Responses from sjsfiveo
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Hands down Vimberg Amea | |
A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair. Spatial Audio open baffle X5 or X3's 97db efficient with powered subs so very amp friendly. Used all under $5k a great speaker. | |
Aurender W20 clock invalid?? No external clock | |
Used tube preamp $2-3K Don Sachs! | |
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp I have Don's 300b Shoebox Mono's and preproduction Raven and the combination is stellar. The music is authentic and rich and musical with the ability to listen to hours and hours without feeling tired or fatigued. It has everything I've always wan... | |
FIdelity Cables or Virtual Dynamics Rick is still building and designing new and better cables even better then his HFC stuff, I own many of them and there outstanding. | |
Anybody use a 5687 tube inplace of a 6sn7? Thank you | |
Anybody use a 5687 tube inplace of a 6sn7? Thanks for the info, unfortunately none of the data sheets posted. Steve | |
Ethernet Switch Recommendations Please I use a Paul Pang Quad Switch and love it, it's not really well known but I've had a couple of friends pick them up after hearing mine in my system. | |
Candidates for best speakers in the $2000-5000 market A pair of used Spatial Audio open baffle speakers. | |
Best Amps for Magneplanar 1.7i Speakers Sanders Magtech amp hands down. I had 1.7 I 's and 3.7's and it powered them with ease and great finesse. Maggie's need CURRENT and the Magtech has loads of it runs cool they are extremely overbuilt. | |
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System Ozzy, I've listened to a few different systems at that dealer I know exactly what you are talking about, my buddy and myself looked at each other and said how completely underwhelming that was. I don't know how they sell the stuff that they d... | |
Looking for Speaker Recommendations Spatial Audio Labs open baffle is the way to go. | |
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid Just a heads up about the portable lithium ion batteries units most of their inverters are 110 volts. I ve owned a BLUETTI I measured the voltage output at 109 volts. Make sure the piece of electronic you're running off the battery can run on that... | |
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life? Spatial Audio X5'S open baffle speakers. |