What are you using as a streamer? Constructive feedback please.

Wondering what improvements I can made to my streaming end and what you all are using.

Not looking to rip CDs and I mostly listen to vinyl.

System right now is:

Node 2 (latest version used streaming only with Roon)

Bel Canto e.One ref DAC 2.7

Bel Canto e.One ref CD3t Transport.

Bel Canto e.One ref 501S (best Class D to date to ever grace my system)

Mini GaN 5 ( had to try it and swap it in and out)

AM Qualiton X200 Tube Integrated (love it and gets most use)

QLN Prestige 5 Speakers.

All cables and wires are Signal Cable.

Appreciate the constructive feedback.

Have a great day.




Hello everyone,  I have a BluOS Node 2i , with a Wireworld C-7 power cord…used strictly as a streamer into a Esoteric K03 via the coax rca input….. I took a chance and purchased a Snake River Boomslang digital cable….when it was on sale…. And  I could not believe what a difference a cable made !! Absolutely stunned !! 

No plans to change at this moment…..! Eventually things will plateau….and trickle down technology  Hopefully will be more affordable !? 

All the best to everyone !

@docaudio_mc my streamer has a dac and preamp,  one stop shop. 

Cambridge Audio CXN V2. The $700 I paid was well worth the cost...

I am currently using a BlueSound Node 2i.  I am working with a knowledgeable sales person at The Cable Company and he convinced me to purchase a power cable and digital cable and us the DAC inside my ARCAM AVR550 because he said the DAC inside my ARCAM is of much higher quality.  I am still nervous about giving up MQA.  He told me MQA is primarily a marketing tool and the sound difference will be noticeable by adding the cables I ordered.  I am still waiting for delivery.  


I have not had the ability to hear other streamers costing so much more.  I wonder if you can really hear a difference in some costing $2,000 to $3,000.  If so, what will I hear that will be significantly better than what I have?

Do streamers actually make an audible difference? So far I have been pretty happy with the Raspberry Pi 4 streamer I built for about $60 earlier this year. I stream Qobuz via Volumio for RPi4  using USB connection to my Chord Hugo DAC. Other than maybe improving the player interface I doubt that I will get more out of my system from spending 10 times what I paid for my streamer. 

in my view, it's best to have the streamer and DAC as one unit so the signal path is shorter (no cables needed) and no conversion of  the signal which remains as I2S.

The best music server is a Roon nucleus (or cheaper copy) with LPS.

Used Auralic Aries (circa 2015) sounds great and comes with a massive external linear power supply, ususally available for $7-800. Very versatile either with it's own Lightning software or Roon.


Roon interfaced to the miniDSP SHD, which is now Roon Ready certified, provides convenient access to streaming and stored music sources and presents them in a pure digital environment for Dirac Live processing using your choice of DACs.

Different approach. Your ethernet signal needs sprucing up with fantastic results. I had a Lumin T2 and now have a X1. First I should have cleaned up the signal using the EtherRegen and better ethernet cables. Now they tell me.

If using Roon, then their Nucleus / SBooster (on my system) bested using a computer even my yawning spouse agreed before beating it out of the listening room.

I found the high end streamer with built in DAC to be (or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles...) a bit more resolving but again cleaning up the signal was the most significant thing ever done to my system.




+1 for Cambridge CXN V2.

‘Big improvement over Node2, plus many nice features.

I took my Intel NUC, which has a custom analog power supply to RMAF one year. An Aurender was used at the show, but the system was set up using my NUC. Aurender lost big time, but it really had no chance. I use my NUC in an engineering and a recording/playback system besides using it as a streamer for my personal stereo.

I have been using computers in my engineering, recording, and playback systems for years (Kleinbeck Engineering), 40 years to be exact. That was before IBM sold their first "PC's" and Sony made the first CD player. It makes analysis of the results much easier and much more reliable because I calibrate my systems to a known standards.

However, simplicity does have its rewards. Not a computer nerd and an engineer, maybe commercial streamer is a better choice for you. I have used a system running ROON in the past several times for long periods of time and I prefer their product over most other commercial streamers.

Just got a Lumin U1 Mini with the upgraded external SBooster power supply.  Wanted to see if streaming was for me  The external power supply is a must.  .So far pretty pleased.  Running it thru a PS Audio DSD with an Orchid AES/EBU Cable and using Qobuz as my streaming source.  I still prefer Vinyl, good CDs and SACDs for sound and imaging but the U1 Mini is fun and make it easy to look for new music.  At some point I will probably drop some serious $$$$ for a more serious streamer but for now, it is a good entry point.  Checked out Bel Canto and Cambridge and a few others.  Preferred the sound of the U1 Mini.  The Lumin app take some getting used but will do for now.  

Bluesound Node 2i, the most that I can afford and the best value for the money, as far as I am aware.

