Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


yes 72V for interconnects, 128V for reverse dBs the question is has the patent been revoked?

@phantom_av I have traveled LIGHT-YEARS to bring you this MAGIC WOOD and CHANGE your GAME.


Anything that says Game Changing,

Anything that says Light years a Head

Anything that says Magical Wood for Analog stuff.


What Peter Belt kit did you try?

Also, why didn't you post about them here?




is this a done deal - patent revoked ? If so, could it be that the dielectric in question was incapable of holding a static charge of the voltage applied by the supplied battery? Or did Monster finally get their legal argument upheld?

..but let me know when one of you can show why US Patent office should revoke the DBS Patent Bill Low ( Audioquest ) and Richard Vandersteen ( Vandersteen Audio ) share…. a hint is Dialectric Bias….



Every form of refuge has it’s price…or so The Eagles sang… I spend some time other forums..good advice to do same….


Personal attacks are not a substitute for objective data but it seems it typically comes to that when products have very little information available to back them up other than someone tried it and it sounded good. Once one says that there often seems to be little else so people start personal attacks when the challenges to the product come. At least that has been my observation. People take it personally when products are challenged and there is little else they can say in its defense because there just ain’t much info made available.  So the outcome is pretty much inevitable. 

"I have not tried jumping off a cliff but i do not have to try it to find out that it will kill me"

Silly analogy, we are talking non lethal, audio tweaks here. I guess I just like making decisions about whether I purchase an audio item based on listening in my system. Evidently, that's just me.

I have not tried jumping off a cliff but i do not have to try it to find out that it will kill me

I’ve never walked off a skyscraper nor walked in front of a train but I have formulated an opinion as to the results.

look familiar?


When serious valuable contributors such as @grannyring are packing up and heading elsewhere, the owner(s) and Mods would be well-advised to sit up and pay attention.

I think they have other prioritie$


I have not tried jumping off a cliff but i do not have to try it to find out that it will kill me. Some snake oils are so much more oily and ridiculous, i do not even have to listen to the rest of the sales pitch beyond the first word. 

When serious and valuable contributors such as @grannyring are packing up and heading elsewhere, the owner(s) and Mods would be well-advised to sit up and pay attention.

Good enough on the Belt stuff, that was on your system. A brief test of the clock in a store won't give you real results. One needs to test tweaks on their own system or one that you are very familiar with and many times a quick A/B won't reveal an improvement. I have found that when I detect a difference, I need to listen for some time, over days sometimes to make sure I like the difference.

@dill fact is I did try Belt stuff in home- zero effect; I compared a system with and without the Tice clock in a NYC shop - zero effect. So so much for the assumption that mine are the comments of someone who has had no experience with the object of my curiosity

We could always take our generators out to the salt flats in Utah and run our systems there, camping in what amounts to an anechoic chamber…who’s with me?

@bigbrox ,

There was a big BOOM and our electricity just went out.  You think I could borrow that new generator of yours??🤪

No really, we’re going to buy one this week.





So you’ve had better?

Yes. The Harmon Kardon 730 the Lux replaced was much better as has been most every other piece I have had since. The mids and highs were good but no bass line... just a thump of the bass drum

I hope you guys get it off your chest before dinner with your wife tonight.  A person who owns a system and listens to it regularly should know how it sounds.  And you know better than them?  I want that tweek, especially since most of the naysayers never heard any of the tweeks.

WBF should be WBMF.  What's Best Manners Forum.  I learned more in one thread about streaming than I did in 2.5 yrs here. 

@artemus_5 I actually experienced the Luxman.

So you’ve had better?

Non fungible tokens. They are something created in cyberspace and they have no intrinsic value except that people with too much money sometimes pay a lot of money for them and some people get very rich selling them. Getting any vibes?


BTW I had a top tier Luxman receiver in the 80's. I hated it. Sounded awful. So apparently Luxman is Audio Nonsens too. Unlike the nonsensical posters here,  I actually experienced the Luxman.

NFTs are one of those things that renew my long held belief that people are in general ignorant and essentially grabbing at straws in the short time available to them as breathers.  Just when you think it couldn't get dumbed down to a new level!



Thanks @grannyring . I've looked at it but haven't joined yet. You are correct about this forum. Used to be among the best. Now, just a bunch of people who have no real commitment to even try for the best they can afford. just a bunch of whiners.


same people either don’t have an audio system that can benefit using better products (cMost of these ables for example), don’t have the money or refuse to spend money on better equipment, or can’t hear. There are a few sites that throw out the term “snake oil” on cables that cost over $50 but these same people don’t use the $1 cables that come with their equipment, they use a $25-$50 cable instead. So if these audiophools can hear a difference between the $1 cable and their exotic $25 cable, why do they think technology stops at $25? Or at $50? Makes no sense


Very true statement. They think because their phone or Ipad plays music they are an audiophile.

easy peasy...12 dots   but they are jumpy little buggers.



@fatdaddy2 My new company will be selling audio NFTs, starting today.  They work, they really work. They'll make your system sound like it has never sounded before. Place your order now, before they sell out (and they surely will).  Don't miss out!

I've had to block the phone numbers of actual NFT brokers who run a similar spiel past me.   They can talk!!  And talk!  The words "no, I'm not interested, goodbye" must be in another frequency to their hearing range.

My new company will be selling audio NFTs, starting today.  They work, they really work. They'll make your system sound like it has never sounded before. Place your order now, before they sell out (and they surely will).  Don't miss out!

This is not the story.... but i know that you will never inform yourself past this event...

There is many thousand cases in PUBLIC....not one case at the end where Groning was ill and attacked...Picking somethink which is a misinterpreted fact on the net will not disproof the case.... The case exist till today .... If you want to know listen the 4 hours video of testimonies...Nobody can debunbk thousands and thousands of healings...

To awake from your sleep try the fire yogi the video is short and debunk it....



Acoustic is not miraculous?

 Think again....

The only non miraculous world is the world of consumers of cars and of "technology "...

The real world is not constrained by what we call our  "science"....Too much bigger....

Then in audio study basic science yes, but dont stay in audio magazine facts...

Create your own world...



If you dont know that miracles exist try to debunk after the fire yogi the Miracle healer here? Good luck....Nobody ever succeed to  debunk him....



Some people are interested in experiments and others less so. Any purchase is an experiment of sorts until after you hear it at home (and spend time to set up properly if possible). But experiments are a thing of science and science is based on facts. That’s a fact. Nothing wrong with just playing around. It can be fun.  Also expensive in a place like this.

I dont bought "tweaks"...

I create them instead....

The same brain who spoke about "facts" pretend they know everything...Because the spell in which they are all their life limit their walk.... Newtons’s law is an HABIT.... Nothing else... we dont know what is fire and perhaps we must ask to the fire who he is?


Anyway for those who hate to experiment like children does, learn acoustic and give to yourself a magical life again....Instead of plugging gear in a wall....Which is also an unrecognized miracles or an habit....



«Miracles are only unrecognized new habit»-Groucho Marx  

Post removed 

Am I off base here?

Not at all. I agree with your statement that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

There is no innovation without imagination and investigation. My comment above about wax cylinder technology was in reference to that. Where do you think new ideas come from? 

This forum has been irrelevant for years. Babbling about uber $$$  wires and magic discs isn't  learning about anything other than human biases. Get a grip.