Need A 10-30 watt Tube Power Amp, Lower Heat Output, Which Sounds Great, Under $1500 Used

I am in need of a mid-spring to mid-autumn power amp. This is for my office system that gets a LOT of use and is therefore very important, in terms of sound quality. I have been using a great SET amp, but the 845's it's based around simply heat up the smaller room space too much during warmer weather, even when running central air. I've been in the tube audio game a long time, though, and know there are amps with designs and tubes that run far cooler and wouldn't present the room heating issues. 

I pondered something solid state, but there simply isn't much in the power range, which is also within my price range. Also, I would want an amp with at least some tube-like sound qualities, which makes it even more difficult. In a perfect world, something like a First Watt F7 would be ideal, but its twice my budget, used. 

10 watts would do it, but anything up to 50, or so would be fine, of course. It will be powering Omega, single driver speakers of 94.5 sensitivity and be paired with a Zesto Leto preamp. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 


Music Reference RM-10 if you can find one. If not look for an EL-84 based amp.

Why not buy a Fosi V3? Only $120. Yes, it's Class D but I bet it will sound better than any tube amp! 

Member autospec (Will Vincent) in Idaho makes Dynaco ST70 - based tube amps for around $1500. I purchased one of his SET amps. His workmanship is top-notch!

I’d be interested in a hybrid... maybe Rogue or Vincent? Maybe Schiit?? 

You don't need 10 wpc for those speakers.  To run cool (which I like too) look for a 300B amp.  To meet your price range, look used.

I do particularly love 300B amps, but, in talking to Louis, from Omega, he felt that if I needed the amp to be capable of playing full range music, on occasion, ten watts per channel  was the sweet spot. 

I am a user of Commission Designed / Built 845 Monoblock Power Amp's.

I have added a few cut / paste posts I have produced for other Threads, which are with Edits added for this Thread.

I have experienced in use all Amp' Types apart from being demo'd a direct from Bruno Putzey - Purifi Design.



I feel like I have left out a recommendation of a Low Powered SS Power Amp' that has thoroughly impressed me during demo's in a variety of Build Models, which I have made known recollections of experiences I have had on this forum.

 The Neurochrome Modul 65 has been in use in my Local HiFi Club as a SS Amp' demonstrator for quite a few years. This Amp' had been used in comparisons to both Valve Power Amp's - Valve Integrated Amp's and the same in SS.

It has been used driving Quad ESL's both Vintage and Modern, as well as much kinder loads for a Speaker.

Where it really showed it strengths, was at a time when it proved quite difficult to separate its presentation qualities during a comparison to a EAR 899 Power Amp.

With the resident 899 in the system used, the system Value is close to £50K

With the Modul 65, the system Value is closer to £40K

Neurochrome Amp's are today my top of the list consideration for Amp's when I retire from using my system that is totally Valve Orientated. 

FYI, In a £200K System with a Soulution Power Amplification and a value of approx' £150ish K with the Neurochrome Modul 686 as the comparison Power Amp', the system was just as impressive with the 686 included, some from the short term demo' received made their preference for the 686 known. 


Bear in mind a fully loaded PCB for a Purifi Design as a DIY Build / Commission Completion can be acquired for between £300 and £600.

I would think that if the casing is not OTT on the aesthetic, the end Amp will be close to the £1K pricing for the upper cost model, even with Pure Copper RCA / XLR used and PC Triple C used as Hook Up wiring.

When assembled in a Casing there is little to compete, unless another wad of £0000's is spent. 

I have also made known on this forum in another thread about a Import Chinese Origin, Four Box Modular Class D Power Amp compared to a £50K Soulution Power Amp on a £200K system, or £150 400 system with the Import Amp.

The system owner was completely bamboozled by the Import Amp being such a performer, the Soulution out performed it, but at £49 600 to attain the difference on offer. For the individual who was with the experience of the comparison, that becomes a very difficult decision to even consider.

Even more painful, is that on the same occasion, a Neurchrome 365 at approx' £2K built, at times with certain tracks was much more attractive than the Soulution.  


Try a Douk E6 in front of it with the upgrade that is referred to in certain posts.

I do think the Budget Class D and Budget DHT Pre will find a very pleasing synergy.

I put a few friends onto the E6, and one is after a period of trial, now seriously considering it for being a replacement for their Django TVC. This was unexpected, as I thought of the E6 only as a very affordable Pre', to be used for the dipping of ones toes into a DHT type Pre Amp.

