I have never heard the Moab and have heard a lot of good about Tekton . How they get all the tweeters to work together is beyond me
I have listened to both Revels,I had a peachtree class d amp when I had the F208 in my system
pretty harsh, upper end
I now, own Studio2’s and there Berrylium Tweeter is pretty delicate, nice sounding
I love the Revels , BUT , you need good electronics and cables
The electronics will cost you
ps: Give a listen to Volti Rival for 5K Pretty nice for the money
Ozzy62, enjoy your Sony boombox bought at Best Buy. lmfao!!! |
I've owned more speakers than years you've been on this earth.
Now that the dick measuring is out of the way, good luck with your search.
Ozzy62, enjoy your Bose 901's. lmao! |
Never owned Harbeths and only heard Stirlings once. Not my cuppa.
But hey, thanks for playing.......... |
Cervin Vega is working on an Audiophile grade loudspeaker. |
Way back when I lived in southern CA I picked up a pair of used Cerwin Vegas and a mid level Sansui receiver for my enclosed patio. The sound of these two together were much greater than the parts. No matter who happened by there was the inevitable comment how great it sounded. Even to me. Those 12" woofer CVs were truly music makers in that little set up. The only CVs I have heard. |
Yes ozzy62, enjoy your Harbeths. lol
Nothing less than 200 watts per channel please. I don't care if the sensitivity is 105 db. I like to rock.
You sound like a good candidate for a pair of Cerwin Vegas..... |
Was that math correct. All those mid-tweeters equaling one 3,75"?
The Six Moons review is at least one source of the 9" number. |
25mm domes according to the literature and I included the formula. gosta584 posts12-07-2020 5:04amWas that math correct. All those mid-tweeters equaling one 3,75"? |
Was that math correct. All those mid-tweeters equaling one 3,75"? |
Revel/Harmon is a totally different sound to the raw banger of the Tek...
What music are you listening to? Either way you will get a more refined speaker with years of engineering and experience (via Hardon Research (Samsung)) to produce a quality product with guaranteed support, possible upgrades and plethoras of new tech products coming along. Bang bang tin cans, or a slightly up market, refined speakers, add subwoofers and there you have a great speaker system with the ability to upgrade elegantly.
A 60 watt per channel amp tube or solid state won't control the large woofers on the Tektons. It turns into a sloppy mess. Tube lovers don't care, they love the colored sound of tubes through the midrange. I put a VTL ST 150 on my Tekton Enzo XL's, it was a sloppy mess. Sorry, not my style. Put a Jeff Rowland Model 1, 60 wpc solid state. It ran out of gas. Nothing less than 200 watts per channel please. I don't care if the sensitivity is 105 db. I like to rock. |
Hello, Tektons do sound really nice. Like Maggie’s with bass. With 98db you can drive those with a headphone amp. One problem with your setup. You have a Ferrari engine-the krell. Very powerful. If you put that on the Tekton you will barely touch the volume. With SS amps you need to use that power to get the sound off the ground. If you are going to tube amps or maybe a 60wpc SS amp I say go with the Tekton. If not, go with the Revels. The curved cabinet design helps with the standing waves in the cabinet. Also some dealers have an upgrade deal. Maybe you work up to the Salon 2s. Also the tweeters used in Revel will go nice with the Krell amp. If you are near the Chicagoland area and want to do a demo at home or store demo try: If not the crutchfield test approach is a good idea. |
"Is there a shop in the greater Chicago area that demos Tekton?"
Audio Archon in Chi town lists Tekton in its product line-up
Tekton may also be able to coordinate a demo with customers in your area. Jim Salk from Salk Sound did that for me. |
I do not think there is a shop anywhere that demoes Tekton. From what I understand, it is a mail-order company with money-back guarantee of some sort.
Many audiophiles are happy to host other interested audiophiles (millercarbon certainly being a generous one) so you may try in your area. There are Tekton owners groups on the Internet, maybe someone on Audiogon will notice, etc. Ask and you will (probably) find. Of course, the question is do you want to do it right at this moment.
Is there a shop in the greater Chicago area that demos Tekton? |
Don’t forget, Performa3 F208 predated Samsung acquisition by a few years. |
It will be big Harman samsung owned Revel vs the little company in Utah Tekton. Who will win? Stay tuned. |
It would be really interesting, and beneficial to someone I am sure, if you came back to this thread once you have both (pairs of) speakers and let us know your opinion. It would be much appreciated. |
@jeffvegas can't wait to hear your side by side comparision of the Revels and Moabs. So few people on here post opinions based on actual a/b comparisions which is the only real way to know what you prefer.
Just be prepared for the wait on the Moabs that is probably around 3 months now. |
I can get 30 percent off f208 Revels Because I used to work for a store that sells them and I have tekton Enzo Xl's that I can trade in on Moabs so I am going to buy both and then see for myself side by side which sounds better . |
Yea, why would anybody ever want to read informed opinion with actual in room test data. According to most AG’ers, science is the devil. |
I chose the F208’s in gloss mahogany myself, so +1 for the Revel Alliance 😛 |
Yup ... okay. Best used deal I ever got (besides my Khorns) were the Thiel CS 2.3. I
think the Thiel would slaughter the Revel. That was a properly
engineered speaker, not a mass produced Harmon product. I hate those mass produced Toyota's and Honda's and BMW's and .... terrible engineering. |
Anyone looking for positive reinforcement for a Harmon product shouldn’t look here lol. If you really want it, Jeff, you might could check with the Harmon choir over at ASR. |
@dtximages. Most satisfying system I ever heard: Klipschorns with an old Accuphase receiver. Such an effortless beautiful sound.
listened to KEF R900's. The Revels smoked them. KEF's don't rock. B&W don't rock either. |
I've never been overly impressed with Revel, they're nice, but in that price range there are so many better speakers - with much better resell fyi.. Look at products by KEF, used Thiel, etc. Best used deal I ever got (besides my Khorns) were the Thiel CS 2.3. I think the Thiel would slaughter the Revel. That was a properly engineered speaker, not a mass produced Harmon product.
