Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

"They repeated the test and the second time got the result they wanted, positive. This result for some reason they believe. Not the first one."

If you are really interested in learning about this, I will try to explain. Just ask.

Hang in there and good luck with your next procedure and speedy recovery. 
Geez, miller.
That’s the longest answer to a simple yes so no question I’ve ever seen.
Did you ever get around to answering? I fell asleep.

Instead of being pissed off and grumpy why don’t you show some F’ing gratitude that you either survived:  1. Covid. A disease thats taken almost 400,000 lives in this country. Or 2. Community acquired pneumonia, which still is around the number 8 cause of death in this country.
It’s a novel disease, FFS. Treatments are evolving as are the tests for it. Just be grateful your alive and healthy and stop lashing out.
Post removed 
"Do you see the lunatic world we have created here?" 
Ah, yes, I see. Does the giant brain care to share any more of his HIPAA protected information on the audio forum?
Interesting video on the MRNA vaccination by professor Dolores Cahill...

Oh you mean this professor Dolores Cahill?


A University College Dublin (UCD) professor, who chairs the Eurosceptic Irish Freedom Party, has been asked to resign from a leading European Union scientific committee over online claims she made about the Covid-19 pandemic.

In an hour-long interview with a popular alt-right activist on May 10th, which has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, Prof Dolores Cahill promised to “debunk the narrative” of the pandemic.

Lockdown and social distancing is not needed to stop the spread of the virus, she said. People who recover are then “immune for life” after 10 days and deaths and illnesses could have been prevented by extra vitamins, she claimed.

People with underlying health conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, could freely engage in society during the pandemic after spending a few weeks building up their immunity in this manner, she went on.

Opposing vaccinations, Ms Cahill said “politicians and the media” are using Covid-19 “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick and to force vaccinations on us.”

However, the European Commission said the claims made by Ms Cahill, a professor of translational medicine in UCD, could cause “significant harm”, if taken literally.

In hopes of getting this back on track, I was planning to go to Axpona last year for the first time.

I would be happy to have a Colonel Taylor with you. Let’s see if they have a bottle of single barrel.
You have certainly been though a lot since Thanksgiving, it's unimaginable.  Thanks goodness you are on the mend and here is wishing you the speediest recovery possible from myself and I am sure the rest of the A'gon gang..  And enjoy your new listening room.
Then maybe stop reading them. They seem to have caused irreversible harm, at least in your case.

One of the people I don’t usually respond to, because its such a waste of time (even though someone I respect is able to find some redeeming value there, so I keep looking) posted:
Question for miller, since you work in the medical field, did you take your vaccine when offered or did you refuse it, you know, since its all a grand communist conspiracy to take over the world. So honestly, yes or no?

First, thanks for not saying "theory". But its also not a conspiracy. That’s like saying Islam is a conspiracy to take over the world. Its not a conspiracy when its central to your ideology. Got it? Not conspiracy. Ideology. I find it helps a great deal to get the words right and use them precisely the right way, as otherwise its like trying to find your way with a map and no way of orienting that map to the real world. You are lost. Even though you have a map. Think about it.

Whether or not they want me to take the vaccine, whoever "they" are is irrelevant. Fact of the matter, I had it- in the opinion of modern medicine. Are you seriously asking people to believe you don’t know this? Right. Whatever. Point is, according to them, I had it.

Now let’s look at what happened, just the facts, without any conspiracy or other stuff to cloud the issues.

I got real sick and went to ER. X-ray showed multi-focal pneumonia. CCP virus test came back negative. The doc said the result was "bad" and had to be repeated. I said by "bad" you mean "negative". He said yes. So it was negative.

They repeated the test and the second time got the result they wanted, positive. This result for some reason they believe. Not the first one.

So at this point you have to ask yourself, Did millercarbon have covid? Which test are we supposed to believe? Inquiring thinking independent minds will ask these kinds of questions.

So now. If you believe I had ordinary bacterial pneumonia, which fits all the signs and symptoms and the first test, then I haven’t had covid, haven’t been exposed, and might want the vaccine. But if you believe I had covid (which is by the way the official story!) well then why on Earth do I need the vaccine???

Do you see the lunatic world we have created here? In order to say I need the vaccine you have to also say I never had it in the first place. But then they treated me for something I did not have, even after a test told them I did not have it. Or else you have to say having a disease no longer confers immunity. Which means throwing out a thousand years of medical knowledge.

