
Discussions ctsooner has started

New Vandersteen Control Center (pre amp) will be at the Ultra Fidelis room at AXPONIA25639
Met a great dealer in Milwaukee last week20526
Brand new Vandersteen Model 2's895582
Heard the Computer Audio Design GC1489012
Finally got to hear the new Vandersteen KÄ“nto's with the 493610
Who's going to Audio Connection in Verona, NJ on Saturday to meet Richard Vandersteen 14852
Got to visit Audio Alternatives 362016
got to visit Ayre yesterday432233
Bad experience with Bluesound Soundbar's30698
Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs270721
Vandersteen's new affordable mono blocks at the CES 181053167
Just saw the Absolute Sounds 50 Greatest Bargins in Audio662616
John Atkinson's thoughts on the New Vandersteen System Nine from LA Show975340
VANDERSTEEN 2 owners can get $500 for trade in20257