The best speaker you ever heard?
In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.
I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
2,095 responses Add your response
Klipschorns! Too big and too expensive so, I just keep coming back to my very old but upgraded Klipsch Quartets. I have owned Martin Logan Sequel lls, AR-3s, JBL Decade 36s, Allison CD8s and CD9s, Klipsch Forte early version, Klipsch Heresy lls. All of the above were great speakers, just love my Quartets. |
Some monsterously huge Focals something or other, years back at the RMAF. Using electromagnets for their bass drivers etc. Impossible to afford and useless in any of the listening areas I ever called my own, plus zero WAF to boot. So in answer to the OP's question, in real life none, sounding better than what I own since 1996, Burmester 961. Maybe some Karma 3 way units might sound a lot better. I do find their looks suit my taste, though their prices not so much. 🙄 Amen. M. 🇿🇦 |
The new ProAc K3 and K6's ! ProAc has got these boxes tuned just right and your music sounds so uncanny Real.. much like you hear at a Live Concert ! I don't hear this when listening to the Magico A5's or M6's or Vivid Audio and others I've heard in the past. This could be End-Game speakers for a lot of us ! |
20 year old thread and while I was skipping a page here and there I didn’t see votes for the speakers that impressed me the most. Usually my favorite is the pair I just sold til my ears get used to the pair I have then within a year or so I find something, some characteristic that breaks the spell and the cycle restarts. |
All rounder: Snell A/III What they got right: Amazing top to bottom integration, tremendous bass, perfect imaging, great off axis. Imagine the combination of Wilson’s bass plus Martin Logan's imaging but without tonal exaggerations anywhere to be found. Amazing imaging: Early Martin Logal full range ESLs. Terrible tonal balance compared to today’s standards. |
I have heard the Infinity IRS---as well as their original Servo-Static I and RS-1b (which I for a time owned), Wilson WAMM, current big Wilsons (don’t know that model, but they retail for around $200,000, I believe), single and stacked Quads (my own), Magnepan 30.7 (and the earlier Tympani T-IVa, upon which the 30.7 is based. I currently own a pair), all the Acoustats, Jadis horns, Altec Voice Of The Theater, Marten Coltrane, all the Martin Logans, big SoundLabs, Vandersteen Model 5, and others that don’t come to mind at this moment. But if I was to go out and buy a pair now, the Sanders ESL would be at the top of my list. I’ve heard them twice, and LOVED ’em! |
For me it's still the Vandersteen System 9 (pair of sub 9's with Model 7 mk2). I've heard the larger Magico's, Rockports, top two Wilson's, Von Schwiekerts, Dynaudio's top three models as well as the largest Maggies (newest), Tidal's and others in the over 100k league. Vandy still gives me the goosebumps. I have always been drawn to true phase and time correct speakers and I'm not into digital room correction for bass built in etc... I've yet to hear it done properly. That doesn't mean that I couldn't own some of these others and love them, but I'd want the Vandersteen's and I wasn't even a fan years ago. Just like any other speaker, they need to be set up correctly. I've been blessed to be able to audition so much awesome gear. Oh, I like the Kharma's too. Another excellent speaker. |
First Post here. The best speakers I ever heard in person, were the Carver Amazing loud Speakers, driven by Carver Silver Seven amps (Yamaha Natural sound Preamp, and Digital Time lens processor). This was back in 1987 at The Groove Audio Video in Houston. It was life changing, holographic to the point you were INSIDE the music. When funds allow it I am getting some Martin Logan EM ESLs, and will drive them with a PS Audio Stellar S300, and a Shiit Freya+. |
The more I listen, the more I realize that I'm part of teh group that's supper sensitive to time and phase correct speakers. I'm talking true time and phase correct and that means the whole system. It's more expensive to make a speaker this way and the crossover isn't cheap, nor is it easy to do correctly. There are only a handful of speaker who are built this way, but when you hear it set up properly, you get the emotion that is often times absent (to my ears) in many of the 150k plus speakers out there. Almost like the OLD tube vs SS deal. I had owned tubes only since the mid 70's until I found some SS companies that were neither tube nor SS. again, just my take. |
The electrovoice carlton 4 speaker from 1948 but not released until 1954 is the best i have because of the amount of recorded information they reveal that other speakers just gloss over along with unbounded dynamics and authority they are truly amazing on every type of music but shine on the challenging music that other speakers can not handle. |
Huh? What are you referring to @grislybutter ? |
@roxy54 never mind, I didn't know how old these posts were |
That’s ok. Thanks for showing us who you are. Much appreciated…. |
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