But by all means, whatever you believe, just be sure and believe I’m some tinfoil crackpot. I would hate to take away the one thing in the world you schlemiels are all able to agree on.
The thing is, I don't find MC's noxious diatribes fun, or entertaining, or amusing.  Even though the audience of A'gon audiophiles that they reach is small, compared to other platforms, any one of these that is allowed to stand can have seriously harmful effects.
Why do people believe in "conspiracy theories"?  The believers are not stupid and they are not uneducated, but they share these common traits:
Those who believe these theories typically show high levels of anxiety independent of external sources of stress, a high need for control over environment, and a high need for subjective certainty and, conversely, a low tolerance for ambiguity. They tend to have negative attitudes to authority, to feel alienated from the political system, and to see the modern world as unintelligible. Conspiracy theory believers are often suspicious and untrusting, and see others as plotting against them. They struggle with anger, resentment, and other hostile feelings as well as with fear. They have lower self-esteem than nonbelievers and have a need for external validation to maintain their self-esteem. They may have a strong desire to feel unique and special, and an exaggerated need to be in an exclusive in-group. Belief in conspiracy theories often also goes along with belief in paranormal phenomena, skepticism of scientific knowledge, and weaknesses in analytic thinking. Proneness to belief in conspiracy theories is also associated with religiosity, especially with people for whom a religious worldview is especially important. These traits are hardly universal among or exclusive to conspiracy theorists, but they help create a vulnerability to belief
.For the full article click here.
"...was banned on Facebook and Instagram, so if you want to be like him, that can be arranged."

Can you help me arrange it the other way around? I am tired of writing to Facebook a few times a year asking them to take down the pretend account they make for me. They call it "unofficial" that was made because someone "expressed interest" in me.

Come to think of it, how do I politely make them ban me?
"Interesting video on the MRNA vaccination by professor Dolores Cahill... "

It has already been a few months. So far, so good.
I guess I’ll have to be the one to remind millercarbon that Milo Yiannopoulos was banned on Facebook and Instagram, so if you want to be like him, that can be arranged.
And I’d be happy to challenge the content of your first post because it was extremism at its finest. This is not the new normal, it’s the old normal. There have been pandemics throughout history that have killed millions. Ever hear of the Black Death, the Spanish flu, and the diseases that helped wipe out the Native American population?
The Comms (in Star Trek parlance) have already been defeated. There are only about 5 countries left that even could be deemed Communist and the biggest one of those (China) now allows ownership of private property and is holding elections.
While there are a million ways to die and life is not safe, there are also a million ways to at least reduce the risk of premature death, such as wearing masks and seatbelts and not playing Russian roulette. It’s all about reducing risk as much as possible, not eliminating it.
Crazy is looking to have some fun when it becomes less risky. Why oh why are you trying to spoil his fun?
BTW, I wasn’t going to reply at all until I read your second reply and you goaded me into it. How does it feel to be crushed by an intellectual superior? The one thing we can be fairly certain of is this entire thread will be deleted because it has nothing to do with audio equipment, but it’s fun while it lasts.
The earth is flat.
The moon landings never happened.
Kennedy was killed by the CIA.
First I t’s masks , then a DNA altering vaccine, then they will be chipping all Americans.

These are just a few...crazy fools.
The last few months have surely kicked my butt! I got the COVID on Thanksgiving, wound up in the hospital for five days. Two days after I got out, I could not pee. My wife drove me to the ER. They took over one liter of fluid out of me. I was on a indwelling catheter for a solid month before they took me off of it. That was 30 days of hell. Now I am in line to get the next procedure which could take months. I'm going to the bathroom on my own right now so I feel like the luckiest man alive. On the up side, we both a new house. It has a nine foot deep basement where I can put my audio room. It will be at least 22 feet long by 18 foot wide and 9 foot high. Life is good! Hang in there guys! Joe 

But for many men and women there are hard choices to be made. One is to lose one’s house, food, means to support one’s kids, and possibly live out of a car if lucky. The other is to go back to work and risk dying from Covid-19 or infecting someone else, but being able to shelter and feed the family and kids.

What kind of person on Earth is not aware enough to understand both sides of the dilemma?

I would be happy to have a drink with you and anyone willing to see the human stakes involved in what we’re going through. Those who indulge conspiracy theories about our situation or telling those of us who have lost loved ones or seen friends and family made destitute by this situation are not people I will drink or break bread with. Hopefully, Axpona will have two bars.

