2022 is almost here. Why are you here?

So why are you here?

No why are you on this forum?

Is it to discuss music?

Is it to discuss equipment and how to optimize your system?

Is it to meet new people and share ideas and well yes opinions?

I know those are the reasons I came to this forum. My favorite section is “What’s on your turntable tonight”. I also enjoy sharing my experiences in audio and well life so far.

Things I do not care for but come in an ecosystem like this are:

Posts that get hijacked.

People who politicize a post and everything is a right wing, or an alt left conspiracy.

Dealers that post to hawk their wares and services.

Boisterous bloviating blowhards’ that everything they do, own, and think is the best and you are schitt.

Personal attacks (I am guilty and will admit it)

I am right and you can not prove me wrong, so I am right. Tweaks are BS show me the DATA. Condemnation of a tweak or performance upgrade formulated on opinion, not science or trial and error.

There are a few only a few that are here just to be disrupters that pounce on posts by certain individuals looking for the opportunity to make them look the fool or extremist. So, it all goes back to the original question.

Why are you here?

I despise New Years resolutions and I am not going to make one here for 2022. I will say that if a post gets flushed down the political crapper I will move on. If the zoomer’s (thanks nonoise for that phrase) hit the thread, then the thread is dead to me. 

My goal in 2022 is to avoid conflict unless it is on the ice.

Love to hear form you all and Happy New Year!



larshepping, no one accused you of having a cheap system. Probably coincidental.

@nass027 LOL I did not have my glasses on it is Hossa. Loved the old dude to. 


Patrick Kane might be the best US born player ever but he never looked that big in his life.  😆. That sure looks like Marian Hossa to me. All the best in 2022. 🥂


So you come here to complain about political posts by making a political post. 🙄

For the music threads. Though an audiophile site, the music threads make wading through the rest worth it. The participants are much more hip than are the guys who hang around hi-fi shops. To paraphrase an old expression, you are what you listen to. 

I originally came here to try to learn about some audio things. Now, I get a daily digest of “hot” forum posts and I only come here when I think there’s a high probability that the right-wing bloviators are gonna trot out their political sentiments and tell us about vaccines, “truth”, and how they did their own research and that they think for themselves and everyone else is a fool with bad ears and a cheap audio rig.

Of all the audio forums out there, this is probably the sloppiest one terms of moderators and politics. I sometimes feel like I’m on 4chan or 8chan or whatever chan they’re at now.

So I come here to look at the political car crashes and read opinions from guys who claim they can hear digital clock noise down at the level of picoseconds because it’s the only place on the internet I get to do that.

But I have a low post count so don’t listen to me.

I’m here to:

1. Find music (both old and new) that I have not discovered

2. Find like minded people who have respect for others and are always willing to help

3. Make informed decisions when making any changes to my system. This site is a great source of information from those that adhere to #2.

4. Read tubebuffer’s posts for comic relief.

To be honest, if I didn't get a Weekly Recap email on Fridays I wouldn't be here at all. Since I don't even have to log in, it makes it easy to click on a link with a curious title, so here I am. Occasionally it's to offer feedback, but sometimes it's to marvel at some of the myths that still remain or have expanded almost 40 years after I started my audiophile journey, and be awed by the amount of money people spend waste on them.

@16f4 Got it ! My office in St Louis overlooked the flight ramp and the doors where every F4 and F15 rolled out of ;-) Bada$$ big iron for sure, Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our imperfect but already great country - it is appreciated. A great 2022 my wish for you.


@16f4 Got it ! My office in St Louis overlooked the flight ramp and the doors where every F4 and F15 rolled out of ;-) Bada$$ big iron for sure, Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our imperfect but already great country - it is appreciated. A great 2022 my wish for you.


Post removed 


Nice to be missed.  I had to go cold turkey on the vinyl, so it didn’t make sense to hang around the source.  But maybe it’s safe to go back. I always am looking for more inspiration for music.


F4 pilot?  I’m not THAT old. They were phasing them out when I joined in ‘86.  I was an 8075, which became a 14N3.  Transferred over to 16F4 (Defense Attaché) and got to spend lots of quality time in Africa (hence the headphone stands…). Didn’t get to blow up too much stuff, but did get to fly around a lot courtesy of the Air Force…42 countries. 

Happy New Year, and good riddance to 2021. 

Dave oxygen then the joint, i like it , safety first

Happy New Year dude, we cheated death another year

@16f4 we miss you on tge TT thread, they make tge ocassional allowance for sometimes digital dudes… were you an F4 pilot ?

Happy New Year !


I was aware there was “the other Esposito” growing up…barely.   Grew up in Danvers, literally a stones throw from the Bruins training center.  My dad played through college, but my interests leaned more towards music and blowing things up flying.  

@16f4 We all know the greatest Esposito was in Chicago, Tony RIP.

All kidding aside My Dad played Juniors with the Tony, Phil and Chico and Wayne Maki.  Sault Ste Marie and the surrounding area had and has a lot of hockey talent.

I am excluded from that group.

Loved those days and the original 6.

I originally joined to check out other peoples systems, and to see what everyone was listening to on the “What’s on my turntable” forum.   Once I switched to streaming, the forum “What Are You Streaming Tonight” was my go-to for music recommendations.   

As for the Catholic hockey players out there…JESUS SAVES! ESPOSITO SCORES ON THE REBOUND!


Just kidding..Bobby Orr is the GOAT.

Mercy, a pandemic of dueling. I choose rocks as my weapon of choice and of course a speedo with an eye patch and a knee brace, just in case. I can hobble away if all else fails.. Maybe have my second bring some Bengay, a warm towel, oxygen and then a joint.