Also, if you want great engineering look at the KEF Reference line used. I almost traded my KEF Reference for B&W 802 d2 and boy am I glad I didn't. The KEF is in a different league while the B&W is very nice, but eh whatever. |
If you think that "better engineered" means a better speaker you're wrong. However, there's a very good chance the Revel is NOT better engineered. Check out GR Acoustics youtube channel and you'll see how crappily some high-end speakers are engineered and cut corners.
If you think the Moab is only for partying or rock, you're smoking crack.
I trust little of what self-described "audiophiles" say on here. I just got a pair of Klipschorns that are absolutely 100% phenomenal and audiophiles turn their noses up to them. But as PWK would say, BS.
All that said, and having owned Tekton (sold them) I cannot wait to own another pair. Saving up for the Moabs since my Double Impacts were SO good. |
To the OP, I'm was reviewing the thread but don't see how you came to narrow it down to these two. How did you? If you were to open it up to, say, four choices, what would you add in? |
My son has a complete Revel system, and I auditioned the Tektons. Different models though. He has the next class down F35 and F36's with the 110 V2 Subs. I sent my Double Impacts back as I didn't think much of them and I LOVE his Revels. |
And if you do buy Tekton, don't forget to order the optional large size black plastic bin liners to hide their toytown ugliness. |
All speaker manufacturers should publish truthful sensitivity measurements. Per John Atkinson very few do. Most upgrade just 2 or 3 dB. Tekton goes for 5 to 8 dB Bargepoles come to mind. If they are dishonest about one thing, chances are they will be the same on others. |
I stopped auditioning speakers after hearing the Tekton DI. They are so good no need to look any further. The price is just icing on the cake. +1 for Tekton. (I really hope Eric doesn't raise prices soon) |
I’d strongly recommend the Tektons. I auditioned at least 15 pairs of speakers including Revel (sorry, can’t remember the model at this point) and ended up going with Tekton.I’ve owned Tekton Pendragons for aprox a year and a half, and still have no desire to upgrade. |
@dougthebiker... how do you like the Aegirs? I was initially interested but from reading reviews and 3rd party measurements they sh!t the bed on anything below an 8 ohm load. Measurements obviously aren't everything but I didn't pursue it any further. I continue to wonder though. Seems like they need a high efficiency speaker to shine. |
You’re in luck. Both give you 60 days to try them out in home.
Why listen to the goners when you can trust your own ears?
BTW, I own Tektons, drive them with 80W Schiit Aegirs. It’s heaven. |
Do not worry and do not mix, just match them with a Chinese made amplifier and you are good to go. Try Melody, I have read they go really well together (
Chuck Miller's System - Virtual Systems ( ) and you even get patriotic bonus points. I am just not quite sure from which country, though. |
I was knocking the Revels by them being made in Indonesia but me finding out that the tekton Moab tweeters come from China makes the Revels feel like David Wilson built them himself. |
I too have heard Krell amps and Sonus Faber speakers sound quite sublime together. A combo I could easily live with. Just saying. |
I own the Moabs and Magnepan 3.7's. The Moabs have a very rich involving sound but the fact that they are cheaply made, poorly damped, box speakers also shows up in the way they sound. The Magnepan's are a little less involving but technically I would say they are better if you have the space to properly position them. I like them both for different reasons but if you held a gun to my head I would choose the Maggies first. The planar sound coupled with a pair of subwoofers is incredible. If you like tubes the Maggies aren't really an option without a much bigger budget. Ultimately, it is apples and oranges and a very personal preference. I have never listened to the Revels or any other high end speakers except for the Spatial Audio X3's which I suspect are better than either the Maggies or Moabs but again different sounds for different tastes. |
MC - Your comment: "Reading through the comments its clear you either don’t know anything about Tekton Moabs or worse have been misled into believing a lot of the blather which in turn comes from people who don’t know anything about Tekton Moabs." MC, you don’t have a clue on what good sound is. You are the person who told people your moabs were better than the $1M Wilson (Wilson doesn’t make a $1M speaker), now you are saying stay away from revel. Give it up!!! If you want a cheap speaker that can play loud, get a Moab, if you want a good speaker up to some of the best speakers, get something else like the revel or many other brands. For example, I would take a used Revel M20 stand mount speaker over any tekton I have heard for sound quality, the M20's won't play as loud, but their sound was very very good, and that's from a 20 year old speaker. The sensitivity of a speaker is not a show stopper. I had 86db totem speakers hooked up to McIntosh 1000 watt mono blocks and they sounded fantastic. BTW, your tekton speaker sensitivity ratings have been scrutinized because in tests, they actually have a lower sensitivity rating than company specs. |
wow, An either or option. Hmm..... please don’t be so lazy and limited. Take your amp and other sound equipment and go see some people that have speakers you are interested in. Don’t limit yourself, be a prick if need be, you are the customer. You got some good stuff to go tickle some drivers. Be the driver. Something may surprise you. You are looking for the match for your system. I’m more Tekton, but that’s me. Go and be you with the set of ears God gave you. Go LISTEN.
First, that krell can drive any speaker. Second, you’re in a nice situation to purchase new speakers but an even better one if you buy used. The choices in the 5k range are great. I’d say you could get a better used speaker at this price range than new. Keep searching. I have an old krell ksa 100 with some newer Sonus Faber olympicas and its sublime. You have many options. |