

Responses from jrareform

Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
@sns thanks for the detailed instructions.  One of my best friends is a tinkerer that does all my soldering work so I may see if he's up for the job.  If you are saying you're getting high end results at a fraction of the cost, I'm all ears.  The ... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
@sns that looks like a solid option.  What do materials cost on those typically for you and how difficult are they to create?  @knownothing good call on that.  I figure these were at least OFC but my shunyata stuff is all OCC which is definitely ... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
This is what I wound up going with. Well reviewed, thick gauge. I’ve also heard people say their isolation feet for speakers are real good for the price. If these offer an audible benefit on my second system, this may behoove me to install higher ... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
@stereo5 yea I know the feeling.  Plenty of gear I need to list as well I think I'm going to go with some of these well reviewed Amazon chi-fi ones and see what happens.  Hard to justify nice 3 or 4 meter sub cables when I'm extremely pleased wit... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
@stereo5 - you had thousands of dollars worth of cabling and power conditioning "just laying around" haha - must be nice - also good to hear that Sandy G would use the equipment too.  I've really been impressed with Shunyata gear @docknow - inte... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
Thanks everyone for the responses.  Varying answers which I always appreciate.  I have noticed power conditioning has helped my subs sound more tight and controlled so I figure a solid power cord may able to help as well.  But I agree that going f... 
Got Innuous, now a DAC
I've recently had the pleasure of listening to several DACs around your price range and above.  In my opinion the Gustard R26 was way better than the holoaudio cyan 2 in my system.  The Holoaudio has insanely revealing top end but the mids are so ... 
Warm, flexible, cheap-ish cables?
For speaker wire, the analysis plus 12 gauge blacks are awesome and you can get a deal from a dealer for around 300 for a pair.  They are warm while still allowing high end detail to shine through. I wouldn't be opposed to mixing manufacturers ca... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
@tablejockey so you've heard these speakers and can attest that you can find better sound for 15K?  "You can find nicer looking with equal/better sound for $15K" Oh that's great, where's your review and how many hours did you spend with these spea... 
I recently had the pleasure of listening to the OJAS collaboration with Klipsch, the KO-R1 at my local hifi shop.  At low volumes it sounded absolutely amazing with vocal content.  Not much below 50 Hz with these as I understand, but if you aren't... 
Needing DAC Advice
Currently demoing a T&A D200 DAC.  The most substantial difference I've ever heard in a DAC.  I use an RME in my studio setup, and have familiarity with several DACs although never compared directly to this one.  I HIGHLY recommend you demo on... 
Has anyone here had any dealings with Tekton, particularly their subwoofers
This has devolved a bit for the OP.  Classic ASR vs Tekton owners thread.  The truth is somewhere in the middle.  I don't find Amir to be the most unbiased person, so his comments I take with a grain of salt.  He trashed the Sony SSCS5 speakers th... 
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables?
Shunyata alpha or theta USB was huge in my system.  Went with slpha ultimately but theta gave me most of the alpha improvement but found a used alpha online for same price as a new theta.  I'd HIGHLY recommend you find a local hifi shop to let you... 
Room is way too bright.
Having a picture of your space may help us determine solutions.  The ceiling panel, also known as a cloud, is probably your best bet without covering your windows with absorption.  Handling that ceiling bounce will at least mitigate that reflectio... 
Has anyone here had any dealings with Tekton, particularly their subwoofers
@incorrigable the drivers are "off the rack" but he goes through many tweeters to find matched responses, and bins the other ones.  Not exactly the most environmentally friendly way to go about it, but I can't argue with the sound.  @larsman I th...