Happy New Year..


@ghdprentice @mammothguy54 Well stated. guys. That's what it's all about. 

Joel, shhh! about the noisefree zone. Cheers,


...some synthwave with eye candy might be in order....

...with what looks like Weird Al Y. playing 'bad guy'...

Complain about this instead.... ;)

....feel better?



"Bot's not to like...even a little...😏

@jerryg123 , hang tough there, Jer....gotta expect some swerve in the rails after some have watched the daily dreadly news or drilled about the net and hit compost.

There's a lot about I don't like out 'n about too, but left at the door so's not to muck up the floor here.  It's a better thing to keep political rants 'n raves directed at one's living room screen instead of us trying to seek relief and/or asylum from it.

This sort of thing is what this space is about:




'Bot Rules of Order include not putting your 'bot into an old car and pushing it off a cliff...

I’m not here much but was more early on. I’ve bought stuff and sold some and gotten tips about repairing components. Where else would I find all those things irl. Over time there is some repetition (does no one know about the search function) so drifted away, but if I needed more equipment I’d be back and get lots of good advice. You guys are great. Never change. 

Post removed 

I have spent fifty years acquiring the knowledge I have on building high end audio systems. From the beginning I wanted to own a high end system, an assault on the best possible. Of course, I had little money, and at the beginning little knowledge. I continuously worked towards my goal. I realized over the last twenty years it has gotten easy for me to make choices that were synergistic and resulted in the outcome I wanted. Career wise, as CIO and global systems project manager I loved solving really complex technical / people multi year projects… all this feeds into system building.


So, I like coaching people, and by doing this, it helps me crystalize the lessons I have learned along the way. Also, anthing I can do to make this place friendlier and more encouraging to folks just starting up is an added benefit. High end audio can be incredibly rewarding if you can get your arms around it… starting out is the hardest. If I can make that easier and more rewarding… makes me feel good.

I am here to add to my library of knowledge on the subject of hi-fidelity.  And when I am able, I am glad to share from my library of knowledge to those who are seeking more for themselves.  It's a pleasant and symbiotic way of being.

My favorite thread, by light years, is What's On Your Turntable Tonight.  It's fun, it's sharing with one another, and it's consistently civil.  I am so glad to have made numerous friends in the "community" from that thread.

Cheers to all.  Have a very safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2022.


In no particular order:


Solving "good problems."  I define "good problems" as problems we face as a result of our freedom, affluence, or connections with decent people.  Having to choose which phono cartridge to upgrade, as an example, in my world is a good problem to have.  Another attribute of "good problems" is that the penalties for bad decisions are not severe.  Dinging your credit card a bit when expectations were not met by a recent purchase is survivable. The penalties for some other decisions are not.  I'm grateful to have "good problems" to deal with.


Being proven wrong.  It means I learned something that day.


Staying connected/relevant.  Keeping current on what's "real" in the world of high performance audio is rewarding on intellectual and emotional levels.  On rare occasions I have the opportunity to submit something that might actually be helpful to others.


You guys/gals.  Having frequent contact with high IQ individuals with excellent command of vocabularies whose "antennas" are just a bit more sensitive that most may not make me smarter.  It just feels that way sometimes.

Post removed 

@jerryg123 Good thread! 

I'm here to learn and help others learn when I can. 

I'm here to share the music I love with those might...and visa versa. 

I'm here to build friendships with those who do both.

I'm here to pull us forward to the fateful day when we can all close our eyes and believe we're hearing our favorite musicians playing live in our rooms.  Cheers,


Observational sociological study in part, assertive objective posts very interesting.


Mostly here for other's subjective experiences, much to learn even for long time audiophile.

I am enjoying the answers and very insightful and telling of the people here.

Have a great day.


For me, the forum resembles studying on Coursera. I'm here to learn stuff from people smarter and more experienced than myself who will kindly and patiently answer my dumb questions. And to savor the occasional flashes of wit, the most valuable of all human qualities. 

I come to learn. 
What I find annoying is that a question asked by the OP is seldom adhered to, rather “hijacked”. 
When this happens in 2022 shout out “TANGENT ALERT”, please stay on topic.

I joined the site because for as long as I can remember I have had an interest in audio, and when Joined everyone I knew thought that the crappy Apple Ear Buds that came with the iPod were so astounding.



I can feel the earth begin to move
I hear my needle hit the groove
And spiral through another day
I hear my song begin to say
Kiss me where the sun don't shine
The past was yours
But the future's mine
You're all out of time


Night 'Bot






"I come hear to sit and think,
read the scrawls upon the walls.."

(Revised from an ancient commode comment)

Surprisingly, one can sieve a rather broad education on all things audio 'midst the repartee, rants 'n raves, 'you can go with This, or you can stand with That', or the outbursts of things I try to avoid here.

I'd rather be an anomaly than the amateur analyst, anyway.
I've my own audio approach, TTTT.  Y'all've got yours, too. ;)

Nice thread, actually.  Air the place out...*g*


Dark Droid Detection Details?  check... 

I’m here because I love music and want to reproduce the bang I get out of hearing it live.

Do I get a kick out of reading about all the theories and audio advice? Sure.

Am I concerned about this newly discovered occasional ringing in my ear? Sure.

My best to one and all who read this and here’s to a great new year.


Here for the info - audiophile info.  Just a somewhat isolated audiophile that enjoys good AUDIO info wherever he can get it.  All opinions welcome while I search for that elusive sound on a budget. 

Please leave your politics at the door.  This is not the place.  A separate category for current events would be nice so I can avoid it like the plague.