Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?

Putting security and personal safety issues aside, do you share with others how much you have invested in your system?

I can see cases when we share with those who are generally interested what the "tariff" is for superb audio reproduction. Or, those who are already know how tall you have to be to ride the ride.

Can you think of any other reasons (accountants, lawyers, insurance, etc)? Afterall, when your spouses second cousin pulls in the driveway in their Minivan, bragging about fact that you have $10k invested in cables may not be the best way show common interests?

What say you?




“I don't even tell myself how much I spent on my system.”


I told the Comcast cable guy I had 55k in my rig when he hooked up my new network, he ended up charging me $100 for a free visit. Never again…

I never tell anyone how much I spent on my system, and not to mention what I invested in vinyl records. When someone ask how much my equipment cost, I just give them the model numbers and tell them to Google it to get an idea. But of course I don't say I never pay full retail for some of the pieces. I also have a folder with all my receipts and I told my wife never to look into that folder before I pass on. Then she can look into it to get an idea how much to sell it for so that she doesn't give it away cheaply. 



I keep gear a very long time, but it is not intended to be an investment.  Still, certain parts of my system are probably worth more now than when I purchased them.  The Western Electric compression midrange driver and horn are worth much more now than when I purchased them around 12 years ago.  My amps and linestage are also worth more now because of the content of Western Electric transformers and other valuable vintage parts.  An Audio Note amp is currently listed at about five times the price I originally purchased it, so I would guess that its used price would also hold up.



I don't know if it makes a difference, I'll be 60 next September, but will you adopt me?  Absolutely beautiful audio room.  I can't begin to fathom the experience sitting in that chair listening with the lights dimmed.  Amazing.

Well I never worry about security but I do occassionally put rough numbers to my system with others. In my mind to show the great value it is. 

Nope. Most of my friends are not audio lovers and the price would seem too high as most don’t have home audio systems. I have one family member that only cares about price, I never tell him because it drives him nuts. He’s the type that only judges quality of sound by cost, musical tastes by billboard ratings. Besides, it’s rude to ask and to tell. In the end I know and that is enough pain.

There is "the replacement cost" and there's "what I paid for it".

I rarely buy new so there is quite a difference.

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I get that question more about my watches.

I guess that's something that they can relate to more.

I certainly don't go out of my way to let people know what my system is worth, but I have talked numbers with several of my friends.  In those cases, we are all generally on an equal playing field financially and we all just choose to make difference choices with our funds.  In most cases, they say that they would love to have a similar system, but have never actually convinced themselves to take the plunge.

I have one friend that has a comparable system (I think he'd trade me straight up!) and he's often my sounding board for my system so has been there since the beginning and knows pretty much everything about my system.

For reference, the retail value of my entire current stereo setup is probably under $10,000, so it would be a difference conversation if I had individual components worth significantly more than my entire system.

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51 years ago I bought a Fisher Model 222 Studio Standard receiver. A pair of Fisher 101 2-way bookshelf speakers. And a Dual 1225 turntable. Total cost about $400 as I recall. The most I’ve ever spent as a % of available funds. It started a nice journey. I now have much more expensive gear but it’s a much smaller piece of the puzzle. What you spend is only proportional to what you have to spend. You don’t need to share it. Just be thankful you can do it.

Guitar player in my band thinks I'm nuts as he buys and sells guitars every 5 minutes and does the same with his Jeeps :)

He has a Visio soundbar.

I'll tell people if they ask. I've been frugal all my life and finally splurged. I still work my balls off at 55, I'll buy whatever I want.

First of all, almost nothing in the audio world is an "investment" with the exception of some rare pieces. Second of all, no one has ever asked me what anything cost but if they did, I'd likely tell them. We all spend our money on something.

No, but my wife seems pleased with her gifts every time a new component arrives....

@jomonhifi  my first"big buy" about 30 years ago cost me a new refrigerator (we still have it, believe it or not) and an upgraded wedding ring.  (I THINK she still has that.)

In 1999 I started working overtime. 

 It would seem crazy to anyone not in the hobby, but, to me the amount some spend on cars or other things, like a kitchen renovation strikes me as crazy.

@larryi  absolutely!

People ask "How loud will it play"? They are like the people who check

the speedo on your car to decide if it goes fast.

@jeffseight going on 30 years ago I bought an entry level tube amp & some other entry level stuff, and a friend I worked with got interested in the brochures I had on my tool-box, and he jumped in with both feet. (He was a California transplant with a lot of $.) To make this short, I turned him on to my dealer in Filthadelphia who sold him a pair of Cary 805s. a Cary SLP 94 (which was Cary’s best pre at the time), the tubed CD player Cary was making at the time, a pair of Metaphor speakers (don’t know the model) & quality interconnects & wires. The bill came to 20k or there-abouts, and as this was near 30 years ago and in the society of airline mechanics this was sheer unheard of madness,  he caught some serious abuse.

So anyway, I guess being as how this guy was my friend, someone else came up to me one night & asked me what Killer’s stereo would do for 20k. He said something to the effect of, "I can piss my neighbors off with mine, what will his do what mine can’t." I tried to give him the quick explanation, but it was a waste of time.

