
Responses from jackd

Looking for a narrow baffle small footprint speaker
Perspective 2 Graphene and Gibbon Super Nines.  
Best standmounts with a 7" woofer/driver
Reynaud Bliss Jubile' https://hifiplus.com/articles/jmr-electroacoustique-bliss-jubile/  
speakers that are a little laid back in the mids
@dpm2340  I've owned Otello's for over five years and your description of their midrange doesn't match what I hear.  I would suggest however that you get them farther off the wall behind them.  In my current room which is 17'x 26' the fronts are ... 
which of these four amps for Wharfedale Elysian 4's?
@audiocanada  Your findings on the amps are no surprise to me at all.  I own both the EX-M7 and the EX-B7s and the B7's are an upgrade which should not be a surprise. It is not however a large enough one that you need to run out and buy a pair un... 
The Galion Audio TS A75 amplifier: Great amplifier for very little money
Based on their website it would take three weeks to a month to get it so since your review just went live a week ago how would anyone have had time to get it and break it in?  Shipping estimates seem to be a bit excessive to start with.    
Jay’s Audio CD Transport
@no_regrets  I think what Todd is saying is that if you have the option to do it at both the source and DAC level don't do both. In your case with the Aero your only option to upsample would be with the source so try it and see if you like it.   
Jay’s Audio CD Transport
@no_regrets The combination of the more elaborate power supply and the upgraded drive unit give the CDT 3 Mk 3 a "bigger" sound. Fuller, deeper bass and "meatier" midrange come to mind off the top of my head. The CDT 2 Mk 3 is a great unit and i... 
Jay’s Audio CD Transport
@no_regrets  I enjoy them both and as previously mentioned they are built like a tank.  Unfortunately the CDT3 Mk3 is noticeably better but for the price it should be.  With equal source material it still bests my Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer.  Yo... 
Jay’s Audio CD Transport
@no_regrets    I own both a CDT2 and a CDT3 both in black and the finish is first rate.   
Holo May KTE Power Cord
Triode Wire Labs Digital American II is what I use on the May KTE and all other DACs and streamers. Starting at $549 new for 5 feet.    https://triodewirelabs.com/product/digital-american-2-series/  
You need to make sure you don't have a gain mismatch based on the input sensitivity of your SS amp as the ET3 SE has a high gain of 25db.   
Amp or Subwoofer causing Hum?
Yes, if you want to connect the sub speaker level just connect a wire from one of the sub amps screws to the Rogue's phono ground lug. Simpler method is as suggested from the Rogues fixed outputs to the sub via SE cable pair.   
Amp or Subwoofer causing Hum?
If you are connecting an RSL subwoofer via it's speaker level inputs then the negative input terminal on the RSL is not a ground as it's a Class D amp.  The way to resolve the hum is to connect a piece of wire from one of the screws on the amp to ... 
Need A 10-30 watt Tube Power Amp, Lower Heat Output, Which Sounds Great, Under $1500 Used
Music Reference RM-10 if you can find one. If not look for an EL-84 based amp.  
LAIV Harmony
I received my Harmony on July 22nd and it has been playing music continuously 24/7 since then and just crossed over 300 hours.  I also own a May KTE, a Spring 3 KTE, an Aqua La Voce S3 and a modified Directstream DAC.  It is being fed by an Aura...