Reccomend a good preamp for me.

I have nixed the preamp for a while now with using only a DCS Rossini DAC going direct.  I have that in the back of my room and a 10M pair of balanced cables that run to my various amps I use.  I have been getting back into vinyl again and even a cassette player so I am in need of a preamp that will have at least one balanced input and 2 more RCA inputs.  I have been trying different amps and speakers lately also and think I will land on some kind of lower powered tubes and higher efficiency speakers.  I used to have a few nice preamps years ago and I always remember thinking the preamp was a big piece of the puzzle the heart maybe of the system.  PS Audio BHK looks good maybe or a Pass Preamp?  I'm out of the loop on preamps. 
Herron Audio VTSP-360 ESP is absolutely superb - do some online searches on gear from Herron Audio; I just got a phono preamp and a line-stage preamp from Keith Herron, and yeah, his gear really is as good as everybody goes on about, and he's a pleasure to correspond with....
The Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL Preamp is a giant killer. It beat the 16K pass labs and the Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT. I had to put it back on the rack because nothing else I’ve tried sounds as good.
I can highly recommend Concert Fidelity CF-080LSX2. Masataka can make one of the inputs and outputs balanced. It is one of the most neutral preamps. It allows easy tube rolling.
Lots of recommendations for a Don Sachs preamp. I have one and am extremely impressed with it.

Don will customize it to your specs. He’s a great guy to talk to.

One caveat: Don no longer builds his preamps with balanced outputs. Inputs, yes. Outputs, no.

Well worth consideration.
I've owned a LOT of Preamps in my years of being involved in Audio...including  EAR 912.  Truthfully...wouldn"t trade any of them for the BLACK ICE F360 I currently have in my System.  As a line stage it is stellar.

I use the Balanced outputs to run 20ft of cable to my KR842VHD based monoblocs with no problem at all.  
Find a preowned Luxman C800F and you're done, does not sound like a solid-state or tube sound, just natural and ultra low noise design and built to last forever. 
I bought a Don Sachs preamp last month. I had few issues while it was shipped but Don took care of it. I finally started listening to it since this week. I am way too impressed. 
@co93 I have a Benchmark HPA4 (same as the LA4) in an all BM stack. How does your LA4 compare with the ARC and Boulder preamps? I have a CODA 07x preamp shipped today to me and I am looking forward to comparing the HPA4 to the 07x.

I love the HPA4 and consider it the best BM product I own. The HPA4 and LA4 are almost certain to be quieter than any gear hooked up to them so the statement about "no preamp" maybe appropriate with these 2 preamps.
Another vote from me for a benchmark.  I have a LA4 in one system and a ARC Ref and a Boulder in my other systems.  For the $, the benchmark is nearly flawless.
Personally I don’t subscribe to the "best preamp is no preamp" idea. A great preamp is the heart of a fine system. For many reasons.
"A great preamp is the heart of a fine system. For many reasons."
Please give the "many" technical reasons, not poetic reasons, for this compared to
"best preamp is no preamp idea."

Cheers George
I'm a little puzzled when new threads on this topic come up, as it seems to me that it's been discussed at length. Of course, I'm biased. I own a Supratek.

Here's a suggestion - go up to the top of this amps - preamps forum and click on the tab for "all time most popular threads". At the TOP of that tab you will find the "preamp deal of the century" thread. This thread is decades old, with 26 million page views. It is about the budget Supratek preamp. It is a killer.

Other than that, I second the recommendation for the Don Sachs model 2. I like small, boutique builders. Maybe check out Emmanuel Go and his "First Sound" line. I like hand built, point to point wiring, obsessive engineering. But that's just me. There's a lot of good ones out there.

But there are many other *very fine* recommendations on this thread. Personally I don't subscribe to the "best preamp is no preamp" idea. A great preamp is the heart of a fine system. For many reasons.

