

Responses from mattmiller

Speakers sound too bright.
If after break in your still not happy, try some MIT cables or Transparent , these are what we use to soften up a bright sound.   Matt M  
Stream Tidal to Oppo BDP-105?
The Oppo would need to be connected to Wi fi either with a Cat 5 or using the wireless adapter provided with the player. Then you have to have Tidal open and within the tidal app you can then airplay to the Oppo and hear sound over your system. If... 
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Well on paper it looks like they would perform very well with a good powerful (150-200watts) and clean musical sounding solid state amplifier. Although tubes are not out of the question here, so here again it needs to be a amp of at least 50-75 wa... 
Streaming network puzzle
Dude please stop! Go get drunk and listen to music, if you even have a stereo system.  
Short in my system?
Stop touching it, use the remote.  
Bose Chucks Mac
Yaaay! McIntosh should’nt be in the Magnolia Audio stores at select Best Buys, because Best Buy is Mid fi audio gear Not High end MC275 tube amps being sold at best buy from some teenage sales person thats clueless! dont get me started. Not to men... 
MC 255 or MC 303 + Emotiva XPA-2 Combo - For Stereo and 5.1 Music Listening
Do you want to listen to music and a nice high volume for extended periods of time? If yes then go with the McIntosh all day !  And remember...There is no such thing as a used McIntosh amp, only NEW owners :-)  
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
Kevin has helped me on more than one occasion with improving my system with the products he sells and offering great advice. Plus hes the guy with all the tubes!!!   
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
I love the REGA P3 turntable with the RB301, back in the day with a Dynavector 10X5 (then $450) this was a very lively and engaging,fun, very fun, did i say fun setups! Which then led me to JA Michell Gyro SE and the REGA RB301 modified Techno Arm... 
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
Anything from Johnny Hodges  (Dukes first sax), Stanley Turrentine, George Benson-Giblet Gravy (early years), Count Basie, Lavay Smith and the Red hot skillet lickers (excellent vocals and masters of jazz instruments ensemble). Anything from Duke ... 
Streamer Advice
MQA is not a format being adopted by the music industry, high resolution files are whats being used today. MQA is dead. Plus the limitations of the SONOS prevent it from streaming at the levels you want , upgrade your music streamer to a streamer ... 
Dynaudio Special 40's vs Wharfedale Super Lintons
I Have had my Dynaudio Contour 3.0's (rated at 200w) for over 20 years. Never have I had any problems with them. I also drive them with a 350 watt per side solid state amp. The Dynaudios love power, and its important to have more than the speakers... 
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?
What Turntable? What Arm? What Cartridge? What Phono pre amp? We need a little more info as to what your currently using.   Matt M  
Who's winning?
Hey I remember (speaking of analog) back in 2012 I was getting into Vinyl heavy and one of my early turntables was a REGA P3 with a Dynavector 10X5 cartridge, this was a very fun time indeed, lots of loud listening sessions was a toe tapping wanna... 
Why some streaming hi res versions are lower SPL
The answer to your question is, every recording or recording studio is setup different has different people the sound is going to be different good or bad and the source clearly shows this. If your system is able.