Responses from northman
Reference Tracks? You might try: Diana Krall, "Temptation" Nils Lofgren, "Keith Don't Go" (on Acoustic Live) Dominique Fils-Aime, "Birds" I'm not sure if these are audiophile recordings, but they sound sweet! | |
Bryston? I've owned a Bryston amp (still going after 25+ years, recapped), preamp, DAC, and digital player. I've always found the company to be remarkably responsive. James Tanner is quick to answer questions on the audiocircle forum. My only reservation i... | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? The OP wasn't asking for advice on which to buy but for advice on which would be easier to sell. I'm kind of curious about his question as well. | |
Is it easier to sell mono blocks or stereo amp on the used market? Have the models been on the market long enough to compare their selling history on Hifishark? Or to extrapolate from other Macs that have sold over the last few years? (I don't know the answer to your question but I'd think that monoblocks are mor... | |
Collectibles signed by musicians. What do you have? Great idea for a thread, @sls883. I wish Audiogon had a way to upvote posts. I'd give all of these a thumbs up! I have a number of signed rare books and letters but nothing signed by musicians. I'd never even thought about it until now. | |
using two outputs from a dac? Update: Bryston says it's fine to run them both. Thanks again for all the help! | |
using two outputs from a dac? Thanks, @desktopguy. I'm going to follow up and get the manufacturer's recommendation. I appreciate the advice! | |
using two outputs from a dac? Thanks, all. My DAC doesn't have a volume control but I can certainly turn off my preamp or switch the input on it. Thanks again! | |
using two outputs from a dac? Thank you both so much. @erik_squires--that's reassuring, at least in the sense that I'm not going to fry (or blow up!) anything. @mksun, very bright and pretty cool to have such a bespoke cable. If this setup becomes permanent, I'll consider one ... | |
using two outputs from a dac? Thanks, Erik. I'm afraid I'm pretty dense about specs. The (tube) preamp input impedance is 50k but the headphone amp is 10k. Is that a problem? I should add that I'm not trying to run them at the same time (obviously?!). I should also say that th... | |
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast? You may need to hop on 95 and head south, though perhaps someone can chime in. When I was looking five years ago, I finally did get a response from them, but it took a few tries. Maybe the whole thing adds to the mystique?! Or maybe they (Jeff?) a... | |
Joseph Audio dealer in the northeast? @relaxasaurus, it does take some work. You might get some help here if you give your geographical boundaries (only NYC?) and the specific speaker you're after. People do find them, one way or another! | |
Kubala-Sosna Imagination? Thanks, @soix. That makes complete sense. I couldn't find any reviews either and I can see that it's a different technology than their upper-level cables. I'm sure I can put my credit to use at some point ... soon! | |
Kubala-Sosna Imagination? Thanks, @audphile1, and I certainly agree about TMR. I don't really *need* new interconnects, I just have a modest credit and want to do something with it. I suppose I could leave it in the TMR bank for now?! That would show a restraint that I don... | |
Kubala-Sosna Imagination? Thanks, @jayctoy. I get it. I'm really interested in whether the Imagination specifically is on par with the Kubala Sosna line. Eg, in my limited experience, some of the less expensive cables from high-end brands (eg Cardas) rely on the name more ... |