Hi there.  I see we have a couple of inquiries this week for high end prees.  I'll share what I said in my response to the other member.  I had the ARC 40th Anniversary, followed by the ARC Ref 10 and then auditioned the BAT and CAT counterparts, as well as the Soulution 725. I landed on the Octave Jubilee Preamp because it was so much better than the rest.  It's stellar.  A hybrid design (SS power supply and tubed line stage).  You don't need to be into tube-rolling with the Jubilee, but if you ever want to scratch that itch then sonic fine tuning and flexibility can be very rewarding and fun.  Something SS prees can't offer - like the full meat on the bone palpable presentation with the transient speed and dynamic range of the best SS offerings.
My Shindo Monbrison is probably my favorite piece of audio equipment I've ever owned.  I've used it with a lot of different amps (all tubes, some SETs, an OTL, and some push-pulls, none of them Shindo amps) and it has been fantastic with all of them.  I don't think I'll ever part with it, unless I'm able to go up the chain with another Shindo preamp.
@ejlif The problem you have is that you need to drive long cables. That means that all passive control systems are out. It also means single-ended preamps are out.

You need a balanced line preamp, and further, one that can drive long cables. You might think that 'because its balanced it can drive long cables' but its not as simple as that. To do that, there are a number of hurdles that the preamp must clear and most in high end audio do not. There is a standard for balanced line operation; most high end manufacturers either ignore it or worse, don't seem to be aware that it exists.

Its called 'AES48'.

If your preamp supports AES48, driving the long interconnects is a walk in the park, and the cost of the cable won't amount to anything with regards to the sound quality. So when you look at these suggestions and talk to manufacturers, ask if their preamp supports the standard. If they don't know about it, or don't know, that is telling you that they do not.

I think there are four preamps suggested so far that support the standard. They are the Dan Sachs preamp (when used with its output transformer to produce a balanced output), the Benchmark and the two Atma-Sphere preamps. There may be others- ask the manufacturer when investigating!
To add to my previous comment. Found a used TLC-1 online for $400 with great "review" comments by John Atkinson, detailing the feature/attributes of this unit. At this price and an SMc upgrade, one could have a tremendous preamp for $3K! With quality matching much more expensive units.
First a disclaimer: I make no claim for being a highly informed "stereophile".
I've owned McCormack audio gear for over 20 years. Steve McCormack is a very highly regarded audio designer. He now runs his operation as "SMc Audio" in CA. While still designing new gear, he also does lots of upgrading of his older, discontinued models. My suggestion would be to pick up one of his TLC-1 passive, line-drive preamps, which can be found for under $1K and have his guy, Pat, upgrade it. They rebuild to your exact requirements; sonic and budgetary. Great to work with. They just upgraded/rebuilt my DNA 0.5 amp; incredible results!
I would consider these in order of increasing price:

Backert Labs preamps
Luxman CL38uC (probably best bang for buck with phono built-in)
Luxman CL1000
Nagra Jazz
Nagra Classic Preamp
Shindo Vosne Romanee

Given your listening preferences, stick to a tube preamp, and no matter what anyone says (believe me I have tried for years), get an active preamp, again tube preferably.

Bin considering the 07x FET for an uppgrade to my older JC2 (non bypass version) But as Im living in Scandinavia, the price for this preamp is $9630 so I might be better off keeping the JC2 and spend money elsewhere…. 
The lastest revision of the Coda 07x is indeed an excellent preamp, I love it. Heard that the SPL Elector is a bit warmer but haven't gotten the chance to listen to it yet, anyway I will keep the 07x.
I haven't heard this but Terry London (he posts here) really liked this:

It's what I've been dreaming of, along with their matching amp.
Here's Terry's review as well:

All the best,
@fastfreight, "The comments about the Benchmark are ironic to me; It measures great and imparts nothing to the music. But (to me) the audionet stuff provides much better soundstage and imaging, with amazing resolution."

Honest question: Have you done a direct comparison with the LA4 / audionet in your system? What amps and speakers? The LA4 is pretty low gain so maybe it doesn't mate up well with your amps? I'm not tryout to justify the LA4. Even though I am delighted with the Benchmark, perhaps I should look at the audionet. 
Take a look at Parasound JC 2 (now including HT bypass).
Commonly call poweramp input is it not?
Turns an integrated amp into a 2ch poweramp?

Cheers George
ModWright Instruments is definitely staff to think about. If you want to go full truly balanced, the LS 36.5 is the way to go...  LS-100 is single ended but also has XLRs in and outs with bunch of RCAs...  Modwright is made in US... easy upgradable, modification friendly staff...
personally I’m very satisfied with my LS-100...for me it was big upgrade in SQ moving from Parasound preamp.  
If the OP is using JC1 power amps, why not consider the JC2 pre-amp?