The E6 was only presented to the group of friends, as another friend in the group, who is a very competent EE, has investigated and invested quite a few £000's in another UK based EE's DHT Pre Amp Design, that was getting good appraisals during the Honeymoon Period of its use. 

Not heard the DHT yet in any of the types now available, but do know the report on the UK based EE's design has claimed it has transformed SS Power Amp's relegated from the Top of the Listing for their favour to a whole new level of presentation that are very attractive when experienced.  
In the USA any of the above Power Amp's are able to be found for sale.

Two of the Brands that are Kit Types, can be found hand built by very competent EE Skilled Individuals.

The E6 Pre Amp, is a pre-built Amp.

As an update, I have recently been given a short in length demo' of a Douk E6 with modifications. The E6 owner a few years ago, tried out a range of Pre Amp's on their system, with a value up to £5K, when they were updating their selection for a Pre-Amp. The system owner has made it known there are certain Albums they much prefer when replayed using the E6.

The E6 might just create a marriage that one can't detach themselves from when partnered with the Power Amp' that allows it to really sing.

You might also have someone refurbish an old Dynaco SCA-35- then you wouldn't need the preamp.

I would definitely go vintage + restoration (or "modern" vintage, like maybe the Latino amps) at that price & power range. Your only other option would be Chinese amps, which are not made to last. Amps in this class often use 6L6GC / KT66, EL84, or EL34, all of which have beautiful tone and "tube" qualities. 

Dynaco, Heathkit, Eico. The only thing I dislike about vintage tube amps is the crusty old RCA's and output screw terminals - ugh. You can fix that in a restore, too. I've used Heathkit W4, W5, and Eico EF-87 to much pleasure. The Eico had rather small soundstage, but such a lush sweet tone. 

Many of these old amps are cathode bias which makes tube rolling easier, but the downside is a bit more heat and lower power - BUT at these power levels it's still going to be cooler than an 845 or 80+ Watt tube amps.

There is a NOS Sophia Electric Baby (original version) currently available on the Sophia Electric web site for $1500.

I have an original version baby amp.  Nice and surprisingly powerful for a 10 lb amp.  I'd give the Decware SE84UFO quite the higher performance rating over the baby and just as powerful although the decware is rated much lower in watts.


For that price, or even $500 less, I should list my baby.



Have Kenny Russell at GETDYNACO build you an ST35. He does great work and the amp sounds beautiful.

Post removed 

Bob Latino’s VTA 70 from tubes4hifi.....a nice modern take on the venerable Dynaco 70. It can use 12AU7/12BH7a driver tubes, and can run a nice variety of output tubes. You can also throw a switch to choose between ultralinear and triode mode, and the rectifier tube can be replaced with a SS rectifier. ~ $1500 new.

@nightfall A dealer will always (or almost always) try to upsell you.  Borrow a 300B and try it.



Don’t blow your budget buying used ...Look hard at the Black Ice Audio(formally Jolida)Glass FX10H...Even with upgraded tubes when ordering you’ll come in well under budget & an added bonus is a superb sounding headphone circuit...The $500.00 or so you’ll save will buy some KILLER headphones!

Unexpected windfall. I can bump the budget up to $2200.00 for a great used buy. 


Does anyone have experience with Will Vincent Dynaco based amps? 


A strong second recommendation for the Music Reference RM-10 (look for the improved Mk.2 iteration). Though the designer/owner of MR (Roger Modjeski) passed away in 2019, product servicing remains available from an engineer he left in charge of the company.

Modjeski was an unusually creative designer who loved thinking outside the box. In the RM-10, he was able to get 35 watts out of a single pair of EL84’s. Every other designer of power amps employing a pair of EL84 tubes has gotten only about half that power out of the pair.

While more traditional engineers run the EL84 tubes hard to increase their output---and therefore decreasing their lifespan, Modjeski got 35 watts out of a single pair with creative engineering. In the RM-10, a single pair of EL84’s are known to last between 5,000 to 10.000 hours!

RM-10’s sell for about $1500, but you have to be quick to buy when you see one pop up for sale; they often sell immediately.


Post removed 

I suggest a Sugden A21 SE Signature. 30W Class A. Solid-state integrated, of course. Despite Class A, it isn't a room heater. Over your budget.

Willsenton R8. push-pull, tube. Integrated. Can run EL34s as well as KT88s, the former in your wattage range. In your price range. Alternative: Muzishare A7.

Margules i240. EL34 push-pull tube amp. Integrated. Reportedly a cool-running amplifier for the type. Beautifully-done. Above your price range.



