Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?


I’m looking for a good set of cables (speaker, RCA interconnect, digital coax) to replace a bunch of cheap off-brand cables with something better from a single manufacturer.  I have annoyingly specific requirements: they need to be on the warm/forgiving side, need to be flexible at the connectors because of a tight fit behind by gear, and need to be reasonably priced (probably not more than around $250 a piece).  

I tried Kimber Timbre interconnects and Kimber VS21 coax, but this combo was too bright/leading-edge focused in my system. 

Thanks for any advice!


In addition to the suggestions provided here, I would consider making contact with the Cable Company for a free consultation, as well as their lending library if you have the time and want firsthand experiences with various cable looms.

Within my system, I prefer warm-ish sounding cables which originally lead me to Cardas. If wanting to purchase new interconnects and coax I’d take a look at their Iridium line - maybe Iridium RCAs and Parsec Coax. For speaker cables, either their Crosslink line for shorter runs or the 101 “no frills” speaker cable for long runs through Audio Advisor if wanting to stay under that $250 limit.

I personally think their Iridium line is the best value.

Nonetheless, lots of options to explore beyond Cardas!

Audience OHNO. Keep in mind speaker cables almost always cost more than the interconnects. Check https://partsconnexion.com/

I’d give a call to Ice Age Audio and Pine Tree Audio and see what they recommend for your needs.  Both have a reputation for giving helpful advice and are a big step up from the cheap stuff but still well within your budget, and I believe both offer a trial period so little risk.  Best of luck. 




Definitely look at Cardas... through the Cable Company. They have new and used. The lower on price the warmer... they are assuming lower cost components will be used with lower levels of their products and therefore be cooler more analytical sounding. Which they tend to be. 

I agree with the Cardas suggestions but, I would make the Iridium line as the lower cut off point. I strongly suggest skipping the 101 speaker cable and also recommend against choosing the low cost CABE banana plugs. The copper in the Iridium cables is much better than in the 101 cable and Cardas says so. The Iridium line is a high bang for the buck product. 

There are literally hundreds of options to choose from. .. which will be the best?  Only a trial in your system will tell you.  I've found that the more problems you have in your components, the more that you need cables to counteract your systems deficiencies.  I've tried numerous brands over the years, and they all create a slightly different sound.  Personally, I have settled on the cheap Amazon Monoprice cables for my current system, as they sound the best in my current system.  I have no idea how they would sound in your system. . . 

I recently went through the same search.  Ultimately bought Audio Art  Copper Cryo speaker cables with upgraded ETI Copper spades.  Also bought the AAC D1-SE2 digital cable ( check out review on Audio Bacon) They are outstanding!  Believe me they out performed multiple other brands which were more expensive.

Rob Fritz ( owner/ creator ) is great to work with as well.

Mid range Wire World is particularly warm, and if that's still not warm enough try mid to low end Monster cable which is particularly dark.

For speaker wire, the analysis plus 12 gauge blacks are awesome and you can get a deal from a dealer for around 300 for a pair.  They are warm while still allowing high end detail to shine through.

I wouldn't be opposed to mixing manufacturers cables if I was you.  In my experience, interconnects are way less impactful to a system than other cabling.  I still rock mogami for mine after comparing to others and not feeling it was worth it.

Best of luck to you!  If you can find a hifi dealer that will let you borrow cabling, this is by far the best way for you to decide what works well in YOUR system

For speaker cables I recommend the Canare 4S11 speaker cables.  For around $100.00 you will get a fairly neutral cable that sounds amazing.  I switched from expensive cables to these 5 or so years ago and never looked back.  Break in is long, around 500 hours but everything is there in spades, thunderous bass, smooth midrange and a very delicate treble.  I did a long thread on the cables and breaking them in,   I loved them so much, I use them in both my systems now.  


Previously difficult to source in smaller quantities Canare 4S11G (OFC) is now available @ the following link (45 cents more a foot).

This said, the original 4S11 (which I have) is not very flexible, but I do prefer it sonically to the older versions of Kimber  4VS/4TC I've used in the past.




I would look at the Morrow Audio cables.  They are relatively inexpensive and I thought were very good for the price. I ended up moving to Shunyata Sigma's, which are outstanding, but significantly more expensive.

Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?

Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme is exactly what you've described.  They're relatively flexible - but not around tight corners.   The later models: Matrix & Luminscape are more detailed. Not what you want.

2 suggestions.  Blue Jeans cable and Pine Tree audio.  You can contact both directly and share your specific needs and they will work with you.  I have both and they’re excellent and within your price range. 

My two inexpensive, but very good cable companies are Signal Cable, and Pine Tree Audio. I just got three interconnects, a power cable, and high quality jumpers from Pine Tree, and they are all very good. At less than the cables they replaced, they are every bit as good. And Signal Cable made me some custom power cords, and very long RCA cables for my sub. Again, excellent quality for affordable prices.

I've never owned the real, real expensive stuff, and I suspect if I did, I'd understand why some of them are so pricey. So, I'm gonna make sure I never hear them...

Warm? Cables don't change sounds. Get plain old OFC at a gauge that supports the length of the run (I always use 12 AWG which is honestly overkill). Heck, you could literally use a collar hanger and not notice the difference. 

@squared80 go back to that site that swears by measurements,cables have no sound & all amplifiers sound the same,you’ll feel right at home....
OP,mid range Pangea Audio would be my recommendation,the ones that use Cardas copper...

+1 Blue Jeans for cables and hospital grade power cords.  Have had fancier stuff but couldn't hear difference (Rega => ELAC => Bryston => BJ => ProAc).

The Kimber cable was bright?!?!?

Was the cable new and perhaps you did not allow enough break in? Kimber is not bright.

Stay away from the snake oil. All you need is OFC, 12 AWG or whatever you need for the length of your run. You could also use coat hangers and you wouldn't webbed know the difference.


Like I said, use science, not snake oil.