I had and sold the Bluesound Node.   Currently running a SonicTransporter i5 with HQ Player embedded as my Roon core to an Ultra Rendu to my RME ADI-2 dac.

Very pleased with the SQ streaming Tidal and Qobuz.

Wjob - How does your Bricasti M3 compare to the AM Tubadour SE? Thanks for your help.

When I asked the same question couple months ago, I received an overwhelming 

number of great recommendations. At the end, I decided to upgrade my CDT and spend the extra money on buying cd/sacd. I know it sounds crazy but I listen more to the music I enjoy that way. I just stream to discover new music that’s it. Sorry that is not the answer you are looking for but that is what I did and for now, I enjoy my music collection more and more. Happy Holidays!

I use computers with Qobuz and Media Center software. I run the feed from the computer to either a Marantz AV amp in my home theater system or CEC DA5 dac in my stereo system.

Both computers are custom. The one used in the stereo system has an analog power supply to help reduce noise.

I tried Tidal, I decided I like Qobuz better.

I make my own cabling (Kleinbeck Engineering) because I don't like the performance of other brands. I prefer musical,  low noise, electrically accurate designs of cabling.

I have an AURALiC Aries (old model) that I use in my second system, and an AURALiC Aries G1 (new model) that I'm using in my main system. These are awesome streamers. You can use the AURALiC app to stream, or you can use ROON. Also, they work very well with Apple Air Play. Either way, they work really well. The one caveat I have is that the new AURALiC products don't come with remote controls for some reason. They say you can use any "universal" remote. I tried that and didn't like it. So, I ordered an AURALiC remote from Upscale Audio. It works great! Why didn't they just include this with the product? Not sure. Anyway, bottom line is that I very highly recommend the AURALiC products.

My set up is: Roon Nucleus+, a Synology NAS DS918+ and a Lumin T2.  The Lumin T2 offers a great soundstage and I just upgraded from a Lumin D2.  I use the Lumin T2 in my main listening area and I have Sonos set up in 7 different zones where I use the Roon, which pulls my ripped CD's from the NAS or stream music from either Tidal or Quboz .  With the Roon you can play different music in every zone at the same time which is great when household members want to hear their own music.  This comes in handy when I am playing music outside, for example, yet others want to hear something else in the house.  One of the best things about Roon is that you can use your smartphone or tablet to control everything and the app is user friendly.

I amusing a computer I built with Noktua biggest radiator and SS drives using Linux 

operatung system   On the Ethernet input the excellent uptone audio Ether regen which cleans the incoming Ethernet it’s nice hub , Wire World starlight Ethernet cable ,  USB cable  Audiogon - Grannyring makes Excellent quality Great value cables Acoustic BBQ ,going to a Denafrips Iris DDC Reclocker  , Clock sync  BNC cables ,then I2S cables all Wire World to New Terminator-2  Dac  which I use Roon  
and QObuz  toWestern DigitalSS drives. Until I decide to spend $5-6k  on a dedicated streamer server  this sounds very good.

@pdreher - yes, I did.  Both the Bricasti and Auralic showed improvements.  Probably the best bang for the buck is the Bricasti network option at a $1000 add-on (but you do need software to stream to - MCAST is free; I use Roon on a SGC i5 server).  As the Bricasti has a large onboard cache, it seems to be invariant to the server with respect to sound quality.  (That said, a filter such as the Network Acoustics ENO does seem to improve the sound slightly by decreasing electric noise to the unit.)  The Auralic is also better than the Bluesound, including the Bluesound with the power supply upgrade.  Just a little more detail and soundstage.  The Auralic software also sounds better than Roon using the Auralic as an endpoint.  I also like the screen the Auralic has as well as options to upsample and use different filters.  All small improvements.  

All that said, the Bluesound with the upgrade is really quite good and I believe a great value, esp given the included software ecosystem.  You might be able to do better with a Pi based DIY solution, but that may not appeal to everyone.  If you told me I could only stream the Bluesound and never use anything better, well I wouldn't be too upset.  I think the Bluesound is a great entry point for those who want to stream, and for many could be an endpoint.

@wjob Did/do you find the Auralic and Bricasti server options provide superior sound quality vs. the BS Node?   

Using a Cambridge Azur 851N. it's about $1500. I'm currently rotating amps and speakers:  Pass Int-25 / Luxman 505 uXII  with  Harbeth SHL5 plus HD / Klipsch HeresyIV / Dynaudio Heritage Special. 

I started with Bluesound Node 2i and am generally happy with it. I upgraded it with an external power supply mod to take the AC out of the chassis -  makes a difference.  On my main systems, I upgraded to an Auralic Aries G2 using wireless driving my Audiomirror Tubadour SE DAC.  I also use a Bricasti M3 DAC with the network streamer option fed by ethernet on the other high-end system.  Right now I am in my office listening to the Bluesound Node 2i (w/ upgrade) with the Schiit Bifrost 2 DAC.  Sounds great.  I have found I am very sensitive to digital glare, and all of my systems are at a place now where that isn't a problem for me.

