What speaker do you passionately want to demo?

Beyond the slight curiosity of what speaker you'd "like" to demo (example: every Klipsch horn speaker), what speaker(s) would you "passionately" love to demo?  A brief explanation of "why" you like these speakers would be beneficial.

I'll start:

MBL 101 X-treme - almost a decade and reviewers still say it's amongst the best they'd ever heard.  Probably should be matched to the MBL Electronics

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

Muraudio SP1 - Electrostatic + cone hybrid speaker that received many rave reviews.  It's not an easy task successfully marrying the fast electrostatic to the slower cone to sound seamless.  This speaker was on my short list to purchase.

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$7k (yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

Mike Lavigne's Evolution Acoustics MM7 in his dedicated sound room.  The sonics of demoing speakers at storefronts or audio shows can be problematic depending on the audio chain and the room setup.  MikeL has a matured optimized setup that is sonically recognized as excellent by other serious audiophiles.  
I'd had the Janszen Valentina P8s on my list for a long time and this spring David shipped me a pair to demo. A few days later I sent him a check for the full price and kept them.

Amazing speakers for their size, don't need to be out in the middle of the room, but can work well within a foot of the front wall, and their stereo imaging and quality of sound is far better than anything I'd ever owned or heard including Thiels, Marting Logans, Bowers and Wilkins, and many others.

A fantastic speaker, worth a listen.
Graham Audio Ls6f & Ls9f
Tannoy Heritage Eaton & Cheviot
JBL Classic L100 , 75th Anniversary L100, Classic L82
JBL 4349
TAD Labs - Reference One.  I've heard the CR1 at two different shows.  I was absolutely entranced.  I'd love to hear their flagship product.
Altec Voice of the Theater’s
that I used for PA long before I was interested in home audio. In hindsight they never failed despite whether and modern 70’s electronics. 
Avalon Tesseract- as the Eidelon models were one of the most realistic ones I’ve heard so far.

Infinity IRS
I would really like to demo the Sonus Faber Electa Amator III in my home. I´ve listened to the old Electa Amator II and they were one of the best bookshelves I had the pleasure to listen to. Humble desire :)
I’ve been to many audio shows over the last few years. One stand out for me was the Nola reference line. In particular the Nola Metro Reference Gold. It was cheap, just the one I liked the best. Years past I listened to all kind of speakers, my ear came back to the Nolas. I had a chance to heat Nolas latest Metro Gold3. The opportunity was right I bought them. I couldn’t be happier. Im still amazed every night when they play. Cheap? No, he’ll I’ve worked 2-3 jobs my whole life. My present to my self. Earlier on the Thread someone brought up Living Voice speakers. I heard them years ago IBX-RW3 I was impressed. Someday I’ll pick up a pair of them. 
I'd love to hear the higher end Monitor Audio stuff (not that I could afford them). I've had a couple pair of models from their Silver line (in fact I just picked up a pair) and really liked them. Build is second to none.
About 10 posts up I mentioned how I would love to hear and almost certainly by a set of  KEF Reference 201/2 speakers but I've given up on ever finding a set. Now I see that less than 2 months ago a pair that looked like new in Cherry finish including stands sold online for $2,000. I would have pounced on them had I known
With my current electronics:
Fyne Audio F1-8,F701 & 501SP
Verity Audio Finn
Living Voice IBX-R4
Omega Super Alnico HO/XRS
Top of the line:
- Von Schweikert
- Rockport
- Magico
- Martin Logan
- Raidho
- Nola
- YG Acoustics
- Evolution Acoustics
Already listened to the Wilson Chronosonic XVX at Innovative Audio. Effortless. Everything was reproduced so easily / cleanly - the total absence of strain. Scaled like nothing I've ever heard! 
I'd like to get a pair of Alexia II's - college tuitions, not my wife - is the challenge at this moment.
My list would consist of speakers that could be attainable in the next 5 years or so.

Focal-Scala Evo
Franco Serbin-Ktema
JBL-K2 S9900
Rockport-Avior 2

The JBL and Leonardo are out of the box(pun intended) choices. The K2 is such a polarizing speaker it would be out of curiosity to demo it. Could the Leonardo be the best Planar speaker with bass and dynamics equal to a competitive box speaker? IMO the Ktema, Scala, M2 and Avior 2 could be the sweet spot in there product line.
I would really like to hear

- MBL 101 Extreme
- Goldmund Prolouge
- Von Schweikert Ultra 11
- Wilson XVX

I really want to hear ProAc K6's but I think there might be only one shop in the country that has them.

