Need A 10-30 watt Tube Power Amp, Lower Heat Output, Which Sounds Great, Under $1500 Used

I am in need of a mid-spring to mid-autumn power amp. This is for my office system that gets a LOT of use and is therefore very important, in terms of sound quality. I have been using a great SET amp, but the 845's it's based around simply heat up the smaller room space too much during warmer weather, even when running central air. I've been in the tube audio game a long time, though, and know there are amps with designs and tubes that run far cooler and wouldn't present the room heating issues. 

I pondered something solid state, but there simply isn't much in the power range, which is also within my price range. Also, I would want an amp with at least some tube-like sound qualities, which makes it even more difficult. In a perfect world, something like a First Watt F7 would be ideal, but its twice my budget, used. 

10 watts would do it, but anything up to 50, or so would be fine, of course. It will be powering Omega, single driver speakers of 94.5 sensitivity and be paired with a Zesto Leto preamp. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 


Showing 1 response by bdp24


A strong second recommendation for the Music Reference RM-10 (look for the improved Mk.2 iteration). Though the designer/owner of MR (Roger Modjeski) passed away in 2019, product servicing remains available from an engineer he left in charge of the company.

Modjeski was an unusually creative designer who loved thinking outside the box. In the RM-10, he was able to get 35 watts out of a single pair of EL84’s. Every other designer of power amps employing a pair of EL84 tubes has gotten only about half that power out of the pair.

While more traditional engineers run the EL84 tubes hard to increase their output---and therefore decreasing their lifespan, Modjeski got 35 watts out of a single pair with creative engineering. In the RM-10, a single pair of EL84’s are known to last between 5,000 to 10.000 hours!

RM-10’s sell for about $1500, but you have to be quick to buy when you see one pop up for sale; they often sell immediately.