Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


Showing 12 responses by dill

"the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell?"

This thread ...

Oh good, another thread complaining about items that can't possibly work described by those who have never tried them. Happens over and over again, boring ...

"Why on gods green earth would I waste money on poop I know for a fact does nothing except twist the mind of those susceptible to such rubbish."

That's my point, you wouldn't, as you already know it won't work even though you haven't tried it. It is more comfortable for you, God forbid you could be wrong, right?

Good enough on the Belt stuff, that was on your system. A brief test of the clock in a store won't give you real results. One needs to test tweaks on their own system or one that you are very familiar with and many times a quick A/B won't reveal an improvement. I have found that when I detect a difference, I need to listen for some time, over days sometimes to make sure I like the difference.

"I have not tried jumping off a cliff but i do not have to try it to find out that it will kill me"

Silly analogy, we are talking non lethal, audio tweaks here. I guess I just like making decisions about whether I purchase an audio item based on listening in my system. Evidently, that's just me.

"Once and for all. What you think you are hearing is NOT an improvement, it is simply NOT there. It is in your mind."

-Ahh, the expectation bias theory again, boldly touted by the "electronics engineer" measurement crowd. Can’t measure it therefore, not there, yawn.

"Interesting that out of hundreds of these gimmicky snake oil products, noone ever claims that it made the sound worse. Funny...."

-Actually, I have tried things, many times, that made the sound worse. Items including: power conditioners, room treatments, fuses, speaker cable, interconnects, cd treatments off the top of my head. Long term evaluation in your own system is the key, not a quick A/B comparison in yours or an unfamiliar system.


@dill , Long term evaluation is not the key. You accommodate to what you are listening too. It becomes your normal even if it is horrendously out of wack. Most audiophiles have absolutely no idea what they are listening to. They have never measured their systems and rooms thinking they can take the CHEAP way out and do it by ear."

- Your assumptions are frankly, quite arrogant.

Your measured system sounds good to you.

My system put together by ear sounds good to me. Now, using your logic, my tweaked & unmeasured system would not sound good to you since we don't know how it will measure. Do I have that right?

Since it is impossible for you to measure many, so called tweaks, they are dismissed and considered as insignificant. Your measured system has to sound good right?

You are happy with your system and I am with mine. Good for us both. Why are you so nasty about it?


" Because capacitors are NOT snake oil products.  We are talking about snake oil products ONLY."

Ahh, so now we know. It is you that decides what products to name as "snake oil". Do you have a catalog or list we can reference?

"@dill Yes. Please send me your list and I will categorize them for you with even an "oilyness factor" number.  After all, it is not brain surgery, very simple and logical."

Why, there is no need as you have that all that figured out. Well, it has to be "simple and logical" otherwise you wouldn't consider it.

"A neighbor on one side has a den with Tiffany lamps"

Difference being, if they where real Tiffany Lamps, verses Tiffany style lamps they would be worth a fortune.

"A neighbor on the other side has a den with overhead fluorescent lighting."

Not so much and one would be much happier than the other ...