REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab

I have about 5 grand to spend on loudspeakers.  Of these 2, Tekton Moab and Revel performa3 f208, which one would you goners buy? Or any recommendations? I have an old Krell FPB 400CX, Ayre K5xe mp, Wadia 321 Dac, VPI Classic turntable. 

Showing 3 responses by mapman

Watts are watts.  But that will never stop some people from saying otherwise. 
Tube amps tend to soft clip. That is the big difference.  Look it up. 
I too have heard Krell amps and Sonus Faber speakers sound quite sublime together. A combo I could easily live with. Just saying.
Apples and oranges. Will come down to personal preference. The Tektons will probably do somewhat better technically with tube or more modestly powered amps.