Streamer Advice

Hi, I'm in the market for a new streamer and was considering Bluesound N132 then found out to make it better I need to upgrade the module inside and then add external power supply. So then I thought about PS Audio Airlens so wouldn't have to go through all the upgrades for Bluesound. Too bad Bluesound just can't make the Node good from the start. Is there any other streamers that would be really musical I should consider under $1500?  Thanks for your replies in advance!

Also I will be using my own DAC a Wyred4Sound Anniversary edition.


I'm eventually open to a streamer upgrade, but I've gone the practical route until I learn a bit more. I've had a Bluesound Node (3rd gen), and both Cambridge's CXN V2 and CXN100. The Node is running wireless in the basement. The other two are wired from the routers. I am unsure which would be replaced in an upgrade gesture, given the capabilities of their respective systems. They seem to be in the "good enough" category for me. For now.

The CXN V2 runs through a separate dac, and is slightly better for it. The CD transport upstairs run through the CXN100 dac. The Bluesound Node is RCA analog out to the preamp.

I am going to muck about with the basement system via some tube rolling, using Cowboy Junkies Songs of the Recollection, using both streamed and CD as sources for comparisons. If my intentions remain organized!

I evaluated the PS AirLens and Matrix Element S together (similar price point) and ended up keeping the Matrix whcih had a better soundstage.

I purchased a Cambridge CXN100 and am delighted. Believe it or not Nashville doesn’t have that many places to demo equipment and God forbid you ask to demo one at home. When Cumberland Audio and Premiere Audio were here, they would gladly let you take equipment home. Rick Lumas, who ran Cumberland didn’t even want a CC for security, but we had become close. Bill Davis, who had Premiere even brought a couple amps for me to audition.  Bill taught me “how to listen” and I’m very grateful. I’m sure that sounds strange, but it isn’t. What I’m trying to say is I haven’t heard a high end streamer next to a CXN100, so I do know what I’m missing. 

I get great results from Moon 891 DAC streamed from a Roon Nucleus physically connected by an AudioQuest Diamond USB cable.

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I never had luck with wifi extenders and I have to research Mesh systems, I am not familiar with what hardware I will need. Do you know what brand I will need and model number?

You really don’t wanna use Wi-Fi — bypassing a streamers Wi-Fi processing is preferable.  Better to get a Wi-Fi extender or Mesh system and go hardwired from that into your streamer, which also puts Innuos back on the table. 

It looks like the Pulse mini doesn't use Wifi and has to be hard wired so I need to find something that has wifi built in. My router is too far from my system and I don't want to run long cable two rooms away. Innuos has great reviews too bad no Wifi. 

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Looking at the OP's system including his DAC, it seems that going with a better streamer would be a great sonic choice - so my vote is Innuos.

What are people's opinions on the IFI Zen Stream? 

@aberyclark  I think it’s probably one of the best sounding streamers at its price point, but it’s given me fits getting it to link up through a Wi-Fi extender and their customer support is basically nonexistent.  Others have reported having connection problems as well so I don’t think it’s just me.  They also don’t as of yet have a direct connection to Qobuz as far as I know but apparently that’s coming.  

I just ditched my Bluesound Node2i. The app is not very user friendly and the sound is ok but not perfect. I got a Wiim Pro as I only go digital coax from there to digital amp Sounds WAY better. I also ordered a Allo Shanti LPS just to test that. Until now I use a power bank to feed the Wiim. Sounds great 👍

@romad - Another vote for Innuos. Great product. Excellent sound. Their Sense App is fantastic. And their support is solid. 

Innuous Zen Mk 3 inc. Storage and ripper 

These people actually have service.  Excellent equipment. Built in LPS.  I just replaced a Node with upgraded power supply and got the Innuous. Big difference.


Whatever brand you buy, the software has to work.  I put up with Qobuz is not usable.  Maybe new ones work better.

Right around your price point I already recommended one earlier, which is about as good as you’re gonna do. 

It seems like many people like the Innuos I will have to consider that one, anybody know which one I should consider and keep for a while?

People have said that Tidal dropped MQA but I don't understand why Master mode still comes up on my Android phone. Can anyone explain why this is?

Don't have a DAC, but have the Cambridge Audio streamer. It works, and sounds wonderful! Did a back to back with a WIIM, Bluesound, and Eversolo. 

The CA unit sounded the best out of all of them. It also supports MQA, it sounded very good until Tidal dropped them all. 

My mini review....

WIIM, sounds a little basic, nothing special

Bluesound sounds a little compressed

Eversolo sounds clinical

Cambridge Audio, just right, almost analog.

