What did your system look like 30 years ago?

As best as I can recall, this is what I had

Magnepan MG1.4 speakers; Rega Planar 3 turntable with a Linn K9 cartridge; CAL Icon CD player;  Adcom GTP500 II tuner/preamp; Adcom GFA545 amp

I still have my Zerostat which I bought in the 80's-

Linn LP12 / Alphason HR-100S

Nakamichi 480 

Adcom GFT-1 tuner

Belles 1 amp

Belles 1 preamp

Mondial Acurus P10 phono stage

Thiel 03a

30 years ago for some stupid reason I traded in my vinyl collection for cd’s. I did have a very nice Nakamichi system at the time. In the last year have gotten back into vinyl.
Back then I was a primary school boy. I enjoyed a National (a Matsushita brand) boom box my father brought from the Middle East. It had a voltage selector in the back, and that was how I learned that not everybody uses the same voltage. 
Down to zilch....

Was traveling the country and Canada in a new 34' motorhome for 8 months at age 39 with spouse and Grace the Wonder Cat.

Only thing kept was a Niles Audio CPM-31 switchbox, because I correctly thought I'd never see anything like it again.

Still have it....still works. *S*  Better than me, age-wise...;)
Allison Ones, Audible Illusions 2D, Kenwood KD-500 TT, Grace G-707 arm, Dynavector MR 23 Ruby, Premier head amp, oak plywood rack, Monster cable SC, Audiquest Ruby ICs, Mod Squad 405 amp, Dual C-901 cassette. The analog setup was used for 13 years minus the cartridge, and the amp was used for about 13 years on its was to 28. Speakers for about 13 years also.

All bought new--Victor's Stereo on Erie in Chicago, Paul Heath Audio on Clark in Chicago, Quintessence in Naperville, And the TT/arm was bought from a couple of mail order warehouses in California.  

Snell C-2 Mk. 2 
AdcomGCD 575 cd player
Adcom GFA 555 Amp
Adcom GTP 400 Preamp/tuner
@zavato right. It was Leonard Radio I bought the Tandberg at. Further south on 17N than Harvey. Harvey was later I think. Leonard probably shut down earlier.  same with Tech HIFi.  I worked part time in sales at Tech Hifi in New Brunswick during college. 
Circa 1991, and the only system in my house at that time:
Harman Kardon HK795i receiver 
Technics SL-230 turntable
Stanton 500 cartridge
Sony CDP-110 CD player
Harman Kardon TD212 cassette deck
EPI 1200 loudspeakers

Most of the current audio equipment that I listen to these days is vintage, with the exception of my DAC’s. The electronics are vintage vacuum tube. The speakers are AR, KLH, and EPI. Almost all my current equipment is older than the system listed above from 30 years ago

I still have the HK 795i receiver, TD212 cassette deck, and Technics turntable. I am just now trying to sell the HK795i. The TD212 is still around in case I want to listen to old cassettes, but that is a very rare occurrence. The SL-230 turntable is still very much in use and is now mated to an Ortofon 2M Red cartridge. It is one of a number of turntables hooked up in my basement audio systems. 
Denon PMA-757 Pre-main amp, B & O Beogram TT, Canton Karat 200 speakers, Nakamichi BX-150 deck, Denon CDP. Good times!
Sonic Frontiers SF-CD1
Sonic Frontiers Line-2
Sonic Frontiers SFS-80 and Power-2
B&W Silver Signature monitors
B&W ASW-800 x2 subs
SOTA Sapphire Star/SME V/Grado signature/ARC SP8/ARC D75A/Magnepan MG IIIa/MK subwoofer/MONSTER M1000 cables
Interesting thread.  Back then I had Duntech Princess loudspeakers, Audio Research Classic 150 amps, an Audio Research SP11 Mk II preamp, a Vendetta Research phono stage, a Basis Ovation turntable (had just gotten it, still own it) with a Graham 1.5T arm and a Transfiguration cartridge, and a Krell MD 1/64SBX (not sure of the model designation, it was then their best DAC) DAC combination.  Cables were a hodgepodge, but I did have very short Siltech speaker cables.  I think I may have replaced the ARC preamp with a Jadis JPL line stage in the summer of that year--the start of my descent into all tube electronics.
Infinity Reference Standard 2.5 Speakers
Perreaux 3150 Amp
CAT SL/1 Reference Preamp
Meridian 200/203 Transport/DAC
VPI TNT with Graham 1.5t and Koetsu Black 

Dahlquist DQ10 speakers
Phase Linear 4000 Preamp
Phase Linear 400 Amp
Bang and Olufsen Beogram 4002 turntable
Zip cord cables
Hafler DH100, DCM Time Window 1as, NAD basic CD player, I think preamp was CJ PV3, Harmon Kardon ST-8 TT, and Grado mid-grade cartridge. 
Speaking of Harvey and speaking of Mount Kisco, Harvey had a store in Mount Kisco, too.