I'm in the healthcare field as well and I took the vaccine. My second dose is due next week. I had no reservations getting it. Our hospital is in overdrive with double the amount of cases we had over the summer. It's really bad---stay safe!
Question for miller, since you work in the medical field, did you take your vaccine when offered or did you refuse it, you know, since its all a grand communist conspiracy to take over the world. So honestly, yes or no?
One thing is for sure, at least in my world. This is an excellent time to be retired, though I sure do miss traveling in the motor home. 
I don't do politics.  But for many men and women there are hard choices to be made.  One is to lose one's house, food, means to support one's kids, and possibly live out of a car if lucky.  The other is to go back to work and risk dying from Covid-19 or infecting someone else, but being able to shelter and feed the family and kids.

What kind of person on Earth is not aware enough to understand both sides of the dilemma?  Oh yeah, now I remember, its the popular nightclub act, MC and the clones.
 I live in NY (just outside the City). And this is a real tweet from our Governor yesterday: I fell off my chair in disbelief

what does that tell you ? In the very least it makes you think.  His timing couldn’t have been more blatantly obvious.
I believe you have to go to Mr. miller’s house for that. Seems he bought a lifetime supply...
I wrote a post and then reread yours and realized I was repeating your excellent post word for word. It’s sad that audio as a hobby is the excuse that has opened the door to this character.

Your perfect summary, " it's just icky".
"...'Ell, officer, it was all pretty chummy to begin with.  For what looked like a meeting of the AA/AD....What?  Oh, the Amateur Alcoholics/Audio Division....yeah, weird....*L*  Well, somewhere around the 6th or 8th round on some fool's credit card, they started in on IC's and speaker cables.  The one meter cables came out aaaand they started in on each other....
...mmmhuh, it deteriorated from there, the bartender tried, but they ransacked the bar at that point.  Shrieking about DACs' and such, scary bunch of dodgers drunkenly debating dis 'n DAT's...
It was bad enough until the fire hose got dragged out....there was all that blood 'n vomit, mixed with the broken glassware I don't know how the hotel is going to clean up the mess after all that...

Can I identify any of the bodies?!  You've Got to be kidding me....."

I feel a combination of gag reflex and bemused laughter watching a guy so in need of praise and affirmation, and apparently so starved of actual recognition, that he simply heaps it upon himself. It's at once, funny, sad and gross, funny because a supposed genius can't see how absurdly self nullifying he is, sad because of the picture of past unmet needs and gross because, well, it's just icky to witness. I submit there is a yawning gap between superior intellect and clownish fantasies of self inflation, and it's awfully easy to see which is which.
I have to agree with teo and mc. And I’ll show up on the 2nd floor and have a toddy with you all! Basil Hayden dark rye, neat
I’ll be the dude with the MAGA hat
The way it is going, we may need to ask for the second floor bar to be relocated to one of the meeting rooms.
"Just look up exactly what mDNA is and you’ll see."

You probably meant mRNA?

Otherwise, I thought that earlier post was not worth commenting on. Even that particular informational article linked to did not have any connection to claims in the post. A bit strange.

Sounds great Arch.  Looking forward to it!  Maybe they will have some Eagle Rare, my favorite lately.  Unfortunately, it has not been in stock the last few months.  Like alucard, I can crawl home if need be.  
It’s not a vaccine, it requires being stored at -90C, minimum, without a second’s drop below that. 

Instead of making us immune, it’s supposed to...
alter our DNA. (Havard Medical link)

Neither of these are true. If you found the Harvard link I’m assuming you know to research before posting. The vaccine is shipped at a temperature close to that but can be kept in a refrigerator for up to 5 days. 
The altering of DNA is flat out wrong. Just look up exactly what mDNA is and you’ll see. 
Arch2, Thanks! I'll be there!
So many people have offered to buy rounds, I'll have to buy an early one, as I've gotten out of practice since my cardiac surgery last year.
Glen will have to be at least 21 years to hang with us. As far as the proposed Go Fund Me, MC (if attending) is welcome to join in (after ten plus drinks) the competition to pick up the ONE female audiophile. (God Bless Her)
The meeting at the bar thing appeals to me. I don't know where all you guys live, but here in Texas I met with my football buddies every Sundays at the sports bar to watch our favorite NFL team. No masks, six of us, different age range, holding different jobs, no one sick and I am 66. Lighten up! Life should be enjoyed, living thru fear is not worth living.
Thanks to millercarbon, and to some extent teo_audio, this thread has been getting joyful.
....I think me ’n my IPA will go watch this...from the deck outside.....

Do a little ’mixed media’ inhalation therapy.......makes any randumb squabble vague entertainment.....;)

High ho....*G*

"...get MC laid...."
...only if you stash the file, 'K? *L*
Anybody up for starting a "Go Fund Me" to get millercarbon laid? Might do wonders for his aggressive tendencies. (-;}