Speaker or amplifer

I have to choose between a Sonus faber sonetto v g2 or a Hegel h400. I have listened to both of them and came away very impressed.My system consists of a Sonus faber iii and Cronus magnum iii. I like the speakers that I have would the hegel h400 be the best upgrade for my system.


What are Sonus Faber iii?  Olympica?  What specific improvements are you looking for, and what’s the rest of the equipment in your system?

They are sonetto iii the rest of my system consists of Gem dandy poly turntable, Manley Chinook phono stage,and a Auralic Altair G1.1 music streamer. I looking for more dynamics and more bass.

It's your ears you must satisfy. 

If you are looking for more dynamics and more bass - the difference between tube (Rogue) and solid state (Hegel) will be a significant change.  The Sonetto V G2 is an excellent speaker and an improvement over the Sonetto III - the sound will evolve versus change in comparison to changing the amps you describe.

I like the Rogue sound and personally would upgrade the speakers but that's my opinion (which many folks could care less about, and in this case I think you should ignore as well)

Have you listen to the sonetto v g2 will the speakers give me the dynamic and bass with the rogue I’m looking for.

If your room acoustics are so-so but you listened to a pair of speakers in a dealer in an ideal acoustic environment, maybe you need to think about room treatment?

@bigmac1963  -  3 questions.  What kind of music are you listening to?  Can you or do you have a sub-woofer?  And what is your room setup like?  (big, small, speakers on long wall or short wall, lots of windows, hardwood floors or carpet, have you used acoustic treatments, etc.)? 

The question about the room setup is the big one.  You room may have more impact on the sound than any equipment will.

My room acoustics are not the problem I have acoustic planes on the front wall and rear wall. I listen to mostly rock and blues. I use a rel subwoofer.

Always start with the goal.  More dynamics and bass is a good goal but you should be more descriptive.  Dynamics … a broad term … are you simply looking for more slam (macro dynamics), more subtitle micro dynamic detail that gives nuances like decay and ambience.  Bass … are you looking to have better extension into the sub bass region, or more tuneful bass detail that lets you differentiate between the character of different bass instruments and players. 

If you like your system your first start is placement and room treatment.  Bass detail and dynamics can snap into focus with minor changes.  Speaker vibration isolation also gave my system better performance in these areas and can be tried. These two areas are low cost solutions you can experiment with. Other than that, I do not think anyone else but you can say which change will have the most impact in your environment for both your current equipment and desired equipment is published to perform well.  In general with upgrades … speakers, room treatment, front end, amplification, and wiring is my preferred sequence for change.  Demo and let your ears choose, not anyone else’s ears.  

@bigmac1963 -   If the seller has a trial period or will let you take the Hegel home, it would be worth it.  But more importantly, you are looking at a shift in preamp/amp technology, tube to solid state.  Will it be better?. That is a difficult question to answer, but it WILL be different.  So, if you can't demo the Hegel at home, do you have a friend, relative, local dealer, etc. that has something similar to the H400 that you could borrow just to see how a solid state system will affect the sound?  

- just my 2 cents...

Yes I can demo a hegel h 400 at home with my sonetto iii. I’m looking for more slam in my music.This my last upgrade for my system I like the sound of my tube amplifier. Feel like I’m missing something with this amplifier. I don’t know if a will get the sound from the sonetto v g2 with the amplifier I own.

I tested a Rogue and a Hegel amp, same speakers. The Hegel was the best amp I have ever heard, like I had my ears replaced. No idea about the SFs

Based on your described goals, I would definitely go with the Hegel H400 upgrade.  The Hegel will give you everything you desire and more!!!

That is great information on Hegel amplifier I will have to demo Hegel h400 with my sonetto iii speakers. I have heard the Hegel h400 with Sonus faber speakers.That was the best amplifier that I heard to my ears.What Hegel amplifier did you listen to with the sonetto iii.

If you try the Hegel and you find you still prefer the overall sound of the Rogue the best thing to do would be to get two subwoofers that will improve bass, dynamics, as well as imaging and 3D soundstage.  Best of luck. 