Ah, I see the old binary zeros and ones raised its ugly head.

Yes, couldn't agree more. That is the basis of digital. 

Sadly there's more to it than that.

Oils ain't oils and for sure equipment ain't equipment.


@soix No I have not.

Giving it and the Ref501S a good run in and will give them both a listen next week when I get back into town.

Thanks for reminding me.

Have a great day.

I agree that phones are "overlooked and vastly underrated as a front end streaming/player platform". 

+2.  I recently upgraded the Apple Camera Adapter with a LavriCable version and the improvement was not small, in case anyone else is using that setup.  At some point I’ll try a dedicated streamer because, well, I’m an audiophile so really have no choice.  But I’m pretty happy with the extreme convenience and cost effectiveness of using my iPhone/iPad with Qobuz so the improvement will have to be significant to give all that up. 

Incidentally, @jerryg123, did you ever give an update on your impressions of the Mini GaN 5?  VERY interested in your findings!

I went from a Bluesound Node 2 to a Lumin T2 that I got a good deal on used. The difference that I hear is the Lumin presents significantly more detail. Things like the singer’s breath at the end of a line, or the little fret squeaks on a chord change.

From what I’ve read my unit is still in the break in phase, as the previous owner had it in a second system and had 5 hours on it tops. I leave it playing all the time and it now has about 200 hours on it.

I will say in terms of sound characteristics, the Lumin sounds thinner, more clinical, and perhaps a tad brighter. Perhaps things will change with further break in. 

The Node on the other hand puts out more bass and has more meat in the mid range. My opinion is the Node is still a fantastic bit of kit and great value for $500.

I don’t think I ever want to spend more than $5k for a streamer. But never say never. I am curious though how my T2 sounds to comparable offerings from Auralic and Aurender.

@david_ten , I agree that phones are "overlooked and vastly underrated as a front end streaming/player platform".  First, most of us already have one. Second, you can carry them with you wherever you go. Third, you might be surprised at the sound quality. Oh, and you get a nice built-in display/control panel.  An iPad has similar advantages (along with a bigger display).

On my main system a Node 2 with the linear power supply upgrade from Poland, separate power supply, and Cullen AC cable feeding my McIntosh D150 thru an analysis plus digital cable. In my other two vintage systems Node N100s with Nordost power cables and Lifatech optical cables feeds the DACs.

@dinov — So what? Who cares? What’s your point? And did you mean Aurender N100, not that it matters because your post is utterly useless to anyone. Please don’t waste people’s time with what you own and no further comment. Nobody cares.

On my main system a Node 2 with the linear power supply upgrade from Poland, separate power supply, and Cullen AC cable feeding my McIntosh D150 thru an analysis plus digital cable. In my other two vintage systems Node N100s with Nordost power cables and Lifatech optical cables feeds the DACs. 

Our Lyngdorf already has a Roon implemented so I went with a  Roon Plus a Nucleus with Qbuz. Really clean. No complaints, but I don't have anything to compare it to...

Any advice on a streamer that does multi room.  I do not want to use roon.

Price is not that important for the main room up to 5-6K.  Other zones I prefer to stay around 2 K.  Looking for streamer only for the main zone.

dadfoe the m5 is not aroon streamer it is an endpoint


if you want to use it with roon you need a roon core


we are bricasti, roon lunin dealers and we import an incredibile line of servers from belgium that are both a full roon core and an endpoint

Used in the manner that 432 EVO intends, it’s also the best USB source I’ve tested to now and if I used one all the time,



also most high quality dacs sound way better through usb then spdif.


usb offers ayncronous clocking which lowers jitteer.


Dave and troy

Audio intellect nj

bricasti, lumin,432Evo dealers

Bricasti M5. Handmade in USA, bulletproof build, flawless performance. Roon ready. Can be had brand new for $2k. No USB needed.

+1; I can recommend the M5 as a Roon streamer.   I purchased one and was amazed at the better sound quality I heard from it vs my previous long term streamer a Pi/Digi+ SPDIF output board with a iFi Power Supply.   No complaints from me though regarding the latter as for a few hundred dollars that combo sounds good and was bullet proof running Roon for many years.

A big bonus of the M5 vs the USB only streamers is you can try its different output interfaces to see which one works best with your DAC (it may not be USB...).   I've also purchased an OpticalRendu to compare its USB output to the M5 USB output and I thought it equaled the sound quality of the OpticalRendu, but found its SPDIF output with my DAC to sound better yet.

I am considering a power supply board and linear power supply from PD Creative.in my Node 2i.  About $280 from Poland.  Can't play with the big boys. 