Nope no way. I tell if they ask that I got it all at a pawn shop and that it is all old stuff. 

No, but my wife seems pleased with her gifts every time a new component arrives....

If they ask, sure why not? It’s not a state secret. The price of any component can easilly be accessed online. Of course I’ve never understood why people are so secretive about money and financial matters. Part of our culture I guess. I must have missed that lesson somehow, or maybe growing up my family hadn’t enough money to have that kind of information to withold .

Larryi. sounds like you’re hanging out with some high rollers.


Lol I had a guy over that was  bragging about everything he had was bigger and better  when he got to bragging about his cocktail  glass that was time to take everyone for a listen  to Louis Armstrong  Ella Fitzgerald 

 One loo and it was humbling  for that fellow nothing had to be said. Lol.

I have never discussed the value of my system with any friends or relatives, although my audio buddies have some idea of what my stuff costs.  It would seem crazy to anyone not in the hobby, but, to me the amount some spend on cars or other things, like a kitchen renovation strikes me as crazy.  It all is a matter of personal priorities.  One of those audio buddies was telling me about a house he is renovating.  When I asked him about the Sub-zero refrigerator he has on order he told me it costs $15,000.  My response: “That is almost as much as a good interconnect.”

As with all consumer products and services, the prices audio consumers are willing  to pay for sound quality is determined by their unique perceptions of the inflection point (knee) where the diminishing returns on their monetary investments in audio equipment equals the enjoyment they receive from their investments. And that "knee" of diminishing returns varies by a plethora of independent variables. That said, I don't hesitate to tell anyone that my investment in audio gear now total ~$20,000, And at this point, I have every reason to think that I'll be satisfied with the SQ mis system gives me will satisfy med for the rest of my life (I'm 71 years old). Nevertheless, I'll always remain curious about the other equipment options I might be able to afford if I win the Powerball jackpot. An old tune by the Isley brothers included a lyric that applies to my approach to audiophile, "Love the one you're with." So I love the SQ my system offers me; and I choose to spend my hard earned money on the highest SQ recorded music media available to me--vinyl LPs. That is all . . . for now.

My wife has a list with current values. She will likely give it all

to relatives when I depart. Why did I bother to put values on it?


I always made a habit of selling anything no longer in use.

People ask "How loud will it play"? They are like the people who check 

the speedo on your car to decide if it goes fast.


They never ask what it costs. 




I usually get that question after they see the system or after viewing a picture. I give a range of spend 

I have told my insurance agent when renewed it.

She asked me pictures  and names …….

( my insured vehicule is a 1999 pickup truck )

Was hoping to have a little fun with this topic.  Got a lot more than I asked for.

Thanks for the posts.


I don't even tell myself how much I spent on my system.


If I was to add up all of the expenditure I've put into this hobby...nah, let's not even go there!

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i don’t even bring up my hobby to ’civilians’, but some friends know about it, some fellow workers know about it, and my family knows. but few have been in my room which is in a separate building from my house.

if they ask me about the investment part, i just say it’s like a sailboat, or summer home, and leave it at that. it’s up to them to relate that to dollars.

audiophile visitors mostly know, and rarely ask. it comes up sometimes but i never get too into that subject. in on line forums price is a huge thing of course, and clouds communications. people cannot get past it many times. but face to face people are civil and respectful (this difference is so amusing to me).

for my part, i have not done the math myself. obviously my wife knows all about it and it’s understandably a little bit of an issue. she is more understanding than supportive. we have been married for almost 49 years.....

I once had a customer that put a $5k system in layaway.  Each payday he would pay a little more on it.  When the balance got down to about $2k he was there to pick it up, accompanied by the lady of the house.  I was instructed to let HIM do all the talking about the price, and keep quiet.  I quickly walked thru the system with both of them giving "a short pitch" on the system components.  When I was finished, he looked over at his wife and said: "See honey, that's A LOT of stereo equipment for $2,000, huh? "  She nodded along with him.  I took his $2,000 and loaded up the system.  And, yes, kept my mouth shut.

No need to tell, those who are fellow audiophiles know those who aren’t don’t care.

Good post and two points .......I have listed all my equipment along with the serial numbers as well as the the retail cost of each piece on legal paper. I do this so when it changes the list can be updated. However, in the event of a fire I also have pictures and all that information. So, the total cost of the system is there and is safe. I put that in a sealed envelop and goes in a fire proof box in the basement. I told my wife when I die that is how much the system and each piece of equipment x is worth and don't sell it for all that much less if you can. The heck with the rest of the stuff in the house 

Second Point .....if neighbors or friends ask how much ...which I personally think is rude, I give them the brand name and what model and then say ; go look it up on yuor phone or home computer. They never ask again.        

I once told a neighbor I spent $1,200.00 on speakers (peanuts for most audiophiles) and he was shocked

@deadhead1000  I can relate. 

Occasionally it would come up and I always tried to be vague.  People thought I was crazy.  And by the standards here (on this site), I really haven't spent that much.