The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?

Showing 16 responses by roxy54

The most perfectly satisfying speaker that I have ever listened to is ther Harbeth Monitor 40. Despite the many far more expensive systems that I have auditioned in the past, these were the first that were above criticism- they just play music.
Very true Mcgarick. I owned the TDL Monitor for years, bought them again recently, but sold them because they were not compatible with my current listening room. Still, they were and are a very good speaker.
Do you produce speakers of your own design for sale commercially?
This thread isn't for questions. It is for the best speaker you ever heard.
But the question wasn't whether you own them or not. The question was what is the best speaker you ever heard.
I don't have much respect for Talon, who I believe was bought out by Rives. I heard a couple of their speakers, and despite their claims of unique exotic venting etc., I found them dynamically dead, and average at best. In addition to that, I really disliked the way they doubled the price of their speakers as soon as they became flavor-of-the-month. Any speaker that needs as much tweeking as you describe has a problem. As I remember, there were always plenty of used ones for sale as well. I also recall them having a problem with peeling veneers.
I am sorry. Reading my post, I realized that it sounded very heavy handed. I did have an unpleasant experience with the company in a phone call years ago.
I am glad to hear that you have found a way to improve your speakers, and took the time to share the information with other members. I apologize for any offense.
I have heard the ATC SCM 100 on 2 occasions, and it really is a destination speaker. Of course, it goes without saying that there are many others.
After hrs,
You make a good point. Of course source, pre and cables are important variables as well, along with room acoustics.
Weren't the speakers called Grand Stradivari? The amps were called Performance I think, but there were bigger and smaller ones.
What amps were the Cello speakers using? Even his biggest amps didn't have anything close to that power output, and the biggest speakers he made were not that inefficient.
"I know it's completely unrealistic for me to ever own but it was the best pair of speakers I've ever heard."

What speakers are you talking about?