@audiophile7605  +1 to your post. Phones are overlooked and vastly underrated as a front end streaming/player platform. 

I encourage you to take the next step with your LG (...bypass it's DAC) and add a small form factor player/DAC/amp for comparisons purposes. Easy to do and you may be really surprised and pleased with the results.

Believe it or not I use an LG V 30 phone plugged directly into my amp. It has a quad dac and I hook it in with a nice quality audioquest cable. I use Amazon hi Rez and it sounds great. LG V series phones all came with a hifi quad dac built in. They are all discontinued and can be picked up used for a few hundred . It works very well.

Unless you are having software problems,  all streamers will sound alike. 


Zeros and ones. 



I currently use a BlueSound Node 2i.  I am in the process of changing from using RCA cables to connect my BlueSound to my ARCAM AVR550.  The Cable Company suggested connecting my BlueSound to my ARCAM AVR550 because the DAC inside my ARCAM AVR550 is higher quality.  What I would like to know is by connecting via digital cable, I will lose MQA.  Will I be giving up a better sound or will I notice better sound quality using the DAC inside my ARCAM.  I have been told I will not be able to stream at 24/192.  Is that true or false.  So many people feel MQA is just a marketing tool to capture Tidal users.  It is difficult to know who is being truthful or who wants complete control.  I recently had someone over to my house from the Harmon Luxury group.  He demonstrated Qbuz and Tidal and I felt there was a noticeable sound quality difference using Qbuz.  Qbuz to my knowledge does not use MQA.  So many in this hobby say MQA is nothing but a marketing ploy.

I've tried several components to support streaming in my system, at various times.

Roughly in order of preference (most to least preferred):

1. Matrix Audio Element X

Pros:  Roon ready; combines DAC+streamer+preamp in one box; excellent SQ; functions as either a USB-attached or Network-attached DAC.

2. Mac Mini

Pros:  all the versatility of a full-function computer, including support for advanced DSP/upsampling tools such as HQ Player and BACCH4Mac.

Cons:  need to access via screen sharing; complexity of setting up and trouble-shooting software

3. Sonore ultraRendu

Pros: relatively inexpensive way to get high SQ and simple streaming; supports HQ Player; Roon-ready

4. Bluesound Node 2i

Pros:  lots of functionality packed into small low-cost box;  nice programmable remote-control capabilities;  Roon-ready

Cons: not necessarily the best SQ for what I'm willing to spend; no USB except for storage.

5. iPhone 7

Pros:  Small and convenient in a pinch; portable

Cons:  Can't use it easily with my current amp and pre-amp setup.  With a Peachtree integrated amp, can  work pretty well.

So each of the above has a different mix of pros/cons.

I think the biggest differences have more to do with functionality than any effect on SQ of the streaming function, per se. For an all-digital system To me it makes sense to integrate streamer, DAC, and pre-amp into one box. In that case, the main concern isn't the streaming function but other functions such as the DAC, the pre-amp inputs, and the volume-control.  If cost were no object, my ideal component would look something like the new Lumin P1. Compared to the Matrix Element X, it adds HDMI Arc (for easier/better integration with a TV) , a Roon-ready IR remote, and fiber optic network input.  But it's nearly triple the cost of an Element X, so I'd want to believe the SQ is noticeably better. With fiber optics and more sophisticated volume control, as well as dual mono DAC chips, maybe it would be.

Liked the Lumin sound, big improvement over the best of Cambridge, but the app was confounding. Aurender N100H is less analytical but fuller, richer, with a pretty-good app aided by outstanding email tech support. Next step up will be one of the bigger, badder, cooler-looking Aurenders that give visual pleasure even when not playing. 

Current system, Tekton DI's,SVS sb 4000 sub, Benchmark LA-4 preamp, Their DAC 3 B, Peachtree AMP 500,  I stream Amazon HD service through my windows based laptop into my Dac3B to my listening position 15' away via a corded 2.0 cable. Listen mainly to Rock and Roll loudly. Had tried the Blue sound node unit, however my direct wired set up sounder far better. Only  downside is cord, however, once in place, works great. Many of the streamers do not support Amazon service either. Can't imagine a better sound through any streamer, unless it contained a better DAC. Thanks Robert TN

I stream exclusively via Qobuz and moved from a tweaked Node2i to a Aurender N100SC. Dac at the time was a ARC Dac7. The overall improvement was substantial.

NAD C-658 With MDC HDM-2 card. I went with what I could afford. I can't find any faults with this yet. I run a Panasonic DB-UB90001K and my laptop through the card. With a network connection to my media server I am happy, for now. I would like to get the HiFiRose RS150B eventually but so far I am not sure I need to.

Roon Nucleus with Small Green Computer linear power.  I control the Nucleus with an iPad or Mac desktop. Zero problems. The limitation is that it only works with Roon.