Next week I'm going to the local shop to hear Magico A5's and Rockport Atria II.  

And I should have a demo pair of Kudos 808's arriving before too long for an in-home audition.

I have a Naim 500-level system, currently with A3's. 
I would LOVE to audition:

Vandersteen SYSTEM9
Tekton 1812 Flagship, with 4 extra 4-10 Subs thrown it (for DBA)
Tannoys Kensington GRs. Have Autograph Minis in my bedroom with NAIM UNITI ATOM.  Smitten with Minis. Currently running Rockport Atria ii’s in my main system but am curious about the larger Tannoys. They would be a very different sound signature from the Atrias I realize.  
…..with the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver …mightily impressed…are sonically significantly superior
Now you really have me curious for a listen

The A5 are incredible loudspeakers and, at their price point, the best I have auditioned. 
The $25k Magico A5 I consider a bargain - sonic performance surpasses Magico $30k S3 and competes with Magico $42k S5.  It’s my next purchase when funds allow hopefully within the next few months.

I heard the Magico A3, S3, S5, M3, M6 (at Magico’s showroom) so am buying the A5 without hearing first because I’m assuming it’s voiced similar- hope this is not a dumb idea. 

When I started speaker shopping, I tried to listen to the best I could find at stores and shows, then try to duplicate the sound as cheaply as possible while maintaining sonic quality.  Although many speakers like Wilson, Kef, Viva, etc sounded great, only Magico and YG consistently resonated with me emotionally.
Speaker design encompasses compromises- no speaker is perfect- it’s a facsimile of reality.  I’m of the opinion that most speaker bashing is due to a subjective preference rather than any gross deficiencies in the speaker design which would likely make them unsellable.  
Kennyc -
I heard the Pure Audio Project speakers with the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver at the NY Audio Show a few years back and was mightily impressed. Subsequent auditions of other Pure Audio Project speakers without the field coil drivers were not as satisfying, although granted those were at different shows with different ancillary equipment. Based on my admittedly limited listening experience I would heartily agree with your assumption that those are sonically significantly superior, albeit at an also significant price increase.
Kef 201/2 although I give up on ever finding a set of pre-owned ones. They must be great because those who have them never seem to put them up for sale

Kef Reference 1

Canton Reference 9k

Dali Epicon 2
Over the years there have been dozens of speakers I have seen in Asia, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong etc, that I would love to hear. But I’m not spending my own money to do so. No point in it if they're not imported and generally available.  
I'd like to hear any of the Tidal models. The finishes are about the nicest I've ever seen.
Way too technical @fleschler - music is about what appeals to you emotionally, not how it specs out on a debatable set of electronics.
I have listened to many loudspeakers, including your KEF. The A5 are incredible loudspeakers and, at their price point, the best I have auditioned. You are not interpreting the measurements correctly, try reading JA comments.
Yes, oh yes. Borresen 05s would be a thrill to hear.  I'd also like to listen to top of the line Tidal and Rockport loudpeakers.
I see what you mean. In the JA measurements they roll off after 5khz.


I'd love to hear your blades. Cingratulations.
I just looked at the MUON price, $224,999. Wow.
I wasn't bashing magico or the A5. When I read stereophile writers i try to read between the lines as their listening impressions more and more stray from what measurements suggest they should be hearing. I'm NOT an asr guy, and usually trust my own ears first, but the more measurements deviate from listening impressions the more I remind myself these reviewers are writers by trade. My reservation with the magico a5 is how early the treble rolls off and my aging ears might not make a great combo. I just bought the Kef Blades so probably game over for me.
I’m going to keep mine to what I’m likely going to upgrade to and not go into dreamland as I have a wife. My current speakers are Aerial Acoustics 7B’s and I lust to hear a pair of 7T’s. Probably have to buy them from that dealer who loves them but loves to mention they unfortunately make the cabinets in China. 
Michael Kelly should do what JBL did with the L100 and bring back a special, revamped version of the 10T but keep the cabinet appearance the same. Also maybe make them a little easier to drive would be nice too.
17 times, wow (are you sure, not 16, nor 18?), you must
be a masochist 😉