I remember the Harvey store on 17 quite well. It was on the northbound side and was pretty close where there’s now a Tesla dealer. I used to work in Hackensack so I passed Harvey 2X a day. Bought stuff from them over the years too! There also used to be a Leonard Radio on 17, and Rt 4 had a Tech HIFI. There was another place on Rt4- Stereo Warehouse. Not far, in Ridgewood, was the Sounding Board. Englewood had Stewart’s. Funny that these days when I pass locations that were former hifi shops I always think of what was there. 
I’m a bit north- in Rockland. We had one place in Nanuet. It was a good place until the owner retired and then the son took over. What a gannif/thief! He ran it into the ground. 
These days, the hifi shops in reasonable proximity to me are in white plains, mount kisco, and Cornwall. All three are quite different. In order of preference- mount kisco, Cornwall, then white plains. 
If I get ambitious, and I’ve done it, under 3 hrs and I’m in Binghamton/Vestal
VPI HW-19 jr
ET 2 arm
Arcici stand
TARA Labs preamp
Quicksilver silver monos
Spica TC-50i
Mirage sub
Same as it does now except the Lux CL-32 pre is replaced (FINALLY) with an Audio Research SP-6B.  Newly acquired Audio Research EC-21 will move the Hafler 500 (I assembled it in 1975 at my desk at my shop) to the bottom end--should be enough to drive the Tympani I-C's bass panels.

Looking to purchase a used Audio Research tube amp of 100+ for the top.

Shoulda kept my demo system from the shop--Audio Research D-150.  Heck of an amp!

Harvey's NYC 45th street, near 5th avenue. I was not aware they had branches, they were medium to high end with active sales, before Sound by Singer ... other smaller boutique shops.
Harvey’s Rt. 17 Paramus?

That’s where I believe I bought a Tandberg TR2080 new a couple years after that picture to upgrade from the Hitachi. Beauty! Sold it to a collector in Norway a few years back as it was getting a bit old in the tooth but always a top notch sounding receiver.

The Hitachi was my college receiver, the Tandberg grad school.

I actively use my Tandberg 2080 for my garage/shop/speakers tossed out the window to back yard for picnics.

Loaded with features, excellent FM, adjust phono sensitivity to match Phono 1 to Phono 2,

Got it at Harvey’s, used shelf, another piece my friend Steve told me was coming out

Those B&O systems were so beautiful they made me drool.
Hmm well they were my roommates and a long time ago. Don’t really know.

I think they were there for decorative purposes.  We were not so much ahead  of our time quite honestly to call them "resonators"  but why not?

Are those Grolsch bottles? They look darker than the Green ones, did they make a dark beer I wasn't aware of? Grolsch was my 'celebration' beer, couldn't afford it regularly.
What fun to remember

Speakers: JSE Infinite Slope, Model II. The only speakers I heard at audio shows I liked as much as the ones I had and use now. They were/are the most accurate speakers I ever owned.

Preamp and Amp: McIntosh SS C28; McIntosh SS MC2250.

TT, none, solidly in the ’cd’s perfect forever’ world. (Thorens TD124/SMe on a shelf downstairs).

CD: Onyko, dual matched burr brown processors

Cassette: Onkyo, their high end dual deck. Prior to CD I made lots of recordings from LP’s, now played them and made Cassettes to give away from CDs

8 Track. Just kept it, it was a gift from Columbia House, I had designed their offices.

R2R: vintage 2 Track Stereo with 2 Track Stereo Tapes (no 4 track yet)

Equipment Rack: Same one I have now


Then: Plants only on top of the Rack (I promised Donna she could have the top for plants when we bought the rack).
All equipment on 2 shelves below, a bit inconvenient, but
Speakers in the same corners as now.
On 4 wheels as per OEM design. Easy to adjust, push back when big party. Changed to 3 wheels, more weight per wheel.
Current speakers, even heavier, 3 wheels, hard to move even on wheels.

Location Now: to keep my word, but get 4 pieces stacked on the top shelf, I bought some trays, put felt on the bottom, put them on top of equipment, I still do that. Gotta trust her. I keep one tray of plants on top of cassette that doesn’t move, and one tray that stays/moves from the TT when current 4 track R2R in use, moves to R2R when TT in use.
New deep glass shelf for JVC big plinth.

How many of you would trust the wifey to water plants on your equipment?

Plants can be seen here


Magnepan MG-1c, Kyocera A-710, Rotel RP 850, JVC XL-Z1050TN.  Still have all except for JVC and used in a secondary system for nostalgic purposes!  It's been a long journey since then.
In 1990, the system I have now was the system I had then: Nakamichi 410 preamp, Quad 405 power amp, NAD CD player (currently on my 3rd NAD CD), Thorens 166 mk2 table but married to a Denon 103 cartridge instead of the Sumiko blue point #2 I have now. Speakers? The venerable ADS 1230s, still going strong since 1983. 
Kenwood 8100 integrated amp (the nice silver one)
Kenwood tuner (matched the amp)
Kenwood cassette deck (matched the amp)
Thorens 145 turntable with Stanton 681E cartridge
Bose 301 speakers (version 1 which I bought the day they first went on sale.