I am a big Sonus Faber fan. But, the speaker upgrade would not be a huge change. The system you have today, both components are slanted towards natural sounding music. An alternative rendition of sound are the highly detailed, transparent systems with lots of slam. These are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

The Hegel will definitely provide more slam. But be careful, you would be  changing flavors and loosing midrange bloom and some naturalness in the sound. Tube gear like Rogue (and speakers like Sonus Faber) work to reproduce the natural warm sound of real music, and realistic bass... nuanced and articulate. Solid state amps provide more transparent, fast an lean sound. The slam is somewhat artificial, in solid state can instantaneously hit you will a wall of bass, but is it generally somewhat short-lived and inarticulate. The midrange will not be as meaty and real sounding.

So, having said this. The Hegle will do what you want. I would recommend listening to one and make sure this is the direction you want to go. I very well may be.

If you already like your speakers, then get the amp. Speakers always make a bigger difference than an amp.

Hegel is  for sure a "more bang for your bucks" amp.  I use an older model H360 that I am happy with. But, it does not sound like a tube amp but will power less sensitive speakers very well.  Give and take, if you ask me.

Demo the Hegel in your current system and you’ll know if it’s worth it.  Then do the same changing put just the new speakers.  You might decide you want one or the other, both or no upgrade.  Trust your ears.  

In looking a little further I found these specs from the Sonetto v g2 Stereophile review…

The Sonus faber loudspeaker's voltage sensitivity is specified as 89dB/2.83V/m; my B-weighted estimate was 88.6dB(B), which is within experimental error of the specification. Sonus faber specifies the Sonetto V G2's nominal impedance as 4 ohms. The impedance magnitude (fig.1, solid trace), measured with Dayton Audio's DATS V2 system, remains above 4 ohms for most of the audioband, with a minimum value of 2.9 ohms between 90Hz and 100Hz. The electrical phase angle (fig.1, dotted trace) is high at low and very high frequencies, which means that the effective resistance, or EPDR (footnote 1), drops below 3 ohms between 43Hz and 46Hz, from 65Hz to 203Hz, and above 4.3kHz. The minimum EPDR values are 1.95 ohms at 34Hz, 1.26 ohms at 81Hz, and 2 ohms from 6.5kHz to 7.7kHz. The Sonetto V G2 is a very current-hungry load for amplifiers.

In general these are not speakers I’d drive with a 100Wpc tube amp.  Also, while they’ll get you down to 35Hz vs 42Hz with your current speakers and that will definitely be an improvement it’s still not all that low.  So again if you already like the sound of what you have now, if the Hegel doesn’t do it for you I’d be inclined to add a couple subs rather than getting the Sonetto v g2 as your amp may struggle with them, and the bass, imaging, and soundstage improvements with subs will very likely surpass what you’ll get with the Sonetto v g2.  Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck.


Thanks for everyone reply. I have one subwoofer in my system I can not add another subwoofer.My room size is 12x18 it is my living room.My front is 8’ feet long.

Demo the Hegel first, then get back to us reporting what you liked, disliked, and sonic direction you wish to go like more bass energy, depth, articulation/definition

Hey @bigmac1963, I currently use Sonetto V’s. I have a take that hasn’t been mentioned yet, so I’ll throw my hat into this ring. To me, Sonus Faber speakers are capable of both bombastic bass and macro dynamic slam, on the one hand, and a sweet midrange, on the other hand.

I was able to experience a sweeter sound when a buddy brought over his Triode Lab mono blocks. The sweet sound was amazing, but the lacking bass was unsatisfying for me. On the other hand, when using my Peachtree integrated, the thin midrange and highs are also unsatisfying. My favorite combination with Sonetto V is to bi-amp, with the SS on the low end and tubes on top. Bi-amping, I got the best of both worlds. I don’t see myself being satisfied without bi-amping.

I’m not sure if I could get the bass characteristics I want with subs. I’m open to that possibility. I have one sub currently. I have heard what 4 subs can do in a system, and it’s amazing. Ideally, I suppose I could have multiple subs and bi-amp.

On a side note, how do you like your Polytable? Thinking about adding one to the collection. 

I tell you that I like it so much that is the only Hi fi equipment that I have not sold. I have the older model that has the gelco 9” arm.

What sub are you using?  It’s a little curious that you’re lacking slam while using a sub assuming it’s properly set up. 

That explains a lot. The REL has an 8” driver and only goes down to 30Hz at -6dB so is more like a woofer than a subwoofer, which explains why you’re not getting much slam. All you probably need is something like a Rhythmik F12G to get you what you’re missing.


If a Hegel demo is available I really do not understand what the problem is. 
Demo the damn amp.