What did your system look like 30 years ago?

As best as I can recall, this is what I had

Magnepan MG1.4 speakers; Rega Planar 3 turntable with a Linn K9 cartridge; CAL Icon CD player;  Adcom GTP500 II tuner/preamp; Adcom GFA545 amp

I still have my Zerostat which I bought in the 80's-

Showing 3 responses by jameswei

1990 was before I began my high end journey.

30 years ago, my system was 20 years old.

Benjamin Miracord 50H record player with Shure V-15 Type 2 Improved Cartridge
Acoustic Research Tuner
Phase Linear 2000 Preamp
Adcom GFA 1 Amp
Rectiliear III (High Boys) Speakers
Cheapest Interconnects and Lamp Cord
@millercarbon -- "Mathlexic? Or is it more of a logic thing?"

Was this confusing for you?  Something you didn't understand or agree with?
Just curious ... Like Mesch, are any of you still using any of that equipment from thirty years ago in your main system? My Classic Well Tempered turntable is still going strong. With all of the mods that have been done to it, it stays right up there with the big boys.
Naw. I gave away the record player to a buddy who had an old midfi system. And the Rectilinears were thrown out after the drivers started failing. But I’ve kept the electronics in storage.