+1 on the "the fuse rating issue remains a dangerous thing"
"Fuse blew? Try one rated higher"
This last one will void warranties', and lead to declined insurance claims.
Cheers George
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
They say all these SR fuses sound even better if you freeze them overnight, trouble is you only get 15mins of even more blissful music before they thaw out. To counter this, one should have a stash of them in the freezer that way you have it covered for a couple of hours. Then use them for the second time in the opposite direction to counter them getting polarised. Cheers George |
+1 ptss, and I’d say every tech on this planet would say so too. And they are the ones that design the equipment we all listen to. And here we have a few voodooists that have next to no tech skills at all saying they’re wrong. It’s really sad to think that they have some influence over the gullible to hand over a hundred + dollars for a 10 cent mains fuse, and to also have the hide to say it's directional as well, with no proof from the manufacturer stating so. Cheers George |
What WAS said was the SYSTEM sounds out of phase with the fuse installed in the improper direction.Now I’ve heard everything, total snake oil voodoo. These guys must be turning in their graves, at the stuff being spoken here. Laws of electronics were discovered by Georg Ohm, Charles Augustin de Coulomb and Gustav Kirchhoff and are known as Ohms law, Coulomb’s Law and Kirchhoff’s laws. Cheers George |
Pioneer receiver, two cheap floor standing speakers jammed up against the wall between a big screen TV in an almost bare room. Yeppers ... no improvement from the fuses at all. *lol*I can beat that, my stuffs all from Radio Shack or Tandy as it was know here. Which may even sound better than yours with the voodoo fuses. Cheers George |
analogluvr323 posts06-17-2017 8:27am Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.This is one, just a .025ohm resistor, there are others, if anyone wants to shatter their dreams. From diyAudio forums. http://i52.tinypic.com/2r4q7h3.jpg Cheers George |
geoffkait5,824 posts Oh yes they are, nothing more ,nothing less. unless they've had some sort of voodoo spell cast on them, they are just plain Pacific brand power resistors. http://www.pacificresistor.com/ Cheers George |
OK, try this one for an experiment only, definitely not for long term for safety sake. Make sure all is working fine and you grown used to how it sounds. Then remove the "red fuse" and bridge out he the fuse holder with some copper wire, you can even tack solder it on the outside of the fuse holder. It should sound the best, if anything at all. Cheers George |
Facts "IHMO" ?????? please post all these "facts" up by all means, back by some sort of SOUND technical explanations to their advantage to sound quality improvement. Myself, and I’m sure many others here are all ears to hear the "facts" and their technical explanations. Cheers George |
mapman Ididn’t say to "eliminate". Isaid to try as an experiment, just like your doing now with these fuses. Cheers George
Your kidding right??? What do you think the yards of traces under your circuit boards are made of??? Copper!!! Cheers George |
Technically YES, if one is a technician and a betting man you would put your money on the "temporary" 10mm piece of copper wire everytime, unless one is a voodoo’ist then your a believer that pigs can fly. That’s why this sort of thing is not getting any reco in the "Tech Talk" forum and should not be given it as well. Unless these fuses are resistive, capacitive, or inductive in nature, then there are grounds for a technical discussion on them, and if they are any of these then they can only be detrimental to performance in the power supply chain. Cheers George |
karmapolice94 posts03-21-2016 11:36amI decided to switch the direction on the black fuse on the dartzeel amp after all because lack of bass weight was bothering me. Direction change on an AC fuse for different sound??? http://audiofast.com/prods/recenzje/6moons/6moons200507_NHB-108/max_21.jpg Cheers George |
http://highend-electronics.com/products/audio-magic-premiere-beeswax-super-fuse Here are some normal fuses pumped with bees wax, but I found that if I saved my ear wax and injected it, it was soooo much better, the difference was night and day, and my ears were cleaned out as a bonus. Cheers George |
EG: Shun Mook Mpingo room treatment devices. http://www.stereophile.com/features/69/#eE3kszwsp5RadvU3.97 After all every piece of equipment that everyone owns, is made using the laws of electronics and test gear to develop it. Anyone who has something that's not made using these has voodoo gear.
Cheers George
This sort of thing about how a fuse sounds needs to be put in the bin. Cheers George Its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever.