The amp/tuner/deck just got sold two years ago, still in perfect working condition (but had long ceased to be my primary kit)

The turntable I still use but it was refurbished and sports a Grado Prestige Gold now.

After coming to my senses, the Bose speakers had been relegated to garage use and Infinite Slope .6’s took their place.

PS I also still have my Zerostat, Dustbuster, Watts Dust Bug and other assorted vinyl gear which gets used too!  Good times!

My Infinity IRS Betas looked identical to how they do today.....like new.
My Linn Sondek ...same...like new 30 yrs ago and today
My Mark Levinson 23's as well....like new.
Only piece not the same....went up one number ....Audio Research 6B replaced by a Klyne 7.

Wow.  Time goes by fast.

This has turned into my wife's set-up as I have been relocated to the basement....with much sweeter system but with much lower WAF.
linn table ,magnepan arm,magnepan mg3 ,Conrad Johnson pre and power ,somewhere around then I got a pioneer elite cd ,velodyne subs .I also had a nakamichi reel ,ADS and DCM speaker changes around that time among luxman, tandberg and denon gear 
Pioneer Elite Receiver. Heavy piece of electronics!
Sony ES CD player.  5 CD Carousel 
Def Tech BP10. Blown away by the bipolar impact on soundstage.  Wall of sound. 
Post removed 
I'm not that old, I was 10 30 years ago. But 20 years ago..

McIntosh C34v. Preamp
Mcintosh mc7300 x2 (bridged) 
Mcintosh Mcd7005  cd playerYamaha NS-2000
Yamaha NS-1000

I still use the amps to this day and have gone back to the Yamahas every few months. But I still have every piece of this setup, with the boxes and crates. 

Was in my Naim phase then--62/HiCap/140 driving Proac Tablettes. Had either a VPI HW-19 with an Alphason HRS-100 and a Garrott P-77 or a Townshend Rock with a Rega RB-300 and an AT MM cartridge--can't remember. Digital was probably a Rotel RCD-855 or still my Meridian MCD. Long time ago........

Surprisingly (to me), my first speakers surrounds decomposed, amplifier’s lights and one meter died, volume knob started acting up, but turntable is, as I write this, running like the first day. They do not make them like they used to. Or do they?
Fried C/3L with Fried Subs, Aragon Amp (4004) and Pre 24K ?), Thorens 321 TT...friend has the Thorens and it's going great,. wish I could have kept the C/3L
Just curious ... Like Mesch, are any of you still using any of that equipment from thirty years ago in your main system? My Classic Well Tempered turntable is still going strong. With all of the mods that have been done to it, it stays right up there with the big boys.
Naw. I gave away the record player to a buddy who had an old midfi system. And the Rectilinears were thrown out after the drivers started failing. But I’ve kept the electronics in storage.
Just curious ... Like Mesch, are any of you still using any of that equipment from thirty years ago in your main system? My Classic Well Tempered turntable is still going strong. With all of the mods that have been done to it, it stays right up there with the big boys.

Sonograph SG-3 TT, Premier MMT tonearm, Talsiman cartridge
Carver CD player with tube output stage
B&K Pro 10 preamp
B&K St140 amplifier
Vandersteen Model 2 speakers
Monster Cable Reference interconnects
AQ Speaker cables

Still have the TT and arm.

Optonica RP3636 turntable with Signet 5 cartridge
NAD 3020 
Polk Monitor7b
Discwasher brush and Zerostat

I still have the 45lb Optonica in its original box.  The pseudo granite plinth has survived a lot of moves.  Polks were in storage also until last month when they were gifted to a budding music lover.  Bought the entire system new in ‘78

MCS receiver that weighed a ton, powering maggies up front
jvc amp used for EV rear speakers
yamaha ASP subs X 2
Technics DD LT table with shure m97HE cart
sony CD
KLH impulse noise reducer and hiss reducer
@millercarbon -- "Mathlexic? Or is it more of a logic thing?"

Was this confusing for you?  Something you didn't understand or agree with?
VPI HW-19 Mklll, don't recall the low price MC cartridge
ARC SP 9 Mk. lll
ARC Classic 60
Thiel CS-3.5

Same system today, though I upgraded Audioquest and FMS wire to MIT 330 interconnects and MH 750 speaker wire. 
Also added a Grado Sonata MI cartridge
Why mess with a great synergy? 
Thanks to Steve Bauman wherever you are!
I saw some new model turntable with similar little touch sensor buttons like the old Philips 312.  Don’t remember the model.  Anyone know?
1990 was before I began my high end journey.

30 years ago, my system was 20 years old.

Mathlexic? Or is it more of a logic thing?

1990 was before I began my high end journey.

30 years ago, my system was 20 years old.

Benjamin Miracord 50H record player with Shure V-15 Type 2 Improved Cartridge
Acoustic Research Tuner
Phase Linear 2000 Preamp
Adcom GFA 1 Amp
Rectiliear III (High Boys) Speakers
Cheapest Interconnects and Lamp Cord