Audio nonsense

In this wonderful world of audio that we journey through folks selling stuff have sometimes been inventive in what they claim. In your trip down this road what sticks out as the most ludicrous thing you’ve seen someone try to sell? 

I can point to 2 things. When I first saw a Tice clock in a store I thought it was a gag. Next- Peter Belt. 


Showing 24 responses by pesky_wabbit

did you try it exclusively with ultra low current draw devices like CD players and preamps at any stage?

Shunyata are known to put varistors in their circuitry (not sure about yours) to provide overvoltage surge protection. I personally do not like what they do to the sound (screw up dynamics) and remove them whenever present.

The "Teleportation Tweak" gets my vote!

where is Geoff when you need some action?

I‘ll bet that those few Obscurum Ultima‘s that made it into circulation are worth a fortune now..

yes, but they were eco friendly - completely organic, recyclable and bio-degradable: one of the very few items that could be sold in California today without a health warning. Move over vinyl revival

“got to roll me 🎶”


So much fodder for them...

however it would appear that some are hell bent on leading with their chins..


When serious valuable contributors such as @grannyring are packing up and heading elsewhere, the owner(s) and Mods would be well-advised to sit up and pay attention.

I think they have other prioritie$

I have not tried jumping off a cliff but i do not have to try it to find out that it will kill me

I’ve never walked off a skyscraper nor walked in front of a train but I have formulated an opinion as to the results.

look familiar?

yes 72V for interconnects, 128V for reverse dBs the question is has the patent been revoked?

is this a done deal - patent revoked ? If so, could it be that the dielectric in question was incapable of holding a static charge of the voltage applied by the supplied battery? Or did Monster finally get their legal argument upheld?

have traveled LIGHT-YEARS to bring you this MAGIC WOOD and CHANGE your GAME.

I thought all the MAGIC WOOD was reserved for @yugebohner 

I have had R90/6 in /7 frame with S fairing & suspension upgrade - like

R100RS - no like

I have traveled LIGHT-YEARS

u have warp drive installed on yr Ducati?

she must be pretty quick at the lights..

I think maybe Shun Mook Mpingo Disc make your system little bit on soft side

see you at light with big Weiner bike..

I must admit I am rather partial to the idea of having my room loaded with pristine Himalayan sonic mountain air devoid of any nasty detail robbing impurities

pass the next cylinder..

Happy delusions to all who believe :)

and therefore won‘t uncover their ears ? - shame really

dogged belief can both impair sound judgement and stifle innovative thought

It could improve the sound of some amplifier/speaker combinations, but is probably not necessary in most

in some instances it will actually be worse - some manufacturers leave have left zobel networks off their amps on purpose. Certainly no panacea.


Subscribing to known and accepted maths and physics that have accumulated over the history of human thought is not a belief system.

however using it as a means to prevent or thwart experimentation is

suggesting that it is capable of describing the sum total of all physical and biological phenomena in the universe is

Sometimes the solutions are ahead of their time,

my dear departed grandmother used to tell me wondrous tales of electric cars

one of the main problems they posed was their ghostly silence..

I have never understood why having a flat frequency response for speakers is a desirable attribute …..

My ideal frequency response is equivalent of when the old but now shunned ’loudness’ feature is turned on....