BTW, I’m sure OP’s statement that you quoted was said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. :-) I don’t know Al, he’s applauded things that left me shaking my head in wonder and fear for the gullible. PS: maybe I should try sitting on your fence, this s**t is starting give me an ulcer. Cheers George |
Al, you are such a fence sitter/pacifier, "you need to come out". We non voodooists, all know this fuse stuff is at best, bunch of psychological BS, especially with statements like. "What? you don’t think this is a viable solution to getting the last bit of the corners of the sound stage:" Cheers George |
Hey whitestix.
Out of 3000 posts GK you’ve only contributed 3 discussions to this forum, and they are beauties!!! https://forum.audiogon.com/users/geoffkait/discussions Cheers George |
A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. All from a fuse change, you need to do a GK and change your avatar. http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/voodoo-doll.jpg Cheers George |
+1 Wolf, and "passively elegantly written" Al, sure your not getting splinters there buddy? Sending back?? That was part of the marketing strategy!!! Even if half send them back, they still made a fortune, about 99% profit on each fuse. Then the half that got returned get sold again as new, as they don't advertise "B" stock for sale cheaper do they???? Cheers George |
"Simply buy several and remain near your gear with a fire extinguisher for a day or two just to be safe" So is claiming a mains fuse is directional, and also dangerous to tell non techs to keep reversing them, until one time they forget to disconnect the plug from the mains, BANG!!! say goodbye to your short and curlies. Cheers George |
but it made sense to me that a cheap fuse could be a bottleneck to good soundWhich qualified electronic technician has said this, to make sense to you?? Or was it just some c**p that came from a voodoo’ist mouth, who has not one bit of technical knowledge. As for a fuse to become a "bottleneck" it needs to become highly resistive to such a point that it would blow with no faults. If it’s not resistive at all, then you may as well have a piece of copper wire soldered in place of the fuse. Cheers George |
geoffkait, does a bear sh*t in the woods, sorry no I can't ask you that, because you can't see the forest through the trees. Read up on AC theory and then you'll understand just how much voodoo bull**** you and others are speaking about fuses being directional when mains AC is involved. Even if they were DC rail fuses, it would be still voodooistic to say they were directional. Now there's something you can try geoffkait, use a dc fuse of the same amp rating instead of an ac fuse, then you may hear something different, I'd be interested in this outcome. Cheers George |
A few posters here actually tried these products and found that they could perceive no sonic changes, or no changes for the better. I totally respect them and their views and I appreciate their contributions to this thread.And this backs what the technical experienced here have been saying all along. So, to put it bluntly, if you have no personal experience with these products, feel free to lurk, or to sincerely ask questions, but otherwise, please save yourself the agita and the wasted keystrokes, and let the rest of us get on with our little hobby....No wasted keystrokes when trying to protect/educate the gullible and their hard earned cash on the voodoo speak that AC fuses have directional sound differences. And unless your a forum cop, I wouldn’t tell the technical here what they can/can’t post when trying to protect the gullible from voodoo. Cheers George |
>$100 bucks for a fuse!!!!!!!!! "
Tell 'im 'e's dreamin'
" .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dik_wnOE4dk Cheers George |
+1 wolf_garcia http://www.infoworld.com/article/2618833/identity-management/cyber-shill-business-is-booming.html Cheers George |
geoffkaitSeeing it’s now fact by many having these SR mains fuses blow, that the melting point (which is the blow point) is wrongly overrated. It’s a wonder you and the others haven’t sprouted other furphy that they are Class-A fuses, therefore closer to the blow (melt) point than a standard fuses are, so they must sound better, because they run so much hotter!! Put that in the audio book of voodoo book along with them being directional as well BTW if someone puts these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well. Cheers George |
"BTW if someone puts these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well." Ok I'll rephrase it just for you geoffkait "BTW should some poor sod put these in as their + and - DC rail fuses, and one blows before the other, you can say goodbye to that amp if not the speakers as well." Cheers George |
You might learn how to spell LITTELFUSE correctly when trying to make your point.Is that all you have Geoff? beside the voodoo you preach? Hopefully anyone reading this thread looking for serious information realizesptss is oh so right in saying this. Cheers George |