

Discussions terryakhan has started

JL Audio F110 Loud pop when pc unplugged ?295910
Spectron MIII mk II owner's question.1657630
Aesthetix Calypso upgrade to Signature version ?45112
Large brass devices on top of power amps ?1146620
Wyred 4 Sound STP Se preamp tweaks and upgrades ?885910
Differences PS Audio Trio P 200 and older GPC 20028550
Ayre KX-R and Pass Labs X 20 comparison ?90937
BAT VK-P5 6922 tube question ?41247
Pass Labs XVR 1 upgraded pot replacement ?51097
Lyngdorf RP-1 Room Correction Device, opinions pls104136
Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?2400840
Removal of plug/wall outlet - hard connection ?404515
Oracle 2500 CDP and vibration control devices ?27451
BAT phono VK5 which tubes best to roll ?19010
BAT REX and VK 52se above the VK 51se80773