Aha Al that makes perfect sense as I could make out the 250 and was just guessing ma but volt makes sense so that must be it and yes it is indeed a straight thin piece of wire. Thanks!
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...
Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Showing 50 responses by jond
Was reading about fuses and pulled out the fuse in my preamp but it was very hard to read, it definitely said 6.3A on one side the other side was much harder to make out but pretty sure it said 250ma. Do these numbers together make sense? Also how can I tell if the fuse is fast or slow blow? Sorry for the neophyte questions just never really looked at fuses before. Thanks! |
@charles1dad I certainly can contact them in the meantime took another look and its F6.3A on one side and 250ma on the other. Guessing the F is for fast blow but the numbers are what's confusing me as 6.3A and 250ma are totally different values are they not? I may be misreading the 250ma part the engraving is incredibly hard to make out its a .75 inch fuse. Thanks. |
My black fuse arrived today from highend-electronics great service and shipped Sunday and here Wednesday going cross country! My 3rd transaction with these guys great service each time and love the free shipping. Installed the fuse but won't have a chance to listen until tonight so will update you all later. |
So tonight came a little early just fired up the system for a first listen and first impressions, 5 minutes in to take with a grain of salt please, things seem a bit more relaxed. Not soft or slow sounding just a bit more organic and a more relaxed flow to things. That's on just two tracks Ben Webster "When I Fall In Love and Bill Evans "Isn't It Romantic" from Live at Shellys Manne-hole. So far so good. |
This thread cracks me up, as Charles has said it's the listening that matters not the technology. And the 30 day return policy aside if you buy one fuse if $120 shipped and in the context of money I've spent on this hobby well it's nothing. I'm by no means wealthy but it seems worth checking out at that price pretty much a no lose situation. Of course YMMV but that's the fun of this hobby isn't it? |
Well day whatever the day is with the new fuse day 7 maybe? Anyway the system sounds amazing, better than ever to me I'm sure the fuse helps along with the six Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8's I rolled into my preamp. Plus the new RCA rectifier and trio of RCA 6SN7's I just rolled into my amp. Oh and the stillpoints universal resonance dampers under the preamp and Gregitek Aries Graf footers under my amp and Sonos Connect. And can't forget the Wyred for sound Remedy reclocking device betwixt my Sonos and Dac, Needless to say its been quite a flurry of tweaks and upgrades in a very non-scientific manner in terms of assessing the efficacy of each, but the overall effect is very nice indeed. FWIW. |
Geoffkait I actually installed the remedy a few weeks ago before I made any other changes, so I was able to see that change independently and even removed and reinstalled it and the difference was clear. Regarding everything else as I said my system has never sounded better and frankly that's all I really care about. It very non scientifically makes me happy :) |
Charles you inspired me to put that same Wes Montgomery CD on, well at least what they have on Tidal, Wes Montgomery Fullhouse Live- The Keepnews Collection and it does sound great. One clarification on the Yamamoto and I could be wrong but though it can handle sample rates up to 192k I believe. The Remedy reclocker I put in front of it outputs a 96k signal and the Yammie handles that brilliantly. I know that’s still Redbook but not straight 16/44.1. Or is my techno-ignorance causing me to miss something? |
Just minutes ago dropped the Hifi Tuning Supreme fuse in my Yamamoto DAC, and listening to Bill Evans At Shellys Manne-hole and it sounds great, first impressions it sounds a touch faster. And the piano notes pop a bit more? Can't listen much longer have to get to a work dinner but surprised initial impressions are so strong minutes into listening. |
Borrowed a friends extra pair of Kimber 8tc cables and things are still sounding great Bill Frisell Sounds Of Life, of course I've never heard a bad sounding Bill Frisell album. A slightly brighter balance with these unshielded speaker cable but still hearing the better flow and instruments are just tonally gorgeous. |
So got my speaker cables back yesterday and hooked them back up and also dropped in a second Cerious Graphene Extreme digital cable between my Sonos and W4S Remedy. The system is really singing now sounding better than I have ever heard it. The cumulative effect of a number of tweaks, new fuses included, has brought me to a very good place indeed. |
Charles I am using Graphene Extreme digital cables, analog interconnects, and speaker cables, but my power cables are all the previous generation Cerious Nano signatures. They were the very first power cables I truly thought made a difference and now have them on my DAC, preamp, and power conditioner. |
My preamp leave the tubes lit in standby mode then all the way on when I flip the switch. The only way to turn it off totally is unplug it which I never do. It uses tubes up more quickly, I retube about every 12-18 months, but it sure does sound great. And things just keep getting better as the fuses break in and I guess my speaker cables need to re-break in a bit, so loving the system more than ever. Just wish I have more, or any time to listen this week work is killing me! |
Just as a public service just noticed a Yamamoto YDA-1 pop up in the classifieds........ https://www.audiogon.com/listings/da-converters-yamamoto-soundcraft-yda-01-dac-2016-05-30-digital-18... No affiliation just a very happy owner of the same Dac as is Charles and I know they come up very rarely so thought someone might appreciate a heads up. Happy Memorial Day all! |
Haven't checked into this thread in a while as I had nothing really to add but let me say agreed @almarg is one of the nicest and most knowledgeable and helpful people on this site and definitively not a troll. And on the subject of shilling, look we are all, hopefully, adults here and should be able to evaluate claims we read and make up our own minds. No one is forcing you to believe anything that's written here or for that matter to even read it, so relax folks! And thanks for the Harold Land rec I have a twofer of Eastward Ho! and Fire in the West queued up next! |
No idea where the SR20 fits in the hierarchy grannyring but HighEnd Electronics is closing them out half price. https://www.audiogon.com/listings/tweaks-synergistic-research-sr20-quantum-fuse-50-off-retail-as-lon... |
@uberwaltz fantastic post thank you! @plutos skepticism is always healthy when paired with an open mind so kudos to you! @wolf_garcia why do you keep picking on OregonPapa don't you actually work for Jolida? Ok now wolf you know I am teasing you and generally speaking dude just relax a bit it's just a fuse. Perhaps go after the $5K record weight folks or someone else for a while? :-) Seriously though thanks for the entertaining banter guys it's why I keep coming back to this thread. Peace out. |
Charles yes I do have a Black fuse installed in my preamp I mention it about 30 pages or so back in this long thread lol. It was around a time I made a lot of quick changes to my system so I can't say any specific improvements from the fuse but my system started sounding better all around. A cumulative effect perhaps? |