Psychoacoustic research has shown that people prefer elevated bass output. All the speakers you listed will have that. And yes, you should go and listen to the A5, always a good idea before commenting. 
@steve  I do not want to own an inefficient speaker.  I prefer speakers which have at least 90 db efficiency and/or a easy to drive impedance/phase angle.  The A5 has per Stereophile  "My estimate was slightly lower, at 86.5dB(B)/2.83V/m. The A5's impedance is specified as 4 ohms. Using Dayton Audio's DATS V2 system, I found that the impedance magnitude (fig.1, solid trace) did average around 4 ohms, with a minimum value of 2.6 ohms at 93Hz. The electrical phase angle (dashed trace) is occasionally high when the magnitude is low."  It does not meet my criteria.  Plus, I dislike the Q and S series speakers which I heard over 17 places (audio shows, dealers) as boring and uninvolving.   I suppose a treble drop off is a good thing but my custom listening room has activated charcoal chambered built in bass traps.  I don't need a bump in the bass, just accurate bass.  
@kennycThanks Ken - so I will add these to my list of 1! I listen to Magico A5's and truly believe it would take a lot to improve my lot.
Your beloved Von Schweikert loudspeakers (the latest one SP reviewed), tweeter start rolling off at even lower frq. It’s also a beryllium tweeter, and as JA noted, this is how a pistonic tweeter behaves (Marten diamond tweeter does the same thing). It’s a very goods thing. Most JA room measurements show a significant room gain, and most of his gated measurements do have a bass lift; I just looked at the first speakers on SP list, the Dynaudio Confidence 30, which has almost 10db more output at 80Hz than 1KHz.

I highly recommend you listen to the A5.
@steve59 Figure 6 includes a 10db rise in the bass attributed to the room as was this month's speaker; however, figure 3 in an anechoic response had a 5db rise in the bass as well.  Looks boomy to me.  I think the highs dropping off above 5kHz is too dramatic.  I prefer a more gentle drop off. 
Demo, as in demo in my home:
1.  Vienna Acoustics Lizst2.  Vienna Acoustics Strauss3.  Vienna Acoustics Mahler4.  McIntosh XR505.  Klipsch RP600M
PMC Fenestria would be one that I would really like to hear, as well as see in person.
henry201, if I repeated my post I guess that just happens sometimes, but I need to be clear I haven't heard the A5 or measured them. In stereophile's review look at figure 6 in the measurements and tell me what you think
Post removed 
Von Schweikert VR9SE Mk11, Evolution Acoustics MM2/MM3, Arion Apollo - all easy to drive speakers full range speaker systems.  
Tune Tots for my fifth wheel. ;) The LS50s are pretty good, some Wilson would be nice though.
You keep promoting this flaws narrative, although you have been told by quite a few people, including JA from Stereophile , that the A5 overall room response is “the best he has ever measured.”
It will do you good if you understand what you are talking about, when it comes to factual like measurements; it might even lead you to a better sounding system.
looking at the room measurements of the magico A5 has tempered my enthusiasm for that speaker, the legacy Aeris looks impressive, but my current home demo of the kef blade is making me less interested in how other speakers sound.
Speakers I might be able to afford (used or new) some day and want to hear:
- Ohm Walsh
- Volti
- Boenicke W8 (I really like the W5)
- JBL 4xxx

Totally out of budget that I would love to hear:
- MBL 101 Extreme (I like the standard 101)
- Wilson XVX
- von Schweikert Ultra 11
- Focal Grande Utopia (I like many of their smaller models)

@roxy I have heard and seen the smaller Bayz and actually liked the looks. In real life they are like sculptures that produce sound.

Monitor Audio Platinum PL300 II, I loved the demo so much, I took a pair home in a heartbeat! 
I have a roughly 12x30 room in an old home. One corner is taken by an entertainment armoire and speaker placement must take place adjacent to this on either side. I have little options for placement and positioning. Most applications would lean towards a stand mounted bookshelf design which I have. But there is a floor stander with little footprint which I am intrigued by and believe would fit very well into my system, and have yet to audition. It's the Jean Marie Reynaud (JMR) Cantabile. Regards, Scott
Anything from YG Acoustics, just because I love the look.
Devore o/96. I’ve  many positive reviews.
Lets throw in Zu Soul or Soul Supreme.
I'm with you Rushfan 71, Focal Grande Utopia and Magico M6. I own a pair of Focal 1038 BE's and love the focal style, and built quality. I recently had a chance to hear the Magico A3's which did sound nice. So I'm interested in hearing the Big Guy's from Magico. They have a unique build quality to them. Also a fat price tag. Oh well, maybe some day my ship will come in.