the floor. A toe can verify this. It works swimmingly. Outboard regulated power supplies here and there to keep DC out of things, a PS Audio Humbuster III, Power Port AC plugs, heavy duty Sorbathane feet under the tube amp, large alloy cones of some type I've had for decades under the preamp (mostly for ventilation really). See? I can tweak…but the zillions of little surfaces all over my largish room made up of art works, books, piles of yet to be laundered cash, furniture, a piano, guitar cases, shrunken heads of my foes, etc., all reflect sound waves someplace, and if my doubting the effectiveness of a half dozen tiny alloy cups stuck here and there on all this seems luddite, so be it. My dearly departed friend and neighbor Lars Fridell let Sun Mook dudes put their ridiculous little ebony discs in his listening room…another expensive bit of audio tricksterism that yielded no benefit. Note also that if a manufacturer makes claims of million volt treatment or esoteric graphite somehow giving a FUSE (not in the signal chain, a tiny wire designed to melt, etc.) magic powers when applied to the electrons flowing through it, they should at least TRY to explain how they got to that conclusion. Just sayin'...
I knew Lars and his wife for a while before knowing he was THAT Lars  (we lived in Redding, CT), and also met Tom Gillette at a neighbor's party. Tom's cool...One thing Lars and I joked about regarding the Mpingo things was the fact that because I had a lot of guitars around, the ebony or rosewood components of those should theoretically have the same effect as Sun Mook's imaginary and expensive magic tweaks, and the discs cost about the same as a good guitar (!)…I keep my guitars in humidified cases generally so I never tested that theory, and it's clear I'm not prone to waste time on silly or useless nonsense like Mpingos...
SR fuses have a rare and somewhat adorable attribute of not being rated with the accuracy of some, shall we say, "less precious" fuses, and might require you to use ones rated slightly higher than what your gear lists as appropriate…simply buy several (remember: 30 day return policy!), and remain near your gear with a fire extinguisher for day or two just to be safe.
Yeah…or actually…no…fuse directionality can’t be heard because it's not an actual thing…it simply isn't. Ever. You can claim you hear it, but you do not. See? Wasn’t that easy? You’re welcome.
What geoffkait does to his colon is certainly his business, and may be part of why he feels compelled to promote mythological faith-based tweaks like bags of rocks and "directional" fuses. Unnecessarily discomfort during his medical procedures could simply make him mad at the world somehow, and this preference could certainly manifest itself as an oddly manic response to logic. We should have sympathy and compassion for his condition, and be gentle in our responses to his posts so as not to get him too irritated…kindness…simply respond with kindness.
It's difficult to refuse the fuseless who claim a fusion with fancy fuse users. Oh, and the answer to Geoffkait's list of questions is: All of the above. 
I put those PS audio plugs in years ago as they're great for my antique iron lung collection. And you have to wonder how many people would install good wall plugs and after 29 days would think, "gee, these things just don't cut it"…and friggin' send  them back! "Dear PS Audio, these wall plugs simply don't make me happy enough, so GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK"...
Sorry Papa, I can only assume your check from SR is late and you're grumpy…this thread should continue in it's mindless and unfunny worship of overpriced pseudo tweaks any time now...
"The astonishment at the shameless promotion of nonsensical, technically unexplainable, and ridiculously overpriced faith based pseudo tweaks never fades"…Wolf Garcia.

I'll scurry back into my troll home under the overpass.
Georgelofi is right, it’s a bumpfest festooned with more promotional rantings which are right out of the Vegematic sales manual (although I can reasonably assume a Vegematic works). A good financial deal for SR certainly, and the wordy reactions to my posts questioning the efficacy of overpriced silliness exposes a classic paranoia. These guys must know it’s nonsense and if it’s not, why not cough up a technical and reasoned explanation of how tiny aluminum dots "transduce" (really?) sound waves, and how fuse that is out of the signal chain can make cellos sound better? I guess I expect too much….or I know too much...
The smokescreen of personal attacks and other nonsensical rantings only prove my point about these fraudulent products…nobody can explain the technical design aspects of "special" fuses or "magic transducing aluminum jujubes" that provide so much imaginary glee to the believers because there IS no explanation beyond plucking out terms like "Quantum Tunneling" or "Transducers," and tossing those phrases into the hype. If these things work I simply ask, again, why? How were they developed? What do SR fuses do to the electrons before they hit the circuits? I think these are reasonable questions that if asked of an amp designer or even a gear rack or speaker footer company (Or car manufacturer or wine maker) there is no hesitation to at least try to come up with reasonable technical explanations, but with this stuff it's NADA, and will likely remain so, as this is profit driven scamming at its most (or least) transparent.
So, again, there is no attempt at a reasonable explanation of how or why  a half inch of fuse wire in a tiny glass case packed with graphite or beeswax can get all that mojo going…the lack of even a weak attempt at addressing this mystery, and considering anybody who stands for reason (except Almarg, who gets a pass…deservedly) a troll is an apt response among the Believers who seem to simply not care about the technology, but don't hesitate to toss piles of money at it based on faith…it's all sort of adorable…like scared sheep huddled against a frightening passing cloud of reason.  
I tested the fuses (reluctantly, until provided with a pile of them that I couldn’t resist playing with), and found them to be merely fuses, and not very safe fuses at that. That in itself should be helpful information for those considering wasting money on these silly items. You’re welcome. The fact that "clean your fuse holder" Almarg has been deemed a troll by some here speaks volumes of the mind set among some of the magic fuse Athletic Supporters in this thread, and Al is welcome to visit my PA festooned box under the freeway anytime. A note regarding technical explanation…For decades I’ve hung with and spoken to successful cable designers, speaker designers, amp designers (both home or pro use) and serious musicians who are also audio geeks, and pretty much anybody will readily and unhesitatingly discuss the whys and wherefores of their gear if so disposed to do so…Bill Low entertained me with logical and well reasoned cable design wisdom for an hour before a jazz show I was mixing (there’s that swine PA reference again!). He seemed legit, and not one to simply throw a "low manufacturing cost relative to extreme high retail price" Carpel Tunneled (I mean Quantum Tunneled) gizmo at the Subjective Audio Geek market without supporting technical reasoning…my issues with SR’s ability to fill their corporate coffers by using threads like this to promote Quantum Trammeled Carbon pleasure placebos to rabid seekers is my main reason to keep showing up here…that and the fact that I refuse to be bullied off by boneheads.