Can you notice the difference between any of those formats, streaming a wireless signal to a $20 dollar speaker(s) inside of a $200-$400 plastic box? Don’t get me wrong, I love Sonos, and have a Play 5 that the wife streams Roon to, but I think a 320kbps Spotify stream is beyond good enough for that application: I don’t think I would be able to tell whether the Antipodes or my iphone is streaming to the Sonos- and not going to try.


MQA is not a format being adopted by the music industry, high resolution files are whats being used today. MQA is dead. Plus the limitations of the SONOS prevent it from streaming at the levels you want , upgrade your music streamer to a streamer that can handle the super high rez files. 

The reason I wanted to get MQA, is when I stream to my Sonos it gives me the options of using Flac or High using Tidal Connect. When just listening to streaming only from my Android phone Galaxy S22, it will let me select either Master, Flac, or High but when I stream to the Sonos I don't get the option for Master so I just thought the Sonos doesn't support it and I should upgrade my streamer.

This is why I wanted to upgrade.

The reason I want to upgrade is the Sonos does not support MQA.

It seems like you have read some articles from a few years ago. Ignore all that MQA garbage. That suggestion posted by soix above is a good one, and it is from a dealer- if you are truly looking for sound quality improvements it would be really hard to do better than that for the money, considering how much does 500 GB of music cost? It will be gone soon guaranteed.

Since you don’t have a description of your system on your profile page, had to stalk some of your discussions. Seems like most of your system is fairly nice. 👍 Do as @soix suggested. This will give your Meridian a much deserved rest. Plus this will kill two birds with one stone. Remember as important as the loudspeaker is in the system. There are many who will argue that it’s the source. Seriously look at INNUOS, LUMIN, or AURENDER machines. These are the brands that get the most 👍.
P. S. If you list your system on your profile, you will get a much better responses than I from much much smarter people than I trust me on this one. Hey enjoy the day. It’s raining here in Washington.

Music Direct had “demo/open box” Aurender N100 for $1600 with full warranty- at least as of a couple of months ago. Mine looked new and totally outclassed my Node with LPS into a Pontus

I don’t think any current streaming service offers MQA… Tidal dropped it last year 

I found the Lumin U1 mini  a set up over both the bluesound node and eversolo 6 that I bought owned.  I believe its in your budget used.  I like it so much  I upgraded to the Lumin U2.

Another vote for the WIIM Ultra. It has many features & connections you’ll ever need. I kept it simple & matched it up with the FOSI ZD3 DAC & added the openness & separation that anyone would need. The built in EQ & room correction are nice features. 

I appreciate all the responses so far. Still not sure the best route to go for all these responses. I will be upgrading from a Sonos Connect modded by Wyred4Sound.

The reason I want to upgrade is the Sonos does not support MQA. So this is why I wanted to move to something better. I think the Sonos is about 10 years old but still working.

I have both Bluseound and Eversolo. I love both and find both apps to be super user friendly. I'm also using external DAC's for both (DENAFRIPS Pontus II 12th with Esolo and Gustard X18 with the BS). I'd highly recommend either, but I love the video screen which is why I upgraded from Node to Icon...

If you're going to use a DAC you already like, just get the BS Nano.  I did not participate in this, but three of my friends recently got together to A/B/C compare the Nano, a Roon Nucleus, and the Airlens (which is what my friend was using for streaming to his PS Audio DAC).  All three of them said they could tell no difference in sound from any of the three streamers.  The Airlens is gone, the Nano has taken its place. 

I second the Innuos recommendation.  I bought a used Zen MK3 from a great local dealer for $1800.  A definite upgrade from by Bluesound Node N130 streamer.  It also has a CD ripper with storage so if you have CDs you can have in one component and control from the easy to use Sense app.  

Just get a WiiM Ultra. No need for anything more unless you have a crazy expensive system. Speakers are the weak link in 99.5% of systems (by a longshot), not the streamer’s power supply. 

When shopping a streamer the most important consideration is the UI. Bluesound’s is one of the best, but WiiM’s is better IMO. Eversolo also has a good one.

Buy used.  If I was you I’d jump on this immediately.  It’ll smoke any Node and you get Innuos’ excellent Sense app, which is not a small consideration.

Best of luck. 

it has been almost a year since you’ve asked this question. So I’m going to assume you’ve saved up your money and ready to pull the trigger. The problem I see that you were going to have as you have a pretty nice DAC. My suggestion is to continue to save a few more coins and get a INNUOS. PULSE. That truly would do justice for such a nice piece of gear. Enjoy.

AirLens is terrific - and PS has a great and unique trade-in the other end the WiiM Pro Plus is great for the money...and in the middle the Cambridge stuff...I currently use all three...