In this price range you'll be very tempted to buy a mass produced, printed cricuit board based, chinese amp.  I'd avoid these as they are mediocre at best.  

buy the best point to point wired amp you can afford.  I bought a Tektron 300b, 2A3, 45 amp (3 heater settings) for about what your budget is.  I used it for about a year while my custom amp was being built and really enjoyed it. 


My music room is a small room and in my opinion, all tube amps will heat up the room. I've tried tube and AB solid state and eventually had to move to class D for power and and solid state for phono, leaving just 300b in the pre. In my opinion tubes and small rooms don't mix. 

All tube amps make heat so not sure if reducing it by 25% is going to make that much difference. also at your budget your definitely into used/vintage if you want something good that will last.

Also your SET makes a lot of heat but anything with with a push pull configuration will make similar heat. The more tubes an amp has the more heat. I’d look for a SS rectified SET to eliminate another large heat source.

That said I spotted a vintage Luxman Tube amp in my local vintage audio shop for $1500can$ so there are some nice used/vintage amps out there, it will just take time and or luck.

Thanks very much for all the suggestions, but integrated amps are not in play here. I'm not changing the rest of my system to accommodate one. 

You may want to look up the Quicksilver Mid Mono amps. Plenty of power and use any of a number of output tubes. Sweet sounding. Was looking used and none available. Noticed on HiFi Shark they last about 3-4 days. New less than 2K.

Raven Audio. Avian Series amps, push pull, 20-30w.  2000-3000 used.  US made.

For a power amp, the NAD C298 I have found mates well with a tube preamp. It is class-D using  the Purify module. It runs cool. Used, it is at your price range. I am using one now with a Pro-Ject Pre Box RS2 Digital preamp (which has a tube gain section.)


I have a Bob Latino VTA ST-120 with the capacitor upgrades and a built in stepped attenuator (no need for a preamp), that I am going to put up on Agon in the next week or two. It will be a bit over that $1,500, but will include high end tubes. Send me a DM if interested

The ad below is for a great amplifier. To get 15-20W you will have to use a 300B-like tube that is designed to operate at higher voltages. The seller has struggled to sell it. Make an offer in your ballpark—he may well accept it.

  For a tube power amp , I’d recommend the Dennis Had Inspire ( 12 wpc ). For SS I’d recommend the Van Alstine NP1 power amp ( 55 wpc ). I’m running a modded Akitika ( 50 wpc ) in rotation with the Had into Zu Omens with a Rogue pre. I’m going to try the Van Alstine in place of the Akitika. I think either would pair well with that great little pre you have. Also I’m a big fan of NOS Tekefunkens. Cheers and happy hunting , Mike B. 

Cayin Mt50...I've had one four 4 years 35 watts /15 never had a problem, powers,my Polk Lsim 700 which ,I've have had driven with 100 to 300 watts amps.This Amp powers them with no problems...

Your situation and stated preference seems to be perfect match for an EL84/7189 based amplifier.  10--20wpc, small footprint and does not generate a lot heat.  I sympathize with your situation.  I use a Triode TRV845 PSE / 845 SET amp.  I can literally see waves of heat coming from the amp during warmer months !

I would look for a vintage restored amplifier.  Dynaco ST35 is a well regarded model. Also Eico HF14 pr, HF86 stereo. Fisher 20a or 30a pr, or SA100 stereo.  Heathkit UA 1/2 pr or AA111 stereo.  Make sure the amps are rebuilt from top to bottom using new close tolerance components.  

If you prefer new, look for a Luxman or Leben amp / both companies offer EL84 based designs that sound wonderful.

If EL84 amps are not appealing then there is a whole world of choices using 6L6GC/KT66 or EL34 tubes.   More power, but slightly more heat....however not as much as your 845 SET.   The venerable ST70 dissipates a lot of heat in stock/rebuilt condition !   I would consider a new version or an original with new PS and audio circuits that run much cooler.

A slightly more expensive option would be a McIntosh MC225.  This amplifier uses a quad of 7591 tubes for a about 25-30wpc of sublime sound.  However cost may be higher than your budget.

Good to have choices !

Quicksilver Mini-Mono or Mid-Mono. I personally think they are the finest amps I ever owned.

Agreed a Will Vincent , Bob Latino or Van Alstine would do the trick for your budget and have a long life . 300B's are also great but consider the cost of replacing the tubes if you are playing in your office 8 hours 5 days a week .

I had a Van Alstine ST-70 and a Wellborne 300B in my office for a while and decided that cost and heat are my enemies and went with SS Amp and Tube Pre.

Still have the two since they are keepers IMO and use elsewhere.