Balanced in and out and plenty of gain.
Rogue RP 5 I believe has a better phone stage then the RP 7 but does not have balanced inputs and you need to go with NOS tubes  IMHO but a great pre.
I just got a Cary SLP-05. they are having a heck of a sale at Cary Direct. If you like tubes, you will love the SLP-05. It is on sale for $2,250. off.
I also have replaced my PS Audio BHK Pre.  First with the Audionet 
Pre1-G3, which afforded more clarity and resolution, and a better image.

I have now upgraded to the Audionet Pre G2, with even more of the same virtues.

The comments about the Benchmark are ironic to me; It measures great and imparts nothing to the music.  But (to me) the audionet stuff provides much better soundstage and imaging, with amazing resolution.

Is that adding something to the music?  Imaging? Yes and no.  It does not 'color' the music in any way.  But it sounds better!
The latest Coda does so many things so well.. that to do would have to spend much more. Law of diminishing returns applies very well with this pre.  
I replaced my PS Audio BHK with a Benchmark LA4. Great move for me. The gain of the BHK is significant, resulting in noise with 6 and 7 volt tubes in my efficient system (might not be a problem with less efficient speakers and lower powered amps).

The Benchmark is spooky good - absolutely silent, imaging and low level detail improved significantly. 
If your budget can handle it, I highly recommend the McIntosh C49. Besides the excellent and upgradable DA1 digital module, it has two balanced inputs, two balanced outputs, and 3 pairs of RCA in’s and out’s. Two of the RCA out’s are variable and one is fixed. It has phono inputs for MM and MC and they have user adjustable parameters specific to the cartridge type to get the best possible performance. All the inputs can be named for the device using them, and unused inputs can be deleted. The level of the incoming signal can also be set for each device so that all operate at the same level. The C49 also has bass, treble and balance controls with a bypass. All this is accessed by the two control knobs and a blue dot matrix screen. The icing on the cake is a wonderfully functional remote with a volume control that is actually useable, and allows access to all the functions.
The best I ever heared: Ear Yoshino 868 , and Daniel Hertz M6L, (have the last one). In my mind: Ear Yoshino 912.
The PS Audio BHK preamp is a fine unit with many inputs and flexibility of sound via the tubes.

The Coda 07X is the best preamp I have discovered thus far in terms of inputs, outputs and gain level settings per input. it doesn’t take up much space and generates minimal heat. 
The Schiit Freya+ is also ridiculously good and fun to operate. As far as bang for the buck, it’s tough to beat. Tubes, no tubes balanced, unbalanced, it’s got ya covered. 5 inputs and 3 outputs, quite nice indeed.

Do your homework before making recommendations.
There’s some here (with all good intentions) that have no idea the preamp/s they are recommending can possibly drive 10mts!!! of interconnect that the OP has, to his JC1 monoblocks, without any limitations.

Cheers George
to be honest you seem in perpetual tail chasing change, just about any preamp will get you where you are headed...
I like the Sim audio 740p and the 850 p but they are quite expensive, the 850p is 32,000 US but it is very natural sounding incredible preamp.
Atma Sphere preamplifiers (MP1 and MP3) are my favorite. After testing many other preamplifiers (and most recently in France very popular Ear Yoshino 912 and 868), Atma Sphere preamplifiers are still my favorite. 
PS Audio BHK Preamp is a very good choice. It will improve SQ from your sources including DAC.
Tubes4HiFi PH14. You can have it built with balanced inputs and/or outputs. Wonderful sound, but might be a bit too "tubey" for some amps. 
I like my Audio Research Ls28se, 4 balanced in and 4 RCA.  2 outputs for 2 amps. Sound is very nice with SS or Tubes. I use a PS A21+ or PL EVO 400.
Go to a brick and mortar store and listen to it.  Go to Stereophile and The Absolute Sound's website and find out what they recommend.  Their reviews and description is better than any 5 line description here - mine included, hah!.  Then think about your budget, and the sound you like.  Stay away from "vintage" high end gear (i.e., Levinson, Krell, etc.) that has not been serviced, and that has not had all the old capacitors replaced.  If you must buy vintage high end gear, look on a website like George Meyer's site.  He's an authorized Krell fixer-upper in the SoCal area.  